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So I have some updates on how things are going.

My stepdad's current condition is somewhat stable. He no longer has to be hooked up to machines 24/7 and is conscious most of the time. However, due to his many medical issues, it's unlikely that he'll live for more than a year. :/

I've been helping my mom get through a lot of problems that have cropped up because of the current situation, both emotionally and financially (the latter of which I couldn't have done without your support, so thank you so much for that!). At this point, she should be able to handle things by herself.

The renovation in my apartment finished this week, so I'll be going home on Thursday.

What this means is that, provided nothing goes wrong, I should be able to go back to my usual posting schedule next week. :3


Red Dusty Dino

Best of wishes to you and the family, take care mate!


Hopefully things continue to look up for you.


Take the time you need, life and art both lose quality when rushed.


I hope things get better for you and your family. Take all the time you need.


I love these communities, everyone is so nice and willing to have so much patience for you and that is a treasure.


Everyone is totally fine with the wait, and those who aren't don't matter. I'm so sorry you all are going through so much, happy to support.


I'm so sorry to hear that your step-father's condition won't get any better. I am glad that you have reached a point of relative stability though.