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I think this season is Whiteout crossed with The Thing. That's a good thing




Alice Flagg

This episode's a decent enough premiere. I like the premise, the setting and most of the characters and their dynamics, but the executing is a little sloppy. There's a lot of on the nose expository dialogue and, I don't know if it's the scripts, the director, or the actors but I'm feeling a lack of chemistry between the characters. The beginning was oddly paced with 2 or 3 cold opens. The first being the deer's jumping off the cliff, which was the most unintentionally funny death scene since The Happening, and the other being the missing crew at the base. I would've preferred if they just started with the delivery guy walking into the base and finding the tongue and let the audience piece the info together along with the characters. It's not a huge deal breaker but this episode is really lacking in subtlety. I like both the music and the imagery of the opening credits. It really fits the tone of the series and adds a little intrigue. Jodie Foster is unsurprisingly the strongest performance in the show so far. Her character feels a little cliche with her being the single stepparent mixed with the town sheriff that's embroiled in a murder mystery, but her performance more than makes up for it, it doesn't matter what's she in she often elevates an otherwise uninteresting project. Eva Navorro played by Kali Reis is probably the more interesting and fleshed out character, with her being an Alaskan native with strong ties to the community and relatives of the victim. However, her character's not immune to the same types of cliches as foster's character and unfortunately, her performance is pretty underwhelming. Hopefully that'll change in future episodes. I quite like Foster's deputy played by John Hawkes. Him and his ex-sheriff father (Finn Bennet) have an interesting dynamic that I'm looking forward to being fleshed out in later episodes. I'm a little concerned with the show teasing the supernatural. They did that in season one and it didn't really amount to anything, so I'm not in the mood of having something like that continually teased with no payoff. They did that in Yellowjackets, and it pissed me off. If the killer does turn out to be some monster, then that'll be a pretty disappointing conclusion, so I'm hoping they'll avoid that and have the supernatural elements be more subtle and not in your face. Overall, a pretty mixed bag but I'm hooked and it's only 6 episodes, 4 of which have already been released.