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I prefer my zombies like I prefer my dreams, DEAD.




Ariel Causey

I told you there were some wtf episodes before the finale- I’m guessing they were intended to be a break between the dark 2 parter we just came out of and the tense 3 part finale coming up (but zombies and baseball almost pull you too much out of it lol)


It's very strange because normally I like connected, long form storytelling episodes of TV series way more than the monster of the week stuff. This is the only series where I feel the exact opposite.

Ariel Causey

I’ve been thinking about your question about crossovers, and honestly, I can’t decide on one. I think for the more “serious” toned shows, it wouldn’t be too interesting (with the exception of maybe Sasha from AoT and Thorkell from Vinland, the most “anime” characters from those shows), but I’d really love to see all of the characters get together and see what happens lol