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Here we go again friends and fans! Another One Piece Plot Bunny!

One more ‘Different Devil Fruit Luffy’ story idea and this time we have another OP Mythical Zoan! But which one? A certain ‘sake-drinking lad’ of Japanese legend!

This idea came about because of some other research I was doing and I realized just how much FUN that I could have with a premise like this! Luffy already has some similarities to Oni in Canon. A huge appetite, a love of food, and a raucous (and sometimes destructive) attitude. Not to mention all of the classical, mythological abilities attributed to Oni: Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Durability, the destructive power of Lightning and Thunder, causing earthquakes, spreading plague/illness, causing eclipses…there’s even an old saying in Japan: “Oni with an iron club” (鬼に金棒, oni-ni-kanabō), that is, to be invincible or undefeatable.

I hope everyone reading this enjoys! It’s time for STRONGEST of all Oni to have some fun!


Mythical Zoan – Hito Hito no Mi - Model: Shuten-dōji

Mythical Zoan – Human Human Fruit - Model: Shuten-dōji


“Oh, the islands in the south are warm... And their heads get really hot... They grow-a pineapples... They grow-a coconuts... And they're all morons!” A seven-year-old boy by the name of Monkey D. Luffy sang (horribly off-key) as he wandered through the forest, occasionally swatting something with the stick in his hand as he walked along without much of a care.

The black-haired boy didn’t look any different than most other boys of his age. Average height, kinda dumb, wearing a white t-shirt with a blue anchor on it and shorts, with sandals on his feet. The only thing that was different about the boy was the scar beneath his left eye. He’d gotten it when he’d stabbed himself trying to prove that he was ‘tough enough’ to join Shanks’s crew on a voyage. The reason that he was currently walking through the forest of his home island (Dawn Island) was because he was bored. Fuusha Village was always more fun when the Red-Hair Pirates were around.

“I wonder when Shanks and the others will be back?” Luffy hummed as he smacked a tree he was passing by with his stick. The Red-Hair Pirates had been making Fuusha Village their base for a few months now. They’d go out on a voyage for a couple of weeks and then return with more stories and more cash to spend in the village. The fact that they weren’t causing any trouble, and were a boon to the village’s economy, made the pirates a-okay with the villagers…except for the old mayor, Woopslap, who was certain they’d ruin their village’s reputation.


Luffy’s stomach rumbled loudly and the boy placed his hand over it. “I’m hungry.” He turned in a different direction and began walking. “I’ll go to Makino’s and get some food! She’ll let me put it on my Treasure Tab!” He beamed at the thought of lunch and the kindly bar owner that helped take care of him when his grandpa was off doing his boring Marine stuff.

As he was traipsing through the forest, still swatting things with his stick, Luffy came upon something interesting that caught his attention.

“Fruit?” Luffy poked at the odd-looking fruit on the ground, partially obscured by grass. Looking upwards, he noticed that the tree he was walking under was a fruit-bearing tree. “That’s weird… This fruit doesn’t look like the others at all.”

Indeed, the fruit lying on the ground didn’t look like the ones on the tree at all. Given that it was partially covered by long grass and leaf litter, it had probably been lying on the ground for a long time too. But the young boy didn’t consider that at all. He poked it with his stick a few more times before picking it up with his free hand to get a better look at it.

Luffy blinked, now able to see the weird fruit in full. It was bigger than his hand by a good amount and looked kinda like the drinking gourds that he’d seen some of the old-timers on the island drink their booze from. It was beige colored with black swirls all over it and a single green stem on top that curled off to one side. “I wonder what it taste like?” Luffy wondered, not caring that the fruit had been sitting on the forest floor for who knows how long and could be rotten. Luffy took a large bite out of the fruit and almost immediately retched as the taste hit his tongue. “Gah!” Luffy swallowed some of what was in his mouth, but spat out the rest onto the forest floor. “Yuck!” He threw the disgusting fruit against a tree a distance away, watching it splatter into mush. “Ugh… So gross…” He huffed and continued on his way towards Fuusha Village and Makino’s bar. To pass the time he restarted his song from before. “The islands in the north are snowy... And their heads get really cold... They're very chilly-chilly... They're very willy-nilly... And they're idiots!”

A few hours later and a bored Luffy was sitting around in Party’s Bar with nothing to do. That would quickly change as a ruckus could be heard from outside. It got louder and Luffy could make out some words. When the name ‘Shanks’ was hollered loud enough for the boy to hear he bolted upright with a wide grin on his face. Makino smiled at how excited Luffy instantly became and set about getting the alcohol ready for the Pirates. The Red-Hair Crew always visited Party’s Bar when they came to Fuusha Village. Makino had trouble keeping the alcohol stocked when the crew started partying.

“Makino! We’ve returned! A round of drinks for everyone!” Shanks laughed as he and his crew entered the bar. “Anchor! You’re here too!”

“SHANKS!!!” Luffy nearly barreled into the Captain of the Red-Hair Pirates as the man walked into the bar.

“Whoa, Luffy!” Shanks laughed, catching the boy and ruffling his hair. “We weren’t even gone that long!”

“It’s been weeks!” Luffy argued, looking up at the man with a huge smile. “Where’s Uta?”

“Right here, Luffy.” A small girl, the same age as Luffy, trotted into the bar. She had semi-pale skin, bright purple eyes, and two-toned hair split perfectly down the middle, red on the right side, white on the left side. Her hair was tied up in the back, two loops (almost like rabbit ears) behind her head, while twin tails dropped down the sides, each tail ending with a loop of its own. She wore a yellow dress that stopped at her knees, brown boots on her feet, and she had headphones over her ears.

Uta was Shanks’s daughter. She and Luffy had initially not gotten along very well, but had become close friends over the Red-Hair Pirates many visits to Fuusha Village. Now the two were nearly inseparable when the pirates came to town.

“Uta!” Luffy beamed at his friend, pulling her into a hug.

“Heh.” Uta smiled and hugged him back.

“Let’s get some drinks and we’ll tell you about our latest voyage while we party!” Shanks laughed, leading the two kids towards the bar where Makino was waiting.


The festivities had started the second the Red-Hair Pirates had entered the bar and didn’t show any signs of stopping even hours later. Makino smiled happily as she served food and drinks to the pirates. The young woman found the crew nice enough, and they were certainly a boon for business. Makino always made sure to serve Luffy and Uta first, of course. They were just adorable together.

“Did you get better with your powers?” Luffy asked Uta eagerly, knowing that she had a power related to her singing. Uta was the best singer in his opinion.

“It’s a Devil Fruit, Luffy, the Uta Uta no Mi, I’ve told you that before.” Uta shook her head at her friend. Luffy never remembered names very well. That, or he ended up using a shortened nickname.

“Was it named after you?” Luffy tilted his head and Uta deadpanned at him.

“No…” Uta shook her head. Trust Luffy to ask the dumbest questions. She smiled after a moment though. “I did make some progress…but when I sing with my power, everyone still falls asleep.” Uta pouted adorably at not making the progress that she wanted with her Devil Fruit.

“Isn’t that the same as what always happens?” Luffy questioned, not looking impressed at all.

“Shut up!” Uta lightly pushed him, her cheeks puffing up at his remark. “You don’t have a Devil Fruit, so you don’t know how difficult it can be!”

“Oh yeah, mystery fruits!” Luffy’s face lit up and he smiled brightly at Uta. “Thanks for reminding me, Uta! I found a mystery fruit in the forest earlier today!”

“Eh?” Shanks, who had been watching over the kids, looked at Luffy after the boy’s exclamation. “You found a Devil Fruit in the forest, Luffy?”

“Did it look sort of like this?” Lucky Roo, a rather rotund member of the Red-Hair Pirates, asked as he held up a sketchbook with a drawing on it. The round shape, curled stem, and the swirl markings were all really similar to the strange fruit that Luffy had found.

“Yeah.” Luffy nodded after looking at the drawing. “But the one I found looked like those drinking gourd things that the old-timers drink from sometimes.”

“Where is the Devil Fruit now, Luffy?” Shanks asked, wanting to be careful with an unknown Devil Fruit.

“I ate it.” Luffy stated plainly.

Several audible facepalms were heard throughout the bar.

“Of course, you did…” Shanks sighed before cracking up. “You’re really an anchor now, Luffy!”

“Huh?!” Luffy looked shocked by the news.

“Dummy!” Uta gave Luffy a look as if he’d done the dumbest thing in the world. “Don’t you know better than to eat random things off the ground?”

“Yeah…it wasn’t very good.” Luffy laughed and Uta sighed at his dopey nature.

“Anyone that eats a Devil Fruit gains an ability of some kind, Luffy.” Shanks explained the concept to the boy again. “But in return, they’re hated by the sea and become hammers in the water. You’ll have to be careful near any body of water from now on.”

“Oh…no problem, I’ll just be a pirate that never falls off the ship!” Luffy declared with a grin.

“Do you know what ability you have?” Shanks questioned the boy. “Has anything strange happened since you ate the fruit?”

“No.” Luffy shook his head before an idea came to him. “Hey Shanks, since I have a Devil Fruit now, take me with you on your next voyage!” Luffy requested with a big smile. “I wanna be a pirate!”

