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This was a masterpiece. But the file is massive so expect a long download or long wait if you're streaming.



Leon Illiann

I love the way you edited this, embedding the movie in the vid. I would love it if you could did that with all my future movie picks - If it's not too much of a hassle and time-consumer ofcourse.


I can do it with short movies but its not feasible for things like the LOTR. This one took 4 hours to export, 3 hours to upload, and a full 24 hours to process. (The processing isn't a problem on my end but does delay delivery) So I'd like to keep it at 2 hours or less from now on with embedded video. Now, there IS a possible workaround, because the issue here is the two videos stacked on top of each other triple the export time vs when its just one video file like a full reaction. So I think its possible to record my reaction with the video embedded as I record and then attach the audio after the fact. That should trick the computer into thinking its just one video file and drastically reduce the export and upload times. But I won't have time to test this theory until August and there might be impossible to fix audio sync issues because of the frame rate I recorded at vs the audio file. That's a test I need to run in August. So, I might be able to start doing that for everything over here soon if I can figure everything out. But not this month.

Leon Illiann

Nice. Looking forward to see if it works or not.