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Funny how Youtube works. I screen recorded this FROM Youtube, where it had been residing in total for years completely unblocked. But when I tried to upload these files containing smaller and edited versions of the material where I talk over a lot of it ... both videos got blocked. It's almost ... like its all arbitrary horseshit.

Anyway, the files are too big to embed so you can download them from my Google Drive.

Also, these have been "processing" for 6 hours so they should be done but if you can't access them right now just come back in a couple more hours.

Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xmWD9_EhmpcfvZQX0BBXOKwBJ_5U0VBw/view?usp=sharing

Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15qd2HbmRUl4O6sRf9M-A3jOofTE4hRP7/view?usp=sharing


Erik Christensen

Between the rare blood type, him entering the garage and all of the circumstantial evidence they had involving him and his wife, I totally agree with you that the confession was likely unnecessary (unless British justice system completely different which I doubt). Probably was a bit of a script device to make the heroine look good at her job.


He's one of the more compelling villains I've seen on the small screen. A combination of great writing and an incredible actor.