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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! With everyone scattered across the Worth Woodsea and being attacked by the various subordinate Dark Guilds under Oración Seis, will the mission to take down one part of the Balam Alliance succeed? The race is on to reach Nirvana, the ancient Magic that was sealed away. Who will find it first? Will the seal break, unleashing the Magic that inverts Light and Dark, or will the Allied Guilds manage to take down the Oración Seis and destroy Nirvana forever?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 49 – Race for Nirvana

In the depths of the Worth Woodsea, battles were taking place as the subordinate Dark Guilds of Oración Seis battled with the members of the Allied Guilds. Four of the six members of the Oración Seis were actively hunting the Mages of the alliance as well, while Brain made his way deeper into the forest, tracking the location of Nirvana by its spreading effect on the vast woodland.





The remnants of the Dark Guild known as ‘Sunny’ cried out as they were engulfed in the blazing flames and heat of Natsu’s Magic. The Magma Dragon Slayer was only inconvenienced by the entire Guild, rather than threatened by them. It was more of a hinderance on his path to trying to find his Mates and other allied Mages than anything else.

“How many of you are there?” Natsu growled at the downed enemy Mages. “You keep getting in my way!”

-Happy and Carla-

“Tomcat… We need to find everyone and regroup.” Carla said with only a glance at Happy. Honestly, she was more worried about Wendy than anyone else. Her friend, ever since they were both very small, and the one that she’d acted as a bit of an advisor for as they grew up, had been adamant to help with this mission for some reason. After seeing the other Dragon Slayers from Fairy Tail, Carla now believed that she understood why Wendy had volunteered.

“Right!” Happy agreed wholeheartedly, both because he wanted to make sure that his family was safe, and because he wanted Carla to like him. “Flying above the forest might be our best bet. But the canopy is so thick I’m not sure we’d be able to see anyone.”

Carla made her wings appear and floated into the air. “If they’re fighting, as I believe they will be, then we just need to follow our ears.”

Happy flew up to join her with a smile. “Aye, ma’am!”

The two cats flew up above the forest and began to search for any signs of their missing friends.

-Entrance to the Worth Woodsea-

“It would seem that we’ve been left behind…” Jura grimaced, the first aid to his stab wound was helpful to a large degree, but the injury wasn’t light enough as to be take care of my mere first aid.

“Meeen…” Ichiya sighed, still looking a bit battered from the surprise attack of Angel and Gemini. “I’m glad that my Pain-Relieving Perfume has gotten you back on your feet, Jura. We should regroup with the others as quickly as possible. Who knows what’s already occurred while we were both incapacitated.” He sparkled a bit, despite his beaten appearance, and looked up at Jura. “If Hibiki is still conscious, we should be contacted as soon as he’s able.”

“He has Telepathy Magic?” Jura asked with some hope. Such Magic would be a godsend in their current situation.

Ichiya gave a short nod. “As part of his Archive Magic, Hibiki has Telepathy Magic to convey the information that he’s able to search for in order to facilitate precise strategies and plans. He’s one of my subordinates and an excellent Support Mage. Meeeeen~” The sparkles returned around Ichiya.

The two older Mages headed into the forest, looking for any traces that would lead them to the rest of their guildmates and allies.

-Wendy and Erza-

“How many Dark Guilds work under Oración Seis?” Wendy asked after she and Erza had finished decimating the Dark Guild called ‘Ccc’ and it’s almost sixty members. “If this keeps up, they’ll eventually find Nirvana before we have a chance to stop them.”

“I know it’s more than a dozen subordinate Guilds.” Erza wasn’t sure of the exact number, as the Dark Guilds rarely showed their connections to one another. The dozen or so that were known to be under Oración Seis had only been found out over years of investigation.

The two women continued moving through the forest, heading back the way they’d been launched in hopes of meeting up with the others. Both were concerned for their family and the other allied Mages, especially given that they now knew that there were multiple Dark Guilds hunting them down in the Worth Woodsea.

