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paul cook

At least the terrorist's actual goals (getting a bill passed that gives resources to poor countries) actually make sense, even if the ideology their footsoldiers spout is insane. That said, I have no clue how the terrorists plan to ensure the government keeps their word on this - if they changed their plan tomorrow, could the terrorists really pull something like this off again anytime soon?


I guess it depends on how cowardly the terrorists know the government to be. I'm watching Narcos and it's incredible what Pablo got away with because his government was terrified of him. So if the terrorists believe the government is scared of what they'll do next if the word is broken, they'll believe the word will be kept. Two problems with that, 1) just because you believe someone will keep their word doesn't mean they will. 2) How effective are passed bills if the governing body who passed them were forced to do it? I can totally see a scenario where resources are promised but sit rotting in warehouses. We have that now in cases where the governments supposedly give a crap but you have food rotting on ships because the red tape doesn't allow them to be unloaded into the ports.