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I've just sent out the art content from the month of May to every member of the non-Gamer tiers, which I was supposed to send out on June 16, but with everything going on I kind of forgot to. Sorry, y'all. >w<

Unfortunately, there won't be a dev log this week. The reason why is because we've had a big heatwave here all week, and because my mom's house is poorly insulated and doesn't have any sort of AC, the only way to cool down was to open everything up. Now unfortunately I suffer from an untreatable form of grass allergy, which meant that for most of the week I was either overheating, sneezing and blowing my nose constantly, or resisting the urge to tear out my own eyes. Also, with my stepdad's condition being what it is, I've had to help my mom out with various errands. So between all of that, I haven't really had the energy needed to work on the game this week. Again, I'm sorry. :(



Take it easy, Hope it get's better


That's ok hun, I think everyone here understands. Sorry that this is happening, but when you get back making more content. I'm sure everyone is going to have a blast seeing you making your badass content *gives a smile and two thumbs up*


I feel that grass allergy, it’s insufferable rn. I’m in the northern US tho so I can’t imagine it on top of the heat further south

Ezralas Lunarautumn

Real life comes first, help your family out to the best of your abilities.