“There you are!” Cobra flew down through an open space in the dense canopy on the back of Cubelios the second that Erza and Wendy entered a clearing in the vast forest. “I heard your movements!”

Wendy and Erza immediately prepared for combat as wind swirled around the Sky Dragon Slayer’s arms and Erza requipped into her Adamantine Armor to give her almost no openings for the large snake (now sporting dragon-like wings) to bite her.

“This time I’m not going to play around with you.” Cobra promised, a snarl entering his tone. His glare was locked onto Wendy specifically. “You touched Cubelios, and I’m going to kill you for it!” Before Wendy and Erza’s eyes the skin on Cobra’s hands changed, forming a scale-like pattern. The pattern rose up off his skin, becoming maroon scales as his fingernails turned into sharp claws. A reddish smoke emitted from the scaled hands and the sleeves of Cobra’s jacket seemingly fell apart, revealing that the maroon scales went all the way up his arms to his shoulders. His wide, violent grin showed his canine teeth becoming sharp fangs. “Cobra, the Poison Dragon Slayer! This is where I get serious!”

Wendy’s eyes widened as she recognized what she was seeing from the stories that Grandeeney had told her of the first attempt to pass Dragon Slaying Magic onto humans. “Dragonification… He’s infected with too much Dragon Magic…”

Erza, having learned about this from Natsu after his fight with Laxus, narrowed her eyes at Cobra in a fierce glare. Her memories with Natsu passed through her mind, everything from the day they’d met to her time spent going through the Dragon Soul Ritual with Natsu, becoming family, and sharing their love together. Almost every warm and happy moment of her life was thanks to their love and the Dragon Soul Ritual was deeply rooted in it. She felt her heart thump in her chest as a cold anger began to seep into her body.

“You desecrated the dead… Took that filth into your body?” Wendy asked rhetorically, her normally warm eyes filling with disgust and anger.

Cobra scoffed down at both women. “You old generation Dragon Slayers sure are sensitive.”

Wendy looked at Cobra oddly. “Old generation?”

“I’m one who took a Dragon Lacrima into my body, and with it I managed to obtain the power to hunt down dragons! I’m a new generation Dragon Slayer, a second generation to surpass the first!”

“Just like Laxus… You’re not a real Dragon Slayer!” Erza said with absolute conviction.

Cobra turned his glare onto Erza. “Real? This Magic is meant for dragons to kill each other! No way a human can just learn it! From my perspective, you all are the suspicious ones!” He smirked wickedly at the two women. “After all, there aren’t any dragons in the world.”

Wind exploded off of Wendy’s body as her Magic Power rose sharply. “Don’t talk like you know anything about my mother!” She was not normally an angry person, but for this…this bastard…to say that her mother wasn’t real!

“They’re all gone! The dragons were wiped out a long time ago!” Cobra roared back at her, the implication that she was lying about Grandeeney clear in his voice. Cubelios dove through the air towards Erza and Wendy with a loud hiss, Cobra on the flying serpent’s back with poison fog surrounding his hands. “Poison Dragon’s Fangs!”

Wendy surprised both Cobra and Erza as she began to cast Magic faster than either of them had ever see before. “Fast winds that run through heaven… Ile Vernier!” Both Wendy and Erza glowed with the light blue magic of Wendy’s Sky Magic, boosting their speed significantly. “Power of the stout arms that tear apart heaven… Ile Arms!” The glow that surrounded Erza was a mix of grey and brown while Wendy glowed with more light blue Magic. Now both of them had their attack power boosted as well. “Wind that protects the heavens… Ile Armor!” Both Erza and Wendy glowed even brighter as another Sky Dragon enchantment was placed on them, this time boosting their defense greatly.

“I can hear your movements!” Cobra declares as he went for Wendy with his attack and Cubelios went after Erza.

