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Quirk Marriages are something you totally know would happen




Ariel Causey

Kendo (the red haired 1B girl with the giant fist) is the class rep for class 1B, and usually the one shutting Monoma up when he’s being particularly annoying lol


I'm so impressed with how you always know every character's name no matter what show we're talking about. We're into a dozen shows by now and thousands of characters and you know them all.

Ariel Causey

There is a slight translation error when it comes to Shinso- it was said that he can brainwash when someone answers a question, but it’s actually if he gets a response to anything he says, it doesn’t have to be a question, and the response doesn’t even have to be words, like how he got Midoriya after the match when he just grunted in response to what Shinso said