“You’re too young, Luffy.” Shanks shook his head as he refilled his flagon from the bottle beside him. “Wait ten more years and we’ll talk. You don’t even know what your Devil Fruit does yet.”

“Ten years?!” Luffy shook his head side to side rapidly. “I wanna be a pirate now! Uta gets to go!”

Uta looked adorably smug at the comment.

“You know why we always call you Anchor, right?” Shanks pointed at the shirt the boy was wearing. “Being unable to swim is a big weakness for a pirate, Luffy, and now you can NEVER swim.” The Captain chuckled at the boy.

“If I never fall off the ship then I’ll be fine!” Luffy retorted with the logic of a child.

The whole Red-Hair crew broke out into laughter and Luffy shouted at all of them, which only made the men laugh even more. Uta giggled and hugged Luffy with a grin, making the boy sulk a little before Makino placed a steak meal in front of him with a smile.

Needless to say, Luffy’s bad mood was quickly forgotten.


“Hey, this stuff is pretty good.” Luffy grinned after sneaking a sip of booze form one of the bottles on the bar top.

“Ew.” Uta scrunched up her nose at the alcohol. “That stuff always smells bad.”

Luffy grinned and downed the remainder of the bottle in one long pull. “I think it’s pretty good!” He laughed, only for Shanks to lightly swat his head from behind. “Ow!”

Shanks pulled Luffy and Uta back towards where he was sitting to keep an eye on the two. He did notice the label on the bottle and was slightly amazed that a kid like Luffy could handle such a strong drink and even say it tasted good.

“Hey, Shanks! Stop it!” Luffy struggled a bit, trying to get out of Shank’s hold, and when he couldn’t, his frustration bubbled over. “Let go, darn you!” Luffy’s body suddenly started growing. His skin took on a dark red tone, two horns emerged from the sides of his forehead, his eyes became a baleful yellow color with black sclera, his teeth became sharper, like fangs, and his body bulked up considerably until he was a powerful-looking monster standing almost three meters tall, having to hunch down slightly as his head brushed the ceiling.

Shanks was now only holding onto part of the wrist of the newly transformed Luffy.

The formerly loud bar was dead silent as everyone stared at the monster that now stood among them.

“Why’re you guys so short all of a sudden?” Luffy asked as he looked down at the others.

Shanks snorted out a laugh as he looked up at Luffy. “Well, Anchor, I think we know what your Devil Fruit is now.”

“Really?” Luffy smiled, a somewhat scary sight with the fangs in his mouth. “What is it?”

That got a round of laughter from the pirates as the shock of the moment wore off.

Uta looked up at Luffy with a flat expression. “You’re a big monster thing now, Luffy.”

Luffy looked himself over. “Huh, I am…cool!”

Shanks laughed loudly at Luffy so easily rolling with the situation. “To be more specific, you’re an Oni, a type of mythological ogre talked about in the legends of islands like Wano Kuni and such.” He didn’t feel the need to explain the race that called themselves ‘Oni’ that existed in very small numbers out in the world. No need for Luffy to end up learning about Kaidō and his other Oni crew members and potentially picking up some bad habits.

“What’s that?” Luffy sat down on the ground with a thump, his eyes, even changed as they were, nearly sparkled at getting to hear about something new from Shanks.

“I’ll tell you.” Shanks took a swig of his booze before sitting down on his stool.

Uta was picked up with one hand by Luffy and sat in his lap. “Luffy!” Uta pouted at him, only to relent when she saw the goofy grin on his face. “Fine.” She leaned back against him and looked at her dad as he started to tell them the legends of the Oni that he’d heard from a pirate named Oden back when he’d been a cabin boy.

-Months Later-

“Come on…” Luffy was trying his best to use some of the powers that Shanks had told him about Oni supposedly possessing. Right now he was trying to make lightning and thunder.

It wasn’t going well.

Luffy stomped his transformed foot with a pout. “Why can’t I do it?!” He didn’t seem to realize that the ground actually shook from his stomp. “Darn it, darn it, darn it!” He stomped one foot and then another, over and over again, until the shaking of the ground got so strong that he did notice it through his frustration. The earth continued to shake for a short time once Luffy calmed down, and the people in Fuusha Village all wondered about the light earthquake that had rattled their windows and moved small items from the vibration. “Hey! I did it!” Luffy cheered, completely ignoring that he’d done something different than what he’d planned. “Hmm, but it would be bad to make an earthquake in the village…” He’d definitely mess people’s stuff up, and Makino might not make him food anymore! “Maybe I should practice further away?”

-Three Days Later-

The Red-Hair Pirates were once more having a good time at Party’s Bar.

Luffy was eagerly sharing the progress he’d made with his Devil Fruit with Shanks and Uta.

“Luffy, that was you?” Makino gave him a little frown when she found out that the small earthquake had been Luffy’s doing. “You need to be more careful.”

“I am!” Luffy said loudly. “I moved further away from the village and everything!”

Shanks laughed and patted Luffy’s head. “Devil Fruits can be dangerous, Anchor, make sure you don’t accidentally hurt someone, alright?”

“I won’t!” Luffy declared with a strong nod.

“I’m still gonna figure out my Devil Fruit first, Luffy!” Uta teased him, bringing her hands up and curling her fingers inward cutely with a grin.

Luffy shook his head fiercely. “Nuh-uh! I will!”

Shanks laughed at the childish display and took a pull from his flagon.

The door to the bar was suddenly kicked open. The merriment died down as everyone turned to look at the scruffy-looking bunch that was entering the bar. They were clearly outlaws of some kind, judging by their scruffy coats and clothes. Makino let out a muffled sigh of exasperation upon seeing the men. The mountain bandits under Higuma ‘the Bear’ were a rough bunch that liked causing trouble. Everyone in Fuusha Village preferred dealing with the Dadan Clan since they usually paid for everything they got from the village. Sure, the money they paid with was almost guaranteed to be stolen, but that wasn’t really the villagers’ problem.

“So these are pirates, huh?” Higuma remarked with a derisive snort. “Look pretty stupid if you ask me.” The rest of the bandits snickered as Higuma made his way to the bar. “We’re not here to cause trouble right now. You sell us ten casks of alcohol at a nice discount and we’ll be on our way.”

“I’m sorry,” Makino gave a short bow with a forced smile on her face. “But they’ve already purchased my entire stock.” She motioned to the large crew of pirates that all had flagons in hand and four tapped casks already.

“Is that so?” Higuma turned his gaze on Shanks who was finishing off his current flagon without a care.

“Sorry about that, friend.” Shanks apologized with a grin after downing the last of his booze. “Looks like we bought the place dry.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t mind parting with some of it, right friend?” Higuma glared at Shanks heavily, the bandit’s hand resting on his sword. “Don’t mess with me, pirate. I have 8,000,000 Beri on my head! After fifty-six people, one more won’t make a difference.”

“Sure, sure,” Shank waved off the threat with a lackadaisical smile. “Roll over five casks for them guys.”

“I said ten casks.” Higuma gripped his sword and unsheathed the first bit of blade.

“I can make it none.” Shanks replied easily. The two engaged in a stare down and Higuma almost instantly backed down. The gaze of the pirate spoke of inner strength, of seeing things that Higuma couldn’t dream of and surviving.

“Fine…” Higuma acquiesced to Shanks’ offer and four casks of booze (one less than the original offer) were rolled over to him and his bandits by the pirate crew, a subtle insult to go along with his shaming. With his pride sufficiently wounded, Higuma and his bandits took their booze and left without another word.

“That was awesome!” Luffy exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes. He and Uta having been sitting behind Shanks the whole time and had gotten a front row seat to the confrontation.

The exclamation snapped the tense atmosphere and all of the pirates laughed. The party mood was quickly restored and merriment reigned again. Shanks chuckled at Luffy as the boy looked at him as if he was the coolest thing he’d ever seen. Makino ruffled Luffy’s hair fondly before moving to take orders to tables again.

“Liked that, did you?” Shanks chortled as he opened up another bottle and poured himself a drink.

Uta looked proud at her dad, the adorable smug grin on her face once more.

“You scared him off without even throwing a punch!” Luffy still had sparkles in his eyes as he looked at Shanks. “That was so cool!”

“A lot of people like to talk big on the sea, Luffy.” Shanks grinned at the boy. “But quite a few of them aren’t capable of backing it up. When you stare a man in the eye, you can quickly find out if he’s all talk.”

“Pirates are the coolest!” Luffy declared making all of the pirates in the bar laugh and cheer.

-Several Weeks Later-

“Bored…” Luffy grumbled as he laid his head on the bar top.

“They said they’d be back around this time, Luffy.” Makino reminded the boy as she cleaned a glass behind the bar. “You just have to be patient.”

The door was roughly thrown open and Higuma and his men marched into the bar like they owned it. The bandit sat at the tables and started shouting for drinks. Makino sighed but hurried to start filling orders. The faster the bandits got their fill, the sooner they’d stumble back to their hideout in the forested mountains.

“No pirates today, huh?” Higuma sneered as he grabbed his booze from Makino roughly. “The place smells better at least.”

