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2 more rounds of the Ego Olympics!




Ariel Causey

The “urine?” was Mineta questioning whether the wet ground around Midoroya (from his geyser of tears presumably) was urine

Ariel Causey

42 people qualified for the second round- all 40 hero course students (classes A and B) plus Hatsume (support course girl) and Shinso (general studies guy who wants to be in the hero course and said that the teachers can choose to transfer them if they perform well at the festival). The cavalry teams could be 2-4 each, and while most of them did have 4 (it makes the most sense because it would be a higher point potential and more quirks to help your team) we did see quite a few with 3- most were class B that we don’t really know them yet but one team of 3 was Shoji/Tsu/Mineta (dupli-arms/frog/sticky balls)- there might have even been some 2 player teams, but if so they weren’t really focused on- edit, I now see at least one with 2 people, the guy that looks like a small version of the beast titan (Zeke) with glasses had one guy riding him (in other words, he was the only “horse”)