Neither of their attacks hit as Erza and Wendy easily outpaced them both with their boosts.

“What?!” Cobra had never missed an attack after hearing the body and thoughts of his target.

Wendy proved that she wasn’t done yet and that her anger was still rising as she glowed while her Magic Power continued to increase, a powerful gale now swirling around the clearing and shaking the huge trees, the wood creaking and cracking from the force. “Anomaly Resistance Enchant: Re-Raise!” A soft glow, completely opposite to the swirling and flaring Magical Power surrounding the Sky Dragon Slayer covered both Erza and Wendy, protecting them from anomalous Magical effects like poison or paralysis.

“You think you can protect yourselves from my poison with that?” Cobra mocked as he came at Wendy again, this time with all of his limbs emitting the reddish fog.

Wendy didn’t even let him get close, proving that Cobra was already outclassed, but Wendy’s draconic anger wouldn’t be appeased by just a beating for the man in front of her. She continued to cast spells while in combat and evading all of Cobra’s attacks. “Elemental resistances rise! Poison! Deus Corona!” A swirl of wind wrapped around Wendy before almost adhering to her glowing skin. “Physical ability rise! Deus Eques!” Wendy’s body was surrounded by another swirling wind, this one also settling on her skin like a nearly invisible layer of cloth.

Erza smacked away the lunging Cubelios with one of her half-shields and the flying serpent hissed as it expelled a thick cloud of poisonous mist before flying back into the air. Erza noticed that she didn’t feel any pain from the point-blank blast of poison and realized the thick mist was dissipating as it touched the glowing aura surrounding her body. With a second to glance over at Wendy, the slightly older Mage noticed something surprising. “Is Wendy’s Magic Power truly that high?” The sheer amount of power that Wendy was putting out continued to rise, explaining how she was able to cast so many enchantments and maintain them with seeming ease.

“Poison Dragon’s Roar!” Cobra blasted a typhoon of reddish smoke at Wendy.

“Sky Dragon’s Roar!” Wendy countered a Roar with a Roar. A typhoon of wind blasted from her mouth that completely dwarfed Cobra’s poisonous one. The wind tore through the poison, scattering it and dissipating the toxin.

Cobra was forced to dodge and his eyes widened as the area that he’d been in was now just a trench in the forest, everything that had been in the powerful Roar’s path was just gone. “What the hell?!”

“Sky Dragon’s Claw!” Wendy was suddenly right in front of Cobra, a nearly screaming wind spiraling around her right arm as she brought it down on the fake Dragon Slayer.

“Poison Dragon’s Fangs!” Cobra slammed his attack into Wendy’s, only for it to dissipate immediately as it came into contact with her glowing body. “GAAAHHH!!!” Cobra’s hand, more specifically his fingers, were bent and misshapen as Wendy’s attack smashed into his clawed strike. Even at a glance, one could see that most of Cobra’s fingers were broken now.

“Sky Dragon’s Leading Sky Arrow!” Wendy’s right leg was surrounded in a fierce gale of spinning wind before she slammed her foot into Cobra’s chest faster than the man could react, even with his ‘hearing’ predicting her movements.

“Hukh!” Cobra hacked out as he went flying across the clearing and slammed into one of the towering trees, shattering the bark like glass.

“Sky Dragon’s Momentary Wind!” Twin blasts of wind surrounded Wendy’s feet and shot her forward in a blur, straight at her target. “Sky Dragon’s Crushing Fang!” The screaming winds surrounding Wendy’s fist blasted Cobra deeper into the huge tree, turning part of the trunk into sawdust and opening up hundreds of weeping, bloody cuts all over Cobra’s body. “Sky Dragon’s Wing Attack!” Wendy shot backwards and moved her arms through the air, when she threw them forward vacuum blades formed and turned the tree where Cobra was embedded into perfectly cut wood that collapsed into a massive pile on top of the false Dragon Slayer.