Luffy sat alone at the end of the bar watching Makino work. He hated these guys. They were annoying, said nasty things to Makino, and worst of all they terrorized Fuusha Village whenever they thought they could get away with it. Right now he was clenching his small fists as the bandits started bad-mouthing Shanks and his crew. Naturally, Luffy didn’t have a very long fuse when it came to people insulting his friends.

“Shut your mouth!” Luffy roared at Higuma while rushing the bandit. A crash rang out as the boy punched the bandit leader out of his chair.

“Augh!” Higuma hit the floor with a painful grunt. “You little!” He shot to his feet only for his eyes to widen as Luffy transformed and loomed over the group of mountain bandits. “Wh-What the fuck?!”

His answer was Luffy’s Oni strength punching him straight out of the bar and into the street.

“Ge-Get him!” One of the other bandits stuttered out as the various men drew their swords.

“Go away!” Luffy roared out, swiping at the bandits, nailing three of them with his palm, and sending them to join Higuma coughing in the dirt outside.

Swords hit Luffy’s dark red skin, only to stop dead, much to the confused terror of the bandits. They were promptly punched, slapped into the floor, or bodily thrown out of the bar by Luffy’s ridiculous strength.


A gunshot went off.

“Luffy!” Makino screamed in terror that Luffy had just been shot.

“You jerk!” Luffy yelled and punched the bandit that had shot him with his flintlock straight through the double doors, knocking one of them off its hinges in the process. “Huh…that didn’t hurt much.” He rubbed the spot where the bullet had hit him, his red skin wasn’t even bruised.

“M-Monster!” One of the bandits had enough and fled from the bar while screaming in terror.

That quickly prompted the rest to abandon the fight and run away in fear. A few of them even dragged their injured or unconscious members behind them. Higuma, still unconscious from the powerful punch to his face that had broken his nose, was one such bandit being dragged behind two of his underlings.

“Woo~” Shanks whistled, getting Luffy’s attention. “I guess this explains why you didn’t come running down to the docks to greet us, Luffy.”

“Shanks!” Luffy beamed and was quickly back to his normal form as he rushed over to the man with a bright grin. “See how strong I am?! Take me with you on your next voyage!”

Uta stuck her head out from behind Shanks with a grin. “No way, Luffy, you’re too little!” She giggled at the look on Luffy’s face.

“You’re the same age as me!” Luffy pointed at Uta.

“Hahaha! Come on, let’s party!” Shanks ushered the two kids inside with a laugh.

A short time later and Shanks was patting Luffy’s head with a grin. “So, you can stop swords and bullets with your skin when you’re transformed, huh?” He vaguely recalled Oni having supernatural durability in the myths that Oden had told him as a boy. “Didn’t think Oni were able to just ignore weapons though.” He took a drink of his booze. “Maybe your Fruit is actually the strongest and most powerful Oni of all the stories, Shuten-dōji.”

“Who’s that?” Luffy looked at Shanks curiously.

Uta looked at her dad with interest, always happy to hear a new story from him.

Shanks chuckled and grinned at both kids. “Well, the story goes that…”

-One Week Later-

Uta and Luffy were hugging each other tightly, both crying as the Red-Hair crew prepared to depart.

“I-I’ll miss you L-Luffy…” Uta said with sniffles.

“M-Me too…Uta…” Luffy squeezed her a bit tighter.

“Come on, Luffy, men aren’t supposed to cry at partings.” Shanks chuckled at the boy. Predictably the black-haired boy wiped his eyes and stared up at Shanks defiantly.

“I’m not crying!” Luffy retorted, even though his eyes were definitely red from tears.

“Sure~” Shanks teased and Luffy let go of Uta to try and swat at the captain. Shanks just laughed as he dodged the blows.

“Just you wait, Shanks!” Luffy clenched his fists as he looked up at the man. “When I’m older, I’m going to head out to sea and be a pirate! I’m going to find treasures, have adventures, and my crew is going to be even better than yours is! I’ll even take Uta for my crew! I’ll be the King of the Pirates and find the One Piece!” He loudly declared and all of the pirates stopped to look at the boy.

“Hey, Luffy, I’m already part of the Red-Hair crew!” Uta managed to stop her sniffles at Luffy’s declaration that he’d take her into his crew.

“Hahaha, you’re gonna be the Pirate King, huh?” Shanks laughed at the young boy. “You’re going to take Uta and be better than us?”

“I will!” Luffy stomped his foot. “I’ll be the Pirate King, just you wait and see!”

“Well then,” Shanks smiled at Luffy as he pulled his straw hat off his head. “Once you make it big as a pirate, why don’t you return this hat to me then?” The man then placed his prized straw hat on Luffy’s head. Hidden under the wide brim of the hat, tears poured down Luffy’s cheeks. “It’s a promise between men, alright Luffy?”

“Yes!” Luffy agreed as his tear-filled eyes locked with Shanks’s eyes. “I’ll return it when I’m the Pirate King! It’s a promise!” Shanks smiled at Luffy and gave him a firm nod.

“A promise it is then.” Shanks agreed and the two parted ways, Shanks walked up the gangplank of his ship with Uta and both of them waved as the Red Hair Pirates set sail. “You’ll have to take good care of Uta if you want to have her on your crew, Luffy.” Shanks called out with a grin, teasing both Luffy and Uta at the same time.

“Dad!” Uta’s face turned a cute shade of pink.

“I will! Just you wait!” Luffy waved until the ship disappeared over the horizon. Makino took him into her arms with a smile as she led him back to the bar. Luffy could stay with her until his sadness passed.

-Months Later ~ Luffy Age 8-

“I leave for a few months and come back to hear you’ve been hanging out with pirates!” Garp yelled as he carried Luffy through the woods of Mt. Corvo. “You better not have gotten any foolish ideas in your head boy!”

“I’m going to be King of the Pirates!” Luffy yelled back as he was carried under Garp’s arm, despite his struggling to get out of his grandpa’s grip.

“You’ll be a Marine and like it, brat!” Garp roared back. “Damn that ‘Red Hair’, putting ideas into your head!”

“Hey, shut up!” Luffy growled as he increased his struggles. “Shanks is my friend!” His answer was a ‘Fist of Love’ to the back of the head. “Ow!”

In short order Luffy was introduced to Curly Dadan and her band of mountain bandits. Garp had forced Dadan to take care of Luffy and help ‘toughen him up’ between the times when Garp was on Dawn Island and able to train his grandson. Needless to say Dadan had been reluctant. Even more so when it was revealed how much Luffy could eat! But Garp had given them the ultimatum of taking care of Luffy, or going to prison, so the bandits hadn’t really had much choice. So it came to pass that Luffy lived with Dadan and the bandits. Under Dadan’s rules Luffy was only provided water. If he wanted food, he had to get it himself. Luffy had met an older boy called Ace and their first meeting was, rough, to say the least. Ace literally spit on Luffy! This led to the older boy getting socked in the face by Luffy and waking up several minutes later in a daze with a black eye.

Over time, Luffy proved to be not only capable of getting his own food, the bandits and Ace all surprised at the large boar he dragged back on his second night with them, but that he was ridiculously strong and tenacious. Ace had barely been able to shake Luffy from following him for a month before Luffy had made it all the way to Grey Terminal and met his friend Sabo.

When Luffy had first demonstrated his Devil Fruit power to Sabo and Ace, the two older boys had realized the value of such powers and had slowly started to warm up to Luffy. Over time, the three boys became inseparable and got up to all kinds of shenanigans, mischief, and some thievery.

“Our treasure stash isn’t growing as fast as we hoped.” Sabo mentioned after the boys had stashed their newest loot into their hiding spot.

Ace nodded in agreement. “Yeah, at this rate we won’t be able to save up enough for a good ship when we head out to sea.”

“How do we get more?” Luffy asked while chewing on a leg of meat that he’d grabbed on their way out of the Goa Kingdom.

Sabo looked at Luffy with a flat expression. “We have to steal more, obviously. That or steal things that’re more valuable.”

“That or find a person with a bounty that we could turn in.” Ace shrugged, knowing that there were wanted people around Goa, and especially hiding around the Grey Terminal. “But we’d have to fight them and drag them over to the Bounty Office at the edge of Goa to cash them in.”

Luffy tossed the meatless bone aside with a look on his face like he was thinking hard. “What about that bear guy?”

“Huh?” Ace and Sabo both looked at Luffy confused.

“Higkuma or whatever.” Luffy barely remembered the bandit’s name, and still wasn’t correct.

Ace blinked as he managed to figure out who Luffy was talking about. “You mean Higuma ‘the Bear’?”

“Yeah, that guy.” Luffy pointed at Ace.

Sabo took a second to think. “He does have an 8,000,000 Beri bounty…that would more than triple what we have right now.” Then he tsked. “No, wait, the Bounty Office will cut the price by thirty percent, even if we bring him in alive they’ll only give us 5,600,000 Beri.”

“That’s still more than we’ve got right now.” Ace said as he thought about the idea.

The three boys looked at each other and after a moment devious grins spread across their faces.



The entire front section of the hidden camp of Higuma’s bandits was shattered by what appeared to be a tree trunk.

“What the hell?!”

“Attack! We’re under attack!”

“Who is it?!”

“Shut the hell up!” Higuma barked at his men as he drew his sword. “What bastard thinks they can challenge us?!”

