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I've got all of Fullmetal and Atlanta edited and exported (though not uploaded because of the 20 gig weekly limit). Today I'm editing Episodes 2-9 and 2-10 of Succession. By this time next week I'll be down to about 4 items on my Tier 4/5 list. So, I'll finally have time to work on some of my backlog.  Figured I'd do a little list like I do with the tier content. No idea when these things will happen but this is the order in which they will happen. But you can change the order with your comments if you list your preferences. All these items will appear here first, then on Youtube.

Items in bold have been recorded already but not edited. Also, this doesn't include things already announced for Youtube like Boardwalk or BCS Season 6 or special hybrid things like One Piece.

Also, just letting you know, I can no longer use Amazon Prime. Dad's account finally ran out and I don't know when I'll have the money to create my own account. This sucks too because I was really enjoying The Boys Season 3. But that's on pause until I get a new account.

1) Black Sails Episodes 4-8 through 4-10

2) Stranger Things Season 4 (I've recorded through episode 4-2)

3) Rick and Morty Season 5

4) Ozark Season 4 (I've reacted through Episode 4-4)

5) Cobra Kai Seaon 4 (I've reacted through Episode 4-3)



great thank you dexter :) thought you watched Black Sails way back but didnt have the time to edit but good that i didnt spoil stuff cause i thought you where done watching it xD as it was long ago here is a review that might get you back into the plot of episode 4-7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgR_iPY5UIo just in case you need it.


It's a long tragic story. I'll tell it in my intro to 4-8, but short version ... I watched some or all of 4-8, got interrupted, never came back to it, ended up thinking for months I'd finished the series, and then realized I must have left behind the hard drive containing the files because only two pieces are on my current drives ... 48Intro and 48 part TWO (but not part one or any parts after two if there were any). It's very weird, especially the thing about me being convinced I had finished watching the whole series. But I now believe I didn't. We'll see when I watch the episodes. Be hilarious in a tragic way if I do suddenly remember watching them. I'll explain more in the videos. I'll also do a bonus where I attach the original 48 Part2 to the video it goes with if I can figure out what part of the episode I'm reacting to in that footage. It was recorded back in November so I just don't remember. But all this being such a mess had me on the fence about ever returning to this series. It's annoying that I lost those files and my bad memory annoys me in these situations.