Cobra flared his own Magic Power, the maroon scales crawling across his shoulders and onto his torso as the dragonification progressed. The Dragon Lacrima inside of him output more Dragon Magic in proportion to how much power it took in, speeding up the ‘infection’ of Cobra’s body. The wood covering him looked to rot away rapidly, proving that the reddish poison had necrosis-causing properties. “Poison Dragon’s Fang Thrust!” He threw his unbroken hand forward and a snakehead shaped stream of the reddish poison was launched at Wendy with its mouth wide open, huge fangs ready to bite straight through her.

Wendy’s overwhelming Magic Power had caused a localized tornado around the clearing, trees being ripped from the ground, despite most of them being larger than some buildings. Everything within the eye of the destructive winds was completely calm though. “Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Shattering Light: Sky Drill!”  Wendy move her arms counter clockwise as a nearly blinding light formed before her along with a vortex of shimmering wind. The spell blasted forward with a sound like a dragon roaring loudly.

The Poison Dragon Fang Thrust vanished the instant it touched the Secret Art.

Cobra barely had time to ‘hear’ the spell as the roaring sound deafened him. Then he was engulfed in the beam and vanished from sight. He was carried far away, passing through trees as the dragon-killing spell continued on through the forest, destroying anything in its path. When it finally lost power, what was left of Cobra’s body rolled across the ground, lying beneath the shade of the dense canopy as everything began to fade away. His body was a complete mess, his chest was nearly gone, exposing the loss of his skin, muscles, and sternum. The Poison Dragon Lacrima that had been within him had shattered under the power of the Secret Art. His arms, which he’d crossed in front of him in an attempt to block, were completely gone below mid-bicep. His face was unrecognizable as it had nearly been skinned, much like the entire front of his body.

My prayer… Is to hear the voice of the only friend I ever had… Cubelios…’ Cobra thought as the darkness took him, his body far too damaged to keep him alive any longer.


“Arrgh!” Brain staggered as he walked through the forest, leaning against a tree as one of the tattooed lines on his face slowly faded away.

Behind Brain, still sleeping on his floating magic carpet, was Midnight, not having moved once since arriving at the Worth Woodsea.

Brain pushed away from the tree with wide eyes. “Cobra is…dead?” He slammed his fist into the tree that he’d just been leaning against. “Does that mean one of the Oración Seis has fallen?!” He ground his teeth in anger and agitation. “I took them too lightly.” His clenched fist shook. “I never expected to awaken him…” Brain looked over at the sleeping Midnight. “Midnight! I want them all dead! Every single one!”

Midnight’s eyes blinked open and he slowly stood up on the flying carpet. “Okay… Father.” He stepped off the magic item and quickly headed into the forest, feeling out the places with the most Magic Power.

“I won’t let anyone take Nirvana from me! It’s MINE!!!” Brain growled once Midnight had disappeared into the forest. With a scowl on his face, the leader of Oración Seis headed towards the black wisps that continued to rise from one section of the forest. No one would beat him to Nirvana, Brain wouldn’t allow it.

-Erza and Wendy-

“Are you okay, Erza?” Wendy asked as she jogged over to Erza and the stone cube that was next to the Requip Mage.

“My ears are ringing.” Erza replied, having gotten the gist of what Wendy was saying from reading her lips.

Wendy looked embarrassed that her last spell had caused her partner such discomfort. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll heal you right away!” Now that her draconic rage had been abated, she was quickly returning to her normal self. “Heal.” Wendy’s hands glowed with a soft light as a gentle breeze surrounded them and she placed them over Erza’s ears.

A few seconds later and Erza smiled at Wendy. “I’m alright now, thank you, Wendy.” The ringing in her ears had vanished completely and she felt perfectly fine. “Your Magic is very impressive.”

“Thank you, Erza.” Wendy smiled at the praise. “Is the snake in this box?” She looked at the stone cube up close.