What stepped through the dust made every bandit in the camp pale and start shaking. All of them having to crane their necks to look up into the face of the dark red Oni that had beaten them down and run them out of Fuusha Village.

“We found you!” Luffy grinned, the look much more terrifying with his fangs on display.



“The monster came for us!”

The bandits tried to flee through a small passage near the back, knowing that their secret escape tunnel was their only means of salvation.

“Hup!” Luffy swung the tree trunk he was using as a club through the bandits sending them all slamming into the far wall.

Higuma was shaking and stumbling backwards, holding his sword between himself and the Oni in front of him.

Ace and Sabo rushed forward, both boys wielding metal pipes they’d found in Grey Terminal. Higuma swung at Sabo, only for his sword to be blocked by the pipe. Ace’s pipe slammed into Higuma’s left knee with an audible cracking sound.

“Auuggghh!” Higuma howled as his leg gave out from under him.


His screaming was cut off as Sabo whacked him over the head with his pipe and sent him into blissful unconsciousness.

“Hey, where’s all your treasure?” Luffy picked up one of the bandits by the front of his shirt.

The man whimpered and shakily pointed towards a corridor that led further back into the hideout.

Luffy tossed the man aside like a ragdoll. “Thanks!” He then punched a large hole in the wall to make his way back through the shoddily constructed building.

Ace tied up the unconscious Higuma while Sabo and Luffy stole everything of value from the ragtag bandits. As the three left with their new spoils (Higuma included) all of the remaining mountain bandits that were conscious seriously reevaluated their lives and wondered if they should take up farming or something.

-Ace, Sabo, and Luffy’s Hideout-

After turning Higuma over to the Bounty Office (just so they didn’t have to deal with the Marines directly) the three boys had quickly returned to their place to stash the millions away.

“That was so easy!” Ace laughed with a grin.

“Why didn’t we think about doing this before?” Sabo asked rhetorically, laughing along with Ace.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy was laughing too, happy that they’d gotten more loot.

It was quickly decided that the trio would continue going after bounties in addition to their regular thieving from the wealthy people that lived in Goa.

Over the next several months, a new rumor began to circulate throughout Dawn Island, the hushed whispers of the Mountain Monster that had appeared and quickly decimated multiple bandit groups on Mt. Corvo. It was soon clear who the new ‘Lord of the Mountain’ was as only the bandits that didn’t catch the Mountain Monster’s attention were able to last. Those that went after the monster came back beaten half to death while speaking of demons. The more stubborn or cocky people that tried hunting the monster down, never came back at all.

-Years Later-

“It’s almost time.” A sixteen-year-old Sabo mentioned as he counted up the current amount of their stash. He’d be turning seventeen soon enough.

Ace chewed on some meat while relaxing back against the couch the boys had built themselves out of wood and animal furs. “Yep…” He looked up at the ceiling. “It’ll be time for me to head out in a bit.” He was the oldest by a bit over two months.

“I’m gonna miss you two…” Luffy was morosely eating a huge leg of meat and washing it down with a large bottle of sake.

Ever since the three boys had shared sake cups and become sworn brothers, Luffy’s taste for alcohol had been ignited. He wasn’t sure if it was his Devil Fruit or not, but given that his powers might be based on Shuten-dōji, there was a good chance his love of sake might’ve been influenced by it.

The three boys had grown into young men over the years. All three now wore hats of their liking after Luffy had pointed out as a child that both he and Sabo wore hats and that Ace didn’t. Now Ace wore an orange cowboy hat with two charms on it, one depicting a blue smiling face while the other pictured a blue frowning face. Sabo still had his black top hat on with goggles around the edge. Luffy, of course, still wore his treasured straw hat to this day and showed a violent protectiveness over it. All of them were well-muscled, years of living on Mt. Corvo and hunting the giant beasts that lived here saw to that, not to mention all the fighting they did with bandits and each other. There was also the time they’d decimated the Bluejam Pirates and everyone started giving them a wider berth. Everyone in Grey Terminal and on Mt. Corvo knew not to get on the bad side of the ‘Mountain Brothers’ as the trio had come to be called.

“You’ll just eat and drink your sadness away in a few days, Luffy.” Ace chuckled as he patted his little brother’s back.

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Sabo laughed as Luffy took a large bite out of his leg of meat.

Luffy knew his older brothers were right, but he’d still miss them once they left Dawn Island to chase their dreams on the seas. “Are you still not going to be a pirate, Sabo?”

Sabo looked at Luffy with a grin. “You know that I want to help the revolutionaries, Luffy.” All three brothers still remembered the burning of Grey Terminal by the nobles of Goa Kingdom. All to impress a visiting Celestial Dragon…one of the World Nobles. Regardless of the fact that the fire would kill everyone that lived in the area. Sabo had already known that the nobles in Goa Kingdom were horrible, but to see them become even worse just to curry favor with the Celestial Dragon had sickened him. Sabo shook his head once to banish the memories. “I’m going out to sea to try and fix this broken system. Then I’m going to write a book about all of my trips and everything that I saw.” He smiled at his dream, one that would let him be free and make the world a freer place.

“I’ll be the first pirate out of all of us then.” Ace declared with a grin. “Too bad you’ll have to wait three more years, Luffy. But give old Garp a few good punches for me.”

“I will.” Luffy smiled a bit, knowing how badly his grandpa was going to react to Ace going off to be a pirate.

-Months Later-

“C’mon, brat!” Garp laughed as he blocked Luffy’s punch and then slugged his grandson with a left cross. “You’ve gotta be better than that!”

“Damn it, grampa!” Luffy stomped on the ground and the land shook before shattering all at once. Garp merely hopped upwards to avoid the shaking. He raised his knee to block a follow up punch that sent him flying back across the large field. “Catch this!” Luffy roared as lightning sparked between his horns and then his hands. Three bolts of lightning arced across the large plain only for Garp to dodge them by blurring and briefly vanishing from sight.

Boom Boom Boom

The bolts blasted the shattered ground apart even more.

A ‘Fist of Love’ came towards the back of Luffy’s head, only for the Oni to spin and dodge it at the last second and slam his fist into Garp’s gut.

“That all you got, brat?!” Garp tanked the punch to the gut and then headbutted Luffy, sending his grandson reeling back two steps. His next punch, however, was caught by Luffy and he blocked the counter punch that would’ve hit his face. “That’s more like it! You’ll be a Marine Officer in no time!”

Luffy grimaced and used his insane strength in his full transformation to shove Garp backwards, the old man’s feet digging trenches in the torn up ground. “I told you a thousand times, grampa! I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” He held out his hand and with a bit of Oni ‘magic’ a large metal club flew into his hand from the very edge of the field. The club sparked with lightning and vibrated with thunder as Luffy leapt into the air and brought the weapon down on Garp with all of his strength.


The land erupted into a massive cloud of dirt, dust, and debris. The air was so thick one could easily choke on it. In a massive crater near the center of the field, Garp and Luffy were deadlocked. The Vice-Admiral was holding back Luffy’s club with his hands, while Luffy was still applying pressure to the weapon.

“Hah! Look at how much strength you have! You could punch a ship in half with this kind of power! That’s my grandson!” Garp praised with a wide grin.

“Still gonna be a pirate, grampa!” Luffy shot back as he tried to force his club forward.

“Damn it, brat!” Garp broke the deadlock and kicked Luffy into the side of the crater. “I’ll beat that nonsense out of you today!”

Luffy leapt back at Garp with a roar. “Not if I beat you first!”

The clash would go on for quite a while longer before both members of the Monkey D. family came back to Fuusha Village to eat their nearly insatiable fill at Makino’s bar.

-Luffy ~ Day of Departure-

“There he goes.” Makino smiled as she waved to Luffy while he sailed further away.

“He’s going out into the world to become a criminal!” Woopslap declared with a grimace. Why couldn’t any of the Monkey D. Family be normal?

“Luffy just wants to follow his dream,” Makino grinned at Woopslap. “That’s not such a bad thing, is it?” Her left hand rested on her stomach unconsciously.

Luffy’s libido had awoken a bit over a year ago, and it was almost as voracious as his appetite. Not wanting Luffy to seek out pleasure with any of the ‘ladies of the evening’ over in Goa Kingdom, Makino had taken it upon herself to teach him everything he needed to know. She’d been VERY spoiled over the last year because of it and the two had been up for most of the night last night ‘saying farewell’ as it were.

“Until he ruins our town’s reputation.” Woopslap grumbled as he looked away from the departing ship.


“Well, this is annoying…” Luffy grimaced as his dinghy was caught in a massive whirlpool. He’d been woken up from his nap by the rocking of his small boat only to find himself in this situation. “I guess I shouldn’t have slept so long.” To be fair, he and Makino had been up into the early hours of the morning.

As the little dinghy circled the hole in the ocean, picking up more and more speed as the powerful current pulled it in, Luffy eyed the large barrel that he’d brought with him. It held all of his worldly goods and was about the size of a barrel that would normally be used to age a large amount of alcohol. It honestly barely fit in the little boat. Not seeing any way around it, Luffy pulled off the top and hopped in, sealing the lid tightly behind him with his ridiculous strength.


