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what happens on patreon stays on patreon :D from my real life chracter i cant imagine being a real criminal its all so stressfull i like to live easy so hmm and i would not hurt people maybe besdies rich people emotional ways... realy dont know maybe i will come back to it in a while if i get an idea. Well i got it as im a pirate myself i might as well be a big uploader of ripped stuff and get my money not really a crime with impactfull damage as im still of the believe that it gives free exposure to the product by people that would not have bought it anyway.


just catching up now^^ yes Angela Merkel WAS the chancelor of Germany from 11.2005 till 12.2021 now its sadly Olaf Scholz but also no fan of Merkel as im definetly a leftist but dont know our right wing party would be around the eqialent to your democrats maybe and our far right that are observed by the constitutinal protection Service would be your Republicans.