“It is.” Erza confirmed with a nod. “With your enchantments, it was very easy to deal with it and then contain it.” She still remembered what Wendy had said earlier, about the snake being cursed in some way.

Wendy touched the stone cube, feeling the coolness of the rock and slightly feeling the thrashing around that the huge serpent was doing inside. “I’ll try and remove the curse in just a moment. I need to replenish my Magic.”

“Are you okay?” Erza asked, placing some emphasis on the word ‘okay’ to ask about Wendy’s mental state after taking a life. It wouldn’t do for the young woman to try and distract herself from what had happened. It was better to come to terms with what she’d done and process it now, rather than letting it linger and potentially scar her heart and mind.

Wendy’s smile drooped a bit, she was a kind and gentle person by nature and hated making others suffer. “I will be. I just need a little time.”

Erza didn’t say anything, she just pulled Wendy into a gentle hug and ran her fingers through the younger woman’s long, dark blue hair.

“Thank you…” Wendy let out a sigh and her body shook a little as she leaned into Erza’s embrace more.

-Happy and Carla-

Above the immense forest the two flying cats looked down at the area that had just been the site of a localized tornado that had left behind a large clearing within the normally dense Worth Woodsea.

“That was Wendy’s Magic!” Carla was already shooting towards the spot even as the turbulent winds were only beginning to slow down.

“Wait for me, Carla!” Happy flew after her quickly, hoping that one of his family would be there as well.


“Tell us where your base is before I suck all of the air out of your lungs.” Ren threatened one of the beaten Black Unicorn members, his free hand raised and his Air Magic forming a vacuum sphere in the air.

Eve stood between Ren and Hibiki and looked away from the interrogation to speak with the Archive Magic user. “Any luck yet, Hibiki?”

Hibiki was typing on keys and bringing up screens made of golden light. His eyes rapidly moved from one screen to the next as he searched the vast expanse of the Worth Woodsea. “There’s some incredibly dense Magic Power interrupting part of my Telepathy Magic.” Hibiki informed Eve as he continued to work quickly. “I think Nirvana’s ancient seal is about to break and its leaking Magic Power is causing the interference.”

“That’s bad.” Eve grimaced, not wanting to know what would happen if the ancient Magic was unleashed.

“I should be able to contact anyone that’s not too close to that area at the very least.” Hibiki started sending out telepathic probes towards where his Magic indicated the rest of the allied Mages were. “It seems as though everyone is still moving right now, so at least no one had been taken out yet.”

Ren dropped the unconscious Black Unicorn member to the ground, having gotten the location of Oración Seis’s base. “Everyone? Even Jura and the Maestro?” He changed up the respectful term for Ichiya again.

“Yes.” Hibiki smiled, glad to see that both men weren’t dead as Oración Seis had led them to believe.

“You contact everyone, we’ll keep you safe, Hibiki.” Eve declared with a smile as he and Ren took up a defensive formation on either side of their friend. “Once everyone knows where to go, then we can take the fight to Oración Seis for real this time!”

-Gray, Lyon, Sherry-

“Kh!” Gray slammed back first into a tree as the blurring form of Racer bounced around between the trees.

“Kyah!” Sheery screamed as she was kicked from behind by the Oración Seis member.

“You!” Lyon’s hands were surrounded by his Magic, only for Racer’s foot to slam into his cheek and send him sprawling. “Gah!”

Gray shot to his feet quickly. “How fast is this guy?!” He juked to the side as Racer’s foot slammed into the tree he’d hit previously, barely missing Gray’s face. “Tsk!” Before Gray could retaliate, Racer was already a good distance away, standing on a thick tree branch and looking down at him. “Hey, creep!”

“My codename is Racer.” Racer informed the Ice Make user. “I’m faster than anyone. Faster than anything!” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I just run.”

“Don’t remember asking.” Lyon spoke up, back on his feet, though there was a noticeable bruise on his right cheek.