“Th-there’s something floating in the water!” A pudgy boy with round glasses and bowl cut pink hair called out as he performed his watch duties aboard the luridly pink pirate ship that he’d been basically enslaved on for the past two years. “I th-think it’s a large b-barrel!”

“Move outta the way, Coby!” One of the pirates nearly shoved the boy aside. “Would you look at the size of that.” He grinned at the large barrel.

“So close to the island too.” Another pirate chuckled as he looked over the edge of the ship.

“After a successful raid like ours, we’re being blessed by the sea with a huge amount of booze!” A third pirate smiled nastily as the three got out ropes with iron hooks on them and tossed them towards the large barrel.

Unbeknownst to the three pirates, below them, on the first subdeck, a beautiful orange-haired woman was looking at the barrel through a porthole. She was truly a beauty with her reddish-brown eyes, soft features, hourglass figure, and long legs with thick, healthy thighs from years of thieving activity on the high seas. She currently wore a loose, button-up shirt with white and blue vertical lines and a pair of denim short shorts with two orange circles on each hip. “Tch… They spot a barrel floating in the ocean and think they’re being rewarded for being scumbag pirates.” She continued her stowing away, knowing that soon all of the plunder of the Alvida Pirates would be hers.

As the three pirates struggled to pull the heavy weight of the barrel up onto the ship a loud, rough, but still female voice spoke. “What’s this? You little punks weren’t thinking of keeping this find to yourselves, were you?!”

The woman that had spoken was large…to be polite…to not be polite, one would say that she was obese. A pink flannel shirt stretched across her girth with a blue Captain’s coat over it that had no chance of ever being buttoned up while the woman wore it. Her white pants looked to be on the verge of burst at the seams as well. Her boots and hat were the only things that weren’t straining on her form. In her right hand she held a large metal mace with spikes on it. In the waistband of her pants rested a flintlock to complete the ‘pirate’ look.

“N-No, Lady Alvida!” The largest man of the three shook his head.

The other two men glanced at the iron mace warily. If Alvida lost her temper they’d all be dead!

“We were going to bring it to you, we swear!” The pirate assured his Captain.

“Then hurry up and get it on the main deck! We’re about to dock at the island!” Alvida ordered as she led the way to the main deck. “I was getting thirsty anyway!”

“Yes, Lady Alvida!” The three men rolled the heavy barrel towards the front of the ship, wondering just what kind of booze was in it for it to be so heavy.

Coby, still trembling from the sudden appearance of Alvida, slowly followed behind. He didn’t even want to go, but if Alvida noticed him missing when she wanted something then he’d be dead meat when she found him.

When the barrel was rolled onto the main deck all of the crew gathered around it after securing the ship to the shore. The pirate vessel was now bobbing slightly in the shallows of a small and unplotted island with a forest growing on it.

“Open it up! I want a drink after our latest raid!” Alvida ordered with an ugly grin on her doughy cheeks.

“I’ll open it up the old fashioned way!” The largest man on the Alvida crew grinned as he stepped up and cracked his knuckles. He cocked back his fist, preparing to throw all of his strength and weight at the wooden lid.

Only for the wooden lid to burst upward and smack him in the face so hard that his feet left the deck and he slammed down hard on his back a second later.

Yaaaawwwwnnnn~” A man emerged from the barrel, stretching his arms above his head. “That was a good nap!” He put his hands on the edge of the barrel and hopped out easily, his sandal-clad feet touching the deck seemed to be the thing that snapped the pirates out of their shock.

“Who the hell are you?!” Alvida demanded as she pointed her mace at Luffy.

Luffy blinked and noticed all of the people around him. “Hm?” He pointed at himself. “I’m Monkey D. Luffy!” He grinned widely.

The Alvida crew took in Luffy’s appearance, from the straw hat on his head that covered his shaggy black hair, to the open red vest on his torso partially covering the toned musculature of a body trained for combat. His long blue shorts stopped just above his knees with a tiger-striped sash holding them up, and his legs were just as well-muscled as his torso and arms.

“And why are you here?” Alvida questioned, still pointing her mace at Luffy. “You some kind of bounty hunter after the price on my head?”

Coby felt a brief spark of hope in his chest that maybe, just maybe, his two-year nightmare would finally be over.

“Nope, I’m a pirate!” Luffy said without a care.

Coby’s heart plummeted into his stomach; his hope snuffed out like a candle in the wind.

Alvida sneered at Luffy. “So, you’re also a pirate, huh? Then you should know what happens when a pirate sets foot onto another pirate’s ship without permission!” She threatened as her crew started pulling out swords and flintlocks.

Luffy looked at all of the weapons being drawn and grabbed the lid of his large barrel. He sealed the barrel with a single smack of the lid, making a few of the pirates watching him blink in shock. With a simple heft, the large barrel flew through the air and landed on the upper deck of the ship safely.

Now all eyes nearly bugged out at the strength required to toss such a heavy barrel so far with only one hand. The loud thump when the barrel landed had gotten the attention of the orange-haired stowaway and she peeked out of the door she was hiding behind, having snuck to the upper deck while all of the pirates were busy gathering around the large barrel earlier.

Luffy suddenly cocked back his fist with a wide smile on his face.

“Holy…” Coby didn’t know why, but something inside of him screamed out a warning to grab onto the railing closest to him. “…shit!”

“Hah!” Luffy punched the deck of Alvida’s ship and the vessel defied buoyancy from the force of the blow, sinking down to slam into the bottom of the shallows and nearly embed itself there. The water was displaced so powerfully that a massive spray was thrown high into the air.


The ship split from the force of the punch as the pirates flew into the air from the shockwave. Weapons left hands and men screamed in panic as they nearly came even with the crow’s nest. The bow of the ship lurched forward as the seawater came rushing back in to fill the void that had been created in the shallows. The wood couldn’t hope to hold together as the front portion of the ship collapsed into the drink. The ship was dead, it wouldn’t be able to be sailed again.

The screams of most of the pirates were silenced when they crashed back to the deck. Some ended up splashing down into the ocean instead, but given the height they’d fallen, it didn’t end much better for them.

“Wh-What a-are y-you?” Alvida struggled to move away from Luffy after she’d come crashing back down from the air.

Luffy approached her and easily lifted her fallen mace with his foot, catching it when it reached chest height from the flick of his foot. “I just told you, are you stupid?” He looked perplexed that she could’ve forgotten his name already.

“W-Wait! Wait!” Alvida threw her hands up between them, as if she were trying to ward Luffy off. Luffy batted her aside with her own mace. Alvida went flying off her destroyed ship and across the horizon in short order. If she was still alive, she’d come crashing down into the ocean and then her fate would be up to chance.

“Hm, not as good as mine.” Luffy commented on the iron mace before casually tossing it overboard, hearing the splash a second later. Looking upwards, he noticed one of the doors on the upper deck had opened and an orange-haired woman had fallen out. Luffy easily hopped up to the upper deck and stood next to the downed woman who quickly scrambled back to her feet. “One more, huh?” He cocked back his fist.

“NO! No, no, no! I’m not! I swear!” The woman waved her hands in front of her, shaking her head side to side and sending her semi-short orange locks flying back and forth.

Luffy narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.

“My name’s Nami! I’m a thief that steals from pirates!” Nami explained, only to flinch when Luffy’s eyes narrowed further. The fact that he was a pirate meant that she might try and steal from him. He didn’t like that. Nami nearly cursed herself for not thinking of that first. Looking Luffy over with her eyes, an idea came to mind. “Hey… A strong guy like you probably wants a pretty woman around, right? I could take care of you…” She undid the three buttons of her shirt and pulled it open, showing Luffy that she was braless as her bare tits bounced a little.

Luffy’s eyes dropped down to the exposed flesh and Nami could practically hear the neurons activating. “Okay.”

Nami felt tension drain from her entire body as relief washed over her. Luffy lowered his fist and then, to Nami’s surprise, swept her off her feet and into a bridal carry. In only a second Luffy had carried her inside the ship and into what had to be the Captain’s quarters given the size of it and the size of the bed.

“Eh?” Nami blinked as she realized that Luffy wasn’t going to wait and was planning to take her offer now. “Are you-” She was cut off as Luffy kissed her lips, it was much gentler than she’d expected given what she’d seen of Luffy so far. “Mm…” Nami didn’t hate it, and if it kept her alive she’d go with it. She shrugged her shirt off, leaving her topless and then ran her hands over Luffy’s chest, feeling his muscles as she pushed off his red vest.

Luffy pulled away from Nami’s lips and gently laid her back, a flick of his fingers and the button on her denim shorts was undone. Luffy grinned as he pulled them off of her in one motion, tossing them aside without a care a second later.

“You beast…” Nami gave him half-lidded eyes to fan the flames of his desire for her. Seeing Luffy’s eyes roaming over her almost naked body, Nami hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her light blue panties and pulled them down her legs. She tossed them off the bed and barely held back a blush as she spread her legs for Luffy. “Oooh!” Nami gasped as Luffy surprised her again. Instead of immediately pulling his shorts off, he’d knelt down at the edge of the bed and buried his face into her pussy, showing off a skilled and dexterous tongue. “Mmm…hah, fuck.” She rolled her hips into his hungry mouth as his tongue found her sweet spots one after another.

