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Ariel Causey

I think if this were live action, I would probably feel the same way about Tsu and the way she uses her tongue (or the Hero Killer for that matter), but since it’s animation, I think I just forget (or discount) that it’s a tongue and just think about it as an extra appendage she uses- like she’s usually the one shutting Mineta up when he’s saying something he shouldn’t by smacking him with it lol (plus, I like Tsu, so I think that also helps me look past the weird idiosyncrasies she has)

Ariel Causey

And I’m not sure if you saw the post credit way back in episode 5 (not a big deal if you missed it, just a short scene of Midoriya’s mother watching the festival), but there are some short post credits on both of the next two episodes that might be fun to watch


I did see that, but thanks for the heads up on the next episodes as I watch those tomorrow so good timing