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I got screwed by Patreon this week.  First they send me an email saying I qualify for their 100 hours of video hosted free program, so I uploaded 3 Yellowjackets thinking I could use the free video hosting for this week's ViFam video. Then, after I made that choice, they send another email saying that I don't qualify for the program after all. Well, now it's too late, the video memory on Vimeo has been used for this week.

So, since ViFam is sponsored it gets priority and this episode goes up on Google Drive. I elaborate in my intro.



paul cook

When you're adapting history, small changes early on can lead to huge ones later, butterfly effect style. Remember I said that one of Pompey's sons became a pirate king IRL but this was cut? Well, when Octavian was first fighting Anthony before they became allies, he was scared the pirates would take Rome while he was out in the field against Anthony, so he married the pirate king's sister and had a kid with her - this is the only kid he ever had! I recently read a historical fiction book largely about this daughter so her omission here is hard to miss for me! Octavian divorced her the day she gave birth because the pirate king was already dealt with by this point, but cutting the pirate king led to this down the line. In that historical novel, I really liked Mucianus (the flamboyant minion of Octavian who steals the gold here) but his portrayal here makes me really hate him - different portrayals of the same historical person can be vastly different! I'm shocked at how much I dislike him in this episode given how much I like him in that book. But sometimes all adaptations depict a guy the same way; Lepidus is as much of a massive loser in that book as he is here if, not more so. Livia's family were one of the oldest in Rome, so marrying into them would help get the senate on Octavian's side - you're right that political aspect of the marriage isn't mentioned here. I think the Stockholm syndrome with slaves with only applied to house slaves, who tended to be treated fairly well and were most likely to be freed, not to the ones working the fields (who kept rebelling, like under Spartacus). These 'uncle toms' are the slaves we're most likely to see in stories set in Rome or even in history books, so it could give us false impressions of how slaves felt. ngl I laughed out loud when you said "tell me if you can't access this video" at the start of the video a lot of big creators insist they're always faking things for the camera, i think it must be true in their case, but i find it hard to see how people could do 100s of hours a video a month and fake it the whole time unless they're great actors (which the big creators might be). I think that's relevant to Rome as some people think Roman politicians were constantly putting on an act, but I doubt they could've kept it up all the time.


That makes sense about Livia, this is one of the cases where this season's pace hurts the story. They really needed the full season to properly do this, I think. Everything feels a little too rushed. It doesn't ruin the story, the Livia example is a minor thing, but it's a symptom of a larger issue. Your first two paragraphs are fascinating. That's what happened with the Game of Thrones adaptation. Small changes made in season 1 really hurt seasons 5 and 6.