Luffy compared Nami’s taste to Makino’s, the only other woman that he was familiar with like this, and found that he liked it just as much. Taking hold of her thighs, Luffy brought Nami closer so that he could get even deeper with his tongue.

Nami bit her lip, trying to control her breathing, but it wasn’t working, She mewled and panted as Luffy brought her closer and closer to the peak with his oral treatment. When he suddenly pulled back and then lavished her clit with his hot tongue, Nami came undone. “Aaahhh!”

Luffy quickly buried his tongue back inside Nami, making the thief squeal as her spasming pussy was stimulated even more. She thrashed her head side to side and grabbed the blankets beneath her as she rode the waves of her orgasm. When she nearly collapsed back onto the bed, she felt Luffy pull his tongue from her depths before leaving a kiss on her clit that made her shiver as a jolt of pleasure traveled up her spine.

“Hah…hah…” Nami breathed out, slowly getting her breath back after a powerful orgasm. She saw Luffy gently toss his straw hat on the bedside table and she slowly sat up. Luffy’s dark eyes met Nami’s reddish-brown and she gave him a little grin as her hands undid the tiger-striped sash, she briefly noted that it wasn’t tiger-print, but the actual treated fur of a real tiger. When the sash fell away Nami, still looking Luffy in the eye, undid his shorts and pulled them down along with his boxers.


Nami’s eyes widened as the head of Luffy’s hard cock lightly tapped the bottom of her chin the instant it was freed from his clothing. She gulped and finally broke eye contact with Luffy as she gazed at the beast that she was about to try and satisfy. “Oh fuck…”

Luffy just tilted his head, waiting for Nami to start. Makino had taught him to be patient with a woman.

“Mnnn…” Nami inhaled to prepare herself, but ended up filling her nose with Luffy’s thick scent. She felt her body shiver pleasantly and nearly cursed it for betraying her. Her temperature was rising as she kissed the head of Luffy’s cock. Nami wrapped her hands around his length and began to stroke him, inwardly marveling at the sheer size and girth. Sticking her tongue out a bit, Nami licked the head and tasted Luffy for the first time. ‘Why does that turn me on?!’ She wondered for a moment before swirling her tongue around the tip as she continued her stroking. If she was supposed to try taking this inside of her, she wanted it to be as lubricated as possible.

“Nami…” Luffy rumbled lowly and Nami looked up into his eyes again. The two looked at each other as Nami took the head between her lips and continued to swirl her tongue around it. Luffy gently rested his hand on the back of Nami’s head and the woman’s eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen.

“Mmph!” Nami’s mouth was suddenly full of Luffy’s cock. She pushed against his hips a bit, and Luffy pulled back. She wanted to be mad at him, but her pussy was nearly drooling her nectar at this point and she didn’t think she’d ever been so turned on in her life. “Mmh…” She moved forward this time, taking more of Luffy into her mouth, cradling the bottom of his shaft with her tongue, until the tip brushed her throat. “Gagh!”

Luffy groaned in pleasure as Nami pulled back, suckling his length the whole way. When she got back to just the tip, Luffy’s hand on the back of her head urged her forward again.

“Mnm…” Nami took more of Luffy into her mouth and did her best to relax her throat. “Gakh!” She still gagged a bit when Luffy’s tip entered her throat. “Gagkh!” It was more powerful when Luffy pulled her forward and she was swiftly pressed to the base of his cock. Her lips were almost stretched around the girth of Luffy’s cock, but she’d managed to take him to the base. She kept her throat relaxed as best as she could, but the reflexive swallow couldn’t be stopped. “Gurgkh!” One swallow led to another, and Nami felt tears forming in her eyes.

“That feels amazing…” Luffy was reveling in the pleasure of Nami’s hot, tight throat as it swallowed on him, squeezing his cock. Nami tapping his thighs with her hands alerted him to her need for air and Luffy slowly pulled out of her throat to let her breathe.

“Pah! Hah…hah…hah…” Nami gasped and panted as she was able to breathe again. “Fucking hell…Luffy…you nearly choked me.” She glared up at him as best as she could, but both of her hands had already returned to stroking his saliva-slicked cock. “Damn you… Fucking beast…” Nami cursed the hard length in her hands as she kissed the tip again and wrapped her lips around it. She began bobbing her head, sucking Luffy off now that she had a little experience. When Luffy put his hand back on her head, Nami rubbed her thighs together in anticipation. “Gakgh!” She took Luffy to the base again with his assistance and held him in her throat. “Hah…!” She exhaled heavily as she pulled him from her throat and mouth again, stroking his slick cock. The deepthroating was certainly working up a ton of her saliva.

Luffy growled a bit as Nami got more into sucking him off. He desperately wanted to grab the back of her head and just thrust until he finished, but Makino had taught him better than that. “Nami.”

Nami heard Luffy’s low growl of her name and felt her nipples get even harder, if that was possible. She bobbed her head, occasionally deepthroating Luffy for a moment before pulling back. Nami had never been so worked up and she was just going with what her body wanted at this point. “Cum, damn you…” Nami nearly moaned as she pulled Luffy from between her lips again and stroked his slick cock faster. “Mmph!” She took him back into her mouth and then down her throat once more before swallowing on his length, trying to coax his load from his balls.

She got her wish a moment later. Luffy put his hands on her shoulders and rumbled out his release. “Nami!”

“MMPH!!!” Nami nearly choked as the first blast filled her mouth, covering her tongue in the hot seed. She swallowed it down just in time for the second shot to fill her mouth just as much as the first one. Nami’s hands weren’t idle as her right hand stroked Luffy’s throbbing cock, while her left massaged his pulsing balls. She moaned lowly as she tasted Luffy and her mind went hazy, swallowing his seed as he gave it to her. ‘So much… Thick…hot…’ Nami thought dazedly as she continued to please Luffy. When the last shot coated her tongue she let Luffy slip from her lips and fell back onto the bed. Nami swallowed the last of Luffy’s seed and would’ve sworn that she could feel the heat in her stomach. Looking up at Luffy, seeing the desire in his eyes, Nami spread her legs invitingly.

Luffy climbed onto the bed and ran his still hard length against Nami’s dripping sex. Nami mewled lowly, lifting her hips a little to increase the friction and letting Luffy’s cock brush against her clit. Luffy guided the tip into Nami’s tight heat and eased into her with a slow and continuous thrust.

“Ah, yes, mmm…” Nami gripped the sheets below her as Luffy’s cock stretched her in the most wonderful ways. Her pussy was yielding to his girth almost eagerly and Nami’s eyes nearly rolled back into her head as Luffy got deeper than she thought. “Fuck… Fuck… Big…”

When Luffy’s hips met Nami’s, leaving him fully buried to the hilt inside of her, he clenched his hands into the bedding. The pleasure was intense, and Luffy had to do something to hold himself still. Makino had taught him that women needed time to adjust, especially given how blessed Luffy was.

Nami was so hot…too hot, maybe? She didn’t know for sure, but as she instinctively rolled her hips, sending a bolt of pleasure crashing into her brain, she lost any ability to care. She looked into Luffy’s eyes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Another roll of her hips, giving her another shot of pleasure, and Nami moaned out. “You can move~”

Luffy pulled back, bit by bit, making Nami coo and mewl from the wonderful friction. When he was mostly out of her pussy, he reversed course and thrust back in with a strong movement of his hips.

“Aaaahhh~” Nami’s tongue lolled out of her mouth as she moaned. She rolled her hips in time with Luffy’s thrusts as best as she could in her state. Luffy picked up speed and intensity with his thrusts and Nami clung to him tighter. “Oh fuck… Ah, ah, ah, yes…” Nami’s moans and mewls mixed with her panting for breath as Luffy’s cock hit every spot within her, some that she didn’t even know about! “Yes, yes, yes… Oh god, fucking ruin me~”

Luffy groaned and watched Nami’s tits bounce as he fucked her. Without thinking he leaned down to capture one of them with his mouth. He sucked on her tit, his tongue swirling around her nipple while his hand came up to grope and tease her free tit.

Nami’s back arched and she wrapped her arms around Luffy’s head, burying his face into her tits. “MMM!!!” She saw lights dancing in her vision as she crashed over the edge. Her eyes lost focus as Luffy didn’t even slow down, his hips still pounding into her spasming pussy as he fucked her through her climax.

“I’m close…” Luffy murmured as he briefly freed Nami’s tit from his mouth sometime later. He quickly switched tits and began to suck on Nami’s other breast.

“Luffy…” Nami managed to get out a few seconds later. She’d already been given an orgasm, fucked through it, and then fucked into a second one, only to be fucked through that one too. She wrapped her legs around his hips, locking her ankles behind him without a thought. “Inside… I want it~”

Luffy needed no further words as his thrusts became short and fast, barely pulling back at all before thrusting forward again.  “Mnnnnh.” He rumbled into her tits as he buried himself to the hilt again and flooded Nami’s womb with his thick seed.

Nami’s legs tightened around his hips even more as her entire body shook and trembled in another orgasm. The molten heat pooling inside of her was setting off every pleasure possible as Nami’s eyes closed and she clung to Luffy desperately. At some point it became too much and Nami lost it, falling into a black abyss caused by pleasure overload.