“Hmph.” Racer vanished from sight and was behind Lyon. “If I felt like it, you’d all be dead already.” He was gone before Lyon could even turn around.

“What?” Sherry went stiff as Racer appeared right next to her.

Racer didn’t look impressed by the woman. “But I guess I’ve been playing around too much.” He was gone again.

“Hey!” Gray made to attack, only for Racer to reappear behind him.

“So, I’ll go ahead and deal with the three of you, and then clean up the rest throughout the forest.” Racer said, talking about murder as easily as the weather. “It shouldn’t take me more than an hour.”

“Ice Make: Eagle!” Lyon sent a flock of the large, animated ice birds towards Gray and Racer.

“Too slow!” Racer passed straight through the eagles and all of them shattered into powdery snow. “Slow, slow, slow!” he was in Lyon’s face a second later, but Lyon already had his guard up, managing to block the first punch. “Gray!”

Gray took a wide stance and rested his right fist atop his left palm, the first Maker stance that Ur had ever taught him and Lyon. “Ice Make: Rampart!”


A massive wall of ice formed behind Gray and encircled a wide area surrounding the four Mages. The towering wall was taller than any of the trees by a large amount and many feet thick, further reinforced by Gray’s Magic during its creation.

“What? Trying to trap me?” Racer scoffed at the idea. “You’re not trapping me, you’re trapping yourselves.” Not a single one of the three Legal Mages had been able to even touch him once.

“Ice Make: Floor!” Gry slapped both of his hands on the ground and thick ice spread across the area within the circular rampart.

Racer threw a kick at Lyon, but the Ice Mage pivoted to the side easily, managing to touch while Racer’s foot on the ground slipped on the ice and the Dark Mage hit the frozen ground hard. “What the?!”

“Sherry! I need you to get far away!” Lyon called out loudly as he hopped back from Racer to make some distance.

“Yes, Lyon!” Sherry knew her crush was going to do something incredible and needed space. “Doll Attack: Ice Doll!” A chunk of ice rose up from the ground and Sherry hopped onto it. The golem touched the ice rampart and began to slide up the sheer wall like an elevator, taking Sherry high into the air and out of range from Racer or the spell that Lyon was going to perform.

“You son of a…!” Racer staggered back to his feet and rushed at Lyon.

“Ice Make: Lance!” Gray fired off a dozen lances of ice at Racer.

Racer scoffed and pivoted his foot to change direction. “Wha!” Unfortunately for him, his shoes gave him very little traction on the thick and slippery ice covering the ground. He slipped again and crashed down hard, sliding across the ice under him. The only silver lining of his fall was that he’d managed to dodge the ice lances. He scrambled for purchase on the ice and managed to get onto one knee. “How the hell are you two moving so easily?!”

It was true, both Gray and Lyon were walking across the slick ice as if it was a normal walk on a street.

“We’re Ice Mages, neither cold nor icy terrain hinders us.” Lyon answered with a flat tone. “You said it yourself, all you do is run. After seeing how you fight, even a monkey would figure out how to deal with you.”

Racer nearly snarled at Lyon’s tone. He looked towards the trees, knowing that he could use them as footing to keep the fight going and deal with these two. ‘When did they…?’ He wondered as he saw the trees closest to his location were all frozen over as well. “The lances…”

“You figured that out pretty quick.” Gray smirked at Racer as the Dark Mage realized the purpose of Gray’s earlier attack. “You’re not running around anymore.”

“You think this is over?!” Racer roared out as he shot to his feet, only to windmill his arms as he slipped and slid on the near frictionless ace.

Lyon placed his right fist onto his left palm and let his Magic Power explode from his body. “This is over.” A bitingly cold wave of air slammed into Racer and instantly made him shiver fiercely. “Ice Make: Imperial Snow Dragon!” A titanic eastern dragon formed from the spell and towered over even the walls of the rampart. The colossal creation was highly detailed, a sign that Lyon had been working to truly master his Maker Magic and improve.

