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Gather around the toilet as grampa falls asleep telling you a story!




paul cook

We're up to 20 AD now so Jesus was around, but Christianity wasn't really a thing yet.

paul cook

if someone was executed for treason in ancient Rome, their children (and sometimes generations after that) would lose all their inherited property and sometimes even lose civic rights (e.g. to be an officer in the military or get government jobs). In many cultures, your kids and grand-kids could even be executed if you were executed for treason! Avoiding this fate is enough to get people to chose 'suicide rather than execution' when it is an option presented (saving their descendants) even in individualistic countries like our own. US state Senator Budd Dwyer killed himself to avoid being convicted of a crime that would leave his kids without his senator's pension for example. But Rome was a WAY more family oriented culture than we are, the noble families had masks of all their ancestors going back centuries on the wall. The dishonor of having a *convicted* traitor in the family would probably be enough to get someone to choose suicide over execution in that sort of culture even without the material costs (think about how Japanese Samurai used to cut their bellies open to avoid dishonor that'd be passed onto their families). Often being executed for treason involved a painful way of dying like Crucifixion with torture beforehand so getting to kill yourself in a painless way was better Given all this, it's kinda surprising that Piezo was so reluctant to kill himself, his reluctance is true to the accounts we've got of the history