“Mmm?” Nami came to a short time later, feeling way too good. She moaned when her mind caught up and she felt an eager mouth still lavishing pleasure on her tits. She blindly ran her fingers through Luffy’s hair as her mind started to process things again. “You love my tits, huh?” She got a stronger suck as an answer. “Hah…” Nami gasped. “You know nothing will come out no matter how much you suckle, right?” She actually giggled a little.

Luffy let her tit free of his mouth and moved up to look her in the eye. “I still like them though.”

“Dummy.” Nami grinned at him before she stilled, something hard and hot was brushing against her tummy. “You’ve got to be kidding.” Nami looked down between them and saw Luffy’s hard cock laying on her stomach. “Didn’t you get enough?”

“Not yet.” Luffy shook his head once. With that he sat back up on his knees and gently took hold of Nami’s hips, flipping her over onto all fours. “Ready, Nami?”

“Luffyyyyyy~!” Nami squealed as Luffy’s thick cock entered her again. His hips met her ass and she moaned long and low as she had a minigasm. “Not…my ass~” She mewled as Luffy’s hands began to play with her cheeks. Luffy’s cock pulling back and then thrusting powerfully again made Nami moan and focus on trying to remain upright.

The sound of Luffy’s hips meeting Nami’s ass filled the room as he took hold of her hips and increased his thrusts. Nami moaned and panted as her tits swung beneath her from the force of Luffy’s thrusts into her pussy. She crashed over the edge again and nearly squealed. Luffy still didn’t stop, his thrusts continuing as he rumbled out his pleasure while her pussy tried to milk his cock. Nami felt her mind get hazy again as she was fucked through another orgasm. Luffy leaned over, pressing his chest against her back, his hands came around and caught her swaying tits, cupping them before he began to play with them. Had she had the cognitive function left, Nami would’ve realized that Luffy was the only thing holding her up as her arms were practically jelly as her brain was flooded with a fog of pleasure.

Luffy kept going, pounding his hips forward into Nami’s sex with the single-minded focus of bringing them both pleasure. Nami’s head fell forward a couple of minutes later as her entire body tensed up in another orgasm. Luffy grunted and increased the intensity of his thrust as Nami’s silken folds coaxed him over the edge with her. He made sure to bury his cock as deep as possible before filling Nami with another load. Shot after shot filled her and Nami only shook in bliss as her mind was overloaded.

Once he was finished, Luffy gently let Nami down to rest on the bed. Pulling his half-hard length from her stuffed pussy, Luffy tapped it on her ass cheeks. This ended up covering them with a bit of his seed and Nami mewled softly from the heat on her skin.

“No…” Nami moaned as Luffy turned her onto her side and lifted her left leg straight up, holding it against his chest. He eased himself back inside of her overstuffed pussy and began to thrust again. The fact that Nami was moaning and gasping proved just how much she was enjoying their new position. It didn’t take her long to reach her peak again, Luffy was overwhelming her entirely. Nami could only give into him and be submerged in all of the pleasure.


“Gagkh! Gagh! Gakh!” Nami gagged as Luffy fucked her face and played with her tits. Her head was partially hanging off the side of the bed as Luffy used her mouth and throat. Her pussy twitched, another thick glob of Luffy’s seed spilling from Nami as she got off on this type of play too. Her hips rose up off the bed as Luffy came, pouring his hot seed directly into her stomach this time.

-Even Later-

Nami wasn’t sure how long they’d been fucking, but dinner had to have passed by now. Not that she could’ve eaten anything else. Luffy had filled her stomach enough times that Nami wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if her tummy was visibly bloated at this point.

“Nami~” Luffy whispered into her ear as she clung to him limply while sitting in his lap as he held her ass and fucked his cock up into her.

“Oooohhh~” Nami moaned lowly into Luffy’s neck as her head rested on his shoulder. She couldn’t keep track of anything anymore as she felt even more hot cum fill her up again. If she didn’t take precautions like she did, there was no way she wouldn’t be pregnant from this.

-Late Night-

“Mm…” Nami was barely awake as Luffy stroked himself and covered her tits with the last of his seed…she hoped. From early afternoon all the way to now…Luffy hadn’t stopped fucking her. They barely stopped for water the entire time, much less breaks. When they did stop to use the bathroom, Luffy had seen the shower and tub. That led to them having a long round in the shower as Luffy took her against the wall as hot water cascaded down their bodies.

Luffy laid down next to Nami and spooned her from behind. He gently rested his head behind hers, breathing in her scent. One arm went around her waist, while the other went under the pillows to prop them up a little

Nami drifted off to sleep warm and feeling rather safe. Her subconscious mind just thanked whatever higher power existed that Luffy’s cock was finally soft against her ass.

-Next Morning-

Nami slowly awoke to the sound of seabirds and the light of the sun coming into the room through a couple of portholes. “Mnnn…” She blinked slowly and tried to recall where she was. The memories of yesterday all crashed back into the forefront of her mind as she felt a strong arm around her waist and a strong, muscled chest against her back. “Fuck… You beast~” She sighed pleasantly and got a kiss on the shoulder from Luffy.

“You want me to bring you food in bed?” Luffy offered as his hand around her waist ran fingers lightly over her stomach.

Nami slowly sat up and stretched her arms over her head. “I want a bath first. I’m still covered in your seed.” She felt the dried cum on various parts of her skin.

“Okay.” Luffy yawned and got out of bed, leaving the blankets with Nami. He walked over to the bathroom and the sound of running water was heard a moment later. Nami blinked, not expecting this at all, before the water stopped a little while later as Luffy emerged from the bathroom. “Here.” Luffy pulled the blanket back, revealing Nami’s naked body to his eyes again. He gently picked her up in another bridal carry and took her over to the filled bathtub before easing her into it. “I’ll go get us some food.” Luffy smiled at Nami and left the bathroom a moment later.

“Hah…” Nami sighed as she relaxed back into the warm water, letting it soothe her body from the rigorous sex marathon that she’d gone through yesterday. She was pleasantly sore in a few places, but nothing truly hurt. “I can’t tell if he’s sweet, or just dumb enough to listen to me.” She yawned and rested her head against the edge of the tub while lightly running her hands over her body to clean herself off. “But I can work with either.” A little smile formed on her lips as she thought about how to make this work in her favor.


Nami, now clean and redressed, could only watch as Luffy devoured what had to be dozens of people’s worth of food, water, and booze. Her own breakfast was larger than normal too (she needed to replenish her energy!) but she had nothing on Luffy.

Luffy grinned at Nami when he saw her staring at him and began to speak to her as he slowed down his voracious eating. It wasn’t long before Nami knew more about Luffy, knowing what kinds of questions to ask to get a better read of a person. Luffy also learned a bit more about Nami, how she was a Navigator, and supposedly only loved money and mikans.

“Why only money and mikans?” Luffy asked as he finished off the last of his meal.

“I’m going to collect 100,000,000 Beri.” Nami answered without answering.

Luffy just shrugged. “Okay, then we’ll make sure to get you 100,000,000 Beri.” He looked thoughtful for a second. “Huh, I probably shouldn’t have knocked that big lady away yesterday…she said that she had a bounty. Could’ve turned it over to a Bounty Office.” He shook his head and moved on easily.

“You don’t even know why I want to collect so much money.” Nami mentioned, looking at Luffy curiously.

“Don’t need to.” Luffy said with a grin. “You want it, that’s enough for me.” He stood up from the table. “We’ll collect all of it as we sail around, that’s a promise.” Luffy looked into Nami’s eyes and the thief saw not even the slightest trace of deception. “Be my Navigator, Nami!” Luffy held his hand out to her.

Nami looked at Luffy’s hand, her emotions warring within her. She knew he was a pirate, she hated pirates, but Luffy certainly wasn’t like any pirate that she’d ever met. “Let’s consider it a temporary partnership, for now.” She almost burst into laughter at seeing Luffy pout. Taking a step closer, Nami grinned at him. “If you prove honest and keep your promise, then we’ll see.”

“Rejected!” Luffy declared and picked Nami up by the waist. “Be my Navigator forever!” He beamed at Nami as he held her off the floor.

“Luffy! Put me down!” Nami sputtered at him, her cheeks slightly red at Luffy wanting her forever.

Luffy laughed as he set her down with a grin. “I’ll go gather up all of their food and booze!” He walked over towards the hold where the food was kept.

“I’ll get all of their cash and treasure!” Nami agreed as she quickly left the galley to gather up everything both on the ship and the small island.

-Late Morning-

With everything gathered up, Luffy and Nami began to lower one of the lifeboats from the destroyed Alvida Pirates ship into the water. There were still more than a few bodies floating amongst the waves from Luffy ‘s attack yesterday, but both of them were ignoring that.

“Huh, one of the lifeboats is missing.” Nami noticed after counting them again. “Was someone left over?”

Neither she nor Luffy had noticed the pink-haired boy at all yesterday.

Luffy shrugged, completely unconcerned as he adjusted his hat. “They didn’t bother us, so it’s no big deal.” He placed his large barrel of possessions into the lifeboat.