“ROOOAAARRR!!!” The towering ice dragon roared before diving straight at Racer. It snatched him up in its jaws, the sharp fangs tearing into his thick racing suit and then the dragon rushed through the frozen trees, slamming Racer through dozens of them as Lyon made his creation level the entire area with the Dark Mage’s body. The coup de grace came as the eastern dragon shot as high as possible into the air and then dived straight back down crashing into the frozen earth with enough force to throw up a massive cloud of debris from the impact.

When the frost and mist cleared, Racer was lying, half-buried, in a large frozen crater, his racing suit was practically hanging off his body, and the man was clearly not going to be moving for a long while if the odd angle one of his legs was sticking out at was any indication.

Gray wasn’t going to take any chances though. “Ice Make: Artic Prison.” The ice around Racer slowly, but steadily shifted under Gray’s Magic. Racer’s injured body was put into a set of thick stocks made of ice. His legs were frozen together and to the bottom of the cage that was forming around him. The walls were so thick as to be opaque and the bars were compressed ice, giving it strength closer to metal than ice. “We’ll hand him over to the Rune Knights once this is all done.” Gray exhaled a breath that came out as white mist.

“I suppose there’s no need to dirty our hands any further.” Lyon agreed as he looked at the ‘craftsmanship’ of Gray’s prison. “You’ve improved a bit.”

Gray snorted once and looked over at Lyon. “You’ve improved a lot since Galuna Island.” The two both smirked at each other, their old rivalry still strong. “Make sure you come by and show Master Ur when you get a chance.”

“I don’t need you to tell me that.” Lyon turned away and headed towards Sherry who had returned to ground level with her ice golem. “Hurry up or we’ll leave you in here.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” Gray rolled his eyes at Lyon. He could undo his own spell, but leaving Racer confined in his Artic Prison and the rampart should make it almost impossible for anyone to try and free the defeated Dark Mage.

Within the said prison, Racer’s consciousness was fading, his racing suit the only thing preventing the cold from seeping into him and starting the process of hypothermia. ‘My prayer… Was to be… The fastest ever…’ Was Racer’s last thought before he blacked out.


“Unngh.” Brian staggered mid-step and reached out to grab onto a nearby tree branch. He held his hand to his face as another tattooed line slowly vanished. “No… They took out Racer too?” He couldn’t believe that two of his ‘Six Prayers’ had been defeated, much less so close to each other as to be almost back-to-back. “How? How is this happening?!” brain asked no one but the forest around him. “Nirvana! I must get to Nirvana!” He stopped walking and started almost jogging forward past trees that had been turned pitch black by the twisted Magic of the ancients.


“Finally! I’ve made contact!” Hibiki exclaimed with a smile as his Telepathy Magic connected to a few members of the Allied Guilds. “Everyone, this is Hibiki of Blue Pegasus, please give me an update on the situation while I load a map of where the enemy’s base is into your heads.”

Almost everyone quickly reported in that they were fine, if a little roughed up from fighting the Dark Mages of the various subordinate Guilds under Oración Seis. But two reports made Hibiki nearly flinch when he received them.

“Two of the Oración Seis have been taken down!” Hibiki could barely believe it.

Ren and Eve both nearly gaped at what Hibiki had just said.

Hibiki quickly typed in the new update on Oración Seis’s current status and then sent the information to all of the Allied Mages. “Both Cobra and Racer have been taken down. That just leaves, Angel, Hoteye, Midnight, and Brain himself! If anyone encounters them, shout it out in your thoughts, I’ll leave the Telepathy line connection open and send reinforcements your way!”

The Support Mage had a smile form on his face as he saw the progress that had been made, despite the horrible start they’d had to this mission. They could do this! One-third of the Oración Seis had already been taken down and Nirvana was still sealed for now. If they could deal with the other four members before the seal broke, then they could figure out how to destroy the Ancient Magic without the threat of the Oración Seis hanging over them.