Nami blushed slightly for a moment. “As if anyone would interrupt that.” Knowing that if anyone had, Luffy would’ve ended them in an instant made her heart beat speed up for a second. ‘Arlong can’t even punch a ship in half. Sure, he can pierce through them, but only underwater, and if he can build up enough speed.’ Nami knew her tormentor’s strength very well. And Luffy was clearly a powerhouse on an entirely different level.

As they hopped into the lifeboat with all of the Alvida Pirates’ loot and food, Nami easily set their course as they sailed away from the small island.

“Devil Fruits are real?” Nami blinked at Luffy in surprise as they chatted while sailing.

“Yep!” Luffy grinned at her. “I ate one when I was a little kid. The Hito Hito no Mi – Model: Shuten-dōji! I’m an Oni Human!”

“Oni?” Nami took a second to recall what that was, only a few places in the East Blue had legends of the creatures. “The giant ogres that eat humans and practice sorcery and black magic?”

“Uh-huh.” Luffy nodded and transformed into his Half-Beast form to show Nami his horns and red skin before changing back. “But I don’t eat people.” Luffy laughed brightly as he kicked back on one of the large sacks of treasure that Nami had collected from the two storehouses that had been on the small island. “Well, not in the normal way, at least.” He grinned at her.

“Luffy!” Nami swatted at him with her cheeks turning bright red. “You better not say that in front of other people!”

Nami might not admit it to herself yet, but she was already sold on being Luffy’s Navigator. Even though a small part of her mind told her to get at least one more woman on the crew as fast as possible.

The East Blue, no, the World had no idea of the force that was about to emerge from the ‘weakest sea’ to cause an uproar wherever it went!

-Months Later ~ Thriller Bark-

“Kishishishi!” Gecko Moria, Warlord of the Sea, laughed as he used his newest and greatest zombie to attack the Straw Hat Pirates. “You have no chance against me now, Straw Hats!” The massive Ancient Giant known as Oars ‘the Continent Puller’ once more walked the earth as a zombie made by the power of the Kage Kage no Mi.

“Shut up!” Luffy roared out so loudly that even Moria inside of Oars flinched at the volume. He slammed his kanabo into the ground causing spiderweb cracks to spread for dozens of meters in every direction. “I’m tired of dealing with you, stupid shallot!” He didn’t give the Warlord the respect of remembering his name. “No one hurts my nakama and gets away with it!” He pointed the kanabo at the Ancient Giant zombie.

“And what are you going to do about it, Straw Hat?! Kishishishi!” Moria laughed at the upstart rookie. “Kill him, Oars!”

“Right…” Oars responded and cocked back his fist.

Luffy growled and his body began to shift and morph, growing larger and larger as he transformed into his Full-Beast form. When he was finished growing, Luffy stood at roughly fifteen meters in height. Still nothing compared to the Ancient Giant, but it wasn’t the size of the strongest of all Oni that Moria and his zombie needed to worry about. “RAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Luffy’s bellowing roar shook the air and made the zombie pause in throwing its punch.

“K-Kaidō…” Gecko Moria’s eyes widened and looked damn near crazed. Kaidō…Kaidō…Kaidō!!!” Memories were flooding Gecko Moria’s mind, horrible memories of a time long ago, when he’d had living friends and nakama. A time before a certain Oni had taken all of that away and left Gecko Moria a broken man, a shadow of his former self. “I KILL YOU!!!”

Luffy lifted one leg and stomped on the ground. The entire island shook as the land beneath Luffy shattered into massive chasms. The floating island ship visibly bobbed in the water as cracks began to form throughout the structure. The cracks through the ground raced up the castle walls, shattering part of the gloomy castle to rubble. “DEMON KING THUNDER BREAKER!!!” Luffy’s kanabo was now just as massive as he was and sparked with lightning and reverberated with thunder.

“Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!” Moria raged as Oars threw its massive fist forward at the much smaller ‘monster’.

Luffy swung his thunderstorm of a kanabo straight at the incoming fist.


The corpse gave out first.

The fist was blasted apart by the force of Luffy’s swing. The lightning tore through the flesh and bones of the Ancient Giant zombie until its entire arm was blasted off its body. The damage didn’t stop there though, the thunderous reverberations shook the zombie from the inside out, shattering bones and even pounding within the cavity that the half-crazed Gecko Moria was sitting in.

“Gah!” Moria bellowed in agony as his organs and even his blood felt like they were shaking inside of him.

Luffy leapt straight at the head of Oars with his kanabo still roaring like a furious storm. “RAMPAGE!!!” He swung the club down on the corpse’s head and blasted part of it away. Another swing hit the head, followed by another, and another. Each strike let off a blast of intense lightning and thunder into the zombie. Gecko Moria felt the blows as the vibration slammed throughout Oars’s zombie body. The Ancient Giant corpse couldn’t stand up to the violent rampage of the strongest of all Oni! The head had already been bashed into nothing, and now the chest cavity was practically exploding from within.

“DIE!!! Kaidō!” Moria leapt out of the doomed zombie and reached out with both hands. “SHADOWS ASGARD!!!” The various shadows spread all across Thriller Bark left their zombies and rushed towards Moria in a massive wave of black.

“DEMON KING’S MOUNTAIN CRUSHER!!!” Luffy came down from atop the falling Ancient Giant, his kanabo and his entire body visibly vibrating. The kanabo hit the rapidly growing Warlord with the force of a meteor. The land shattered again. This time the entire castle fell to nothing but rubble and the bottom of Thriller Bark practically exploded outwards beneath the water. Massive waves spread out in all directions from Thriller Bark and across the ocean.

Gecko Moria’s head couldn’t hold up to that much force. Even empowered by his partial Shadows Asgard, it was simply too much power. His skull fractured into fragments of bone, his spine snapped under the pressure, his brain was mush, the force continued from there, with Luffy’s immense kanabo crushing all of Moria’s body into what amounted to blood mist and gore.

A massive plume of dirt and debris flew into the air and away from Luffy’s impact point. The aftershocks of his power still rattled the island ship even as the hundreds of shadows shot away to find their original owners now that the power of the Kage Kage no Mi was no longer in use.

“RAAAAHHHHH!!!” Luffy roared out a bellowing victory cry as he raised his kanabo high into the air above his towering figure.

The rookie pirate with the current highest bounty was surely going to be recognized once again by the world. The ripples of his actions once more making waves throughout the seas.

Luffy didn’t care about any of that. All that he cared about was that his nakama were safe.

As he returned to his normal form, four women approached him through the rubble and debris to stand at the edge of the crater that Luffy’s last attack had caused. One of them was Nami, but behind her was a group of the zombies of Gecko Moria. With a snap of her fingers, ethereal purple-white flames escaped the zombies and they all collapsed to the ground, once more just regular corpses. The next woman was blue haired and was clearly shifting back to her normal form from using her Devil Fruit powers, her tattooed skin and tan complexion made her stand out. Robin smiled down at Luffy, the raven-haired beauty was just happy that Luffy was alright, even as the gloomy island ship continued to fall to pieces beneath them.

“Luffy!” Uta didn’t wait and nearly flew at Luffy and wrapped him in a warm hug as soon as she saw him.

Luffy hugged her back and then kissed her lips. “I’m alright, Uta.”

Uta snuggled into him even more. “I’m glad.”

“Better?” Nojiko asked as she walked down the edge of the crater with nimble steps.

“Better.” Luffy nodded with a smile, resting his kanabo over his shoulder. The two shared a quick, soft kiss, letting both relax a little more now that they knew they were both okay.

Nami grinned at Luffy and pulled his lips to hers. “Everyone’s shadows have returned to them. We can all finally get off this island.”

“Good.” Luffy said with a grin of his own. “I was tired of this place anyway.”

“Fufufu…” Robin giggled softly as she leaned into Luffy, the two resting their foreheads against each other’s and sharing a quick kiss. “I’m sure you are, Luffy. But you’ll be happy to know that the skeleton seems to be interested in joining our crew.”

Luffy’s eyes lit up and he threw his fist into the air. “Yes! New nakama! We finally have a musician to go along with Uta’s singing!”

All four women couldn’t help but laugh at Luffy’s enthusiasm for filling a position on the crew over the fighting that they’d all just done against another Warlord of the Sea.

-End Chapter-


You probably shouldn’t fuck with the Strongest of all Oni…it doesn’t seem like a good idea.

Thriller Bark is currently sinking rubble, after all.

Luffy is quite the match for Shuten-dōji, aside from the cannibalism, of course. Big appetite for food, booze, and women! Raucous behavior! Known to turn things upside down in his pursuit of fun!

What’s this now? Nami, Nojiko, Robin, and Uta?! Luffy is gonna make every man he meets jealous! There could even be MORE women for all we know!

And were those Devil Fruit powers that we saw from Nami and Nojiko?! What could they be?

How was this for the first Plot Bunny idea in over a year?

Let me know what you thought with a review!

Until next time, later!


Zero Shadow

Any idea on when Logia Brothers and Magma Dragon King next chapter are going to be done?


You know they're Main Rotation stories, so they get updated every month, please be patient.

Kirito Beater

Very nice. Though I know it was sped up in terms of lemony goodness, I very much see this Oni Luffy being a great read