Right now that was all that Hibiki could hope for as he didn’t want to think of what would happen if Brain did manage to get his hands on Nirvana. Master Bob had told him, and him alone, what the Magic of Nirvana did, and it made shivers run down Hibiki’s spine to think about. ‘We have to do this before Nirvana’s seal breaks! If we don’t, there may be no stopping it.

-End Chapter-


Wendy has about the same reaction to Cobra’s ‘Second Generation Dragon Slayer’ status as Natsu and Gajeel had to Laxus’s.

Cobra didn’t have a good time, and we see what an older Wendy that had more years with Grandeeney is capable of! Secret Arts, rapid enchantments, and enough Magic Power to even make Erza pause for a second!

Gray and Lyon weren’t too shabby at all, huh?

The two disciples of Ur quickly figure out Racer’s fatal weakness after observing how the Dark Mage fights and from his own loud mouth. Good luck running on slippery ice, dum-dum!

Lyon has improved his own Ice Make to a very noticeable degree in the time since he joined Lamia Scale! Gray reminds him to come show Ur soon. Kek! The rivalry still lives on!

Now that Hibiki has managed to connect with the others and send them maps to the location they can gather at, it should only be a matter of time until the Allied Force are back together in full force…right?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Hayden Stuart

Dang I did expect Wendy to lay him out like that! Now for the rest to fall hehe. Great chapter as always!


Finally! This was one of the stories I'd been most looking forward to seeing get an update this month! After how the fight with the Oracion Seis went in the previous chapter, I wanted to see how things would go afterwards! Sadly, the fight I most wanted to see (Lucy vs. Angel) didn't happen this chapter, so guess I've got another month to wait. :haha: Natsu's taking no prisoners and these guys apparently have a death wish if they're continuing to get in his way. :Kekius: So Happy and Carla did indeed end up together. I thought Happy would take the opportunity to show off his other Magic, but I guess the time for that has not yet come. Good to see that Jura really is still alive! Oh, and Ichiya too, I guess. Cobra sure fucked around and found out, huh? Quickly learned what he was getting into, pissing off a genuine Dragon Slayer by showing off his status as a fake Dragon Slayer and denying the existence of dragons. And Wendy was just so badass, especially when she busted out her own Secret Art! She really mopped the floor with Cobra! He was just no match for her! And I can understand her killing him since he's just a stranger and an enemy, unlike the fight with Natsu and Laxus, but I was still surprised she was the one who ended up doing it. The battle against Racer was also so entertaining to read! Mainly because realistically speaking, they shouldn't have struggled against him as hard as they did in canon. Gray and Lyon should've easily been able to exploit this weakness. And with him being knocked out and imprisoned, there's no chance of Lyon's fakeout death happening, I presume. Brain's definitely not having a good time now, having already lost a third of his fighters. He's gonna have to step it up if he wants to achieve his goal :EvilMiko: A fight between Lucy and Angel is (hopefully) still on the horizon, and with Naked Mummy as backup for her, Lucy might be in trouble. So I'm guessing Gajeel and Juvia are going to find her and assist. Anyways, this chapter rocked! Can't wait for the next one!!!


Glad you enjoyed it so much! Angel vs Lucy is, indeed, upcoming! I hope to make it fun! They really should just stay out of Natsu's way, huh? lol Cobra did indeed fuck around and find out! You don't proudly declare your desecration of a dead Dragon, defilement of the Dragon Soul Ritual, and then tell a REAL Dragon Slayer that their parent isn't real. It won't end well if you do! Glad you like older Wendy so much! With more years with Grandeeney, she became quite the powerhouse, huh? Happy that you liked Racer vs Lyon and Gray. Turns out, instead of running his mouth, Racer should've been running away! lol Brain is DEFINITELY not having a good time! He better run and find Nirvana quick at this rate! Kek! I'll keep doing my best to make the chapters entertaining!