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First off, I just want to apologize for being late in posting this (and for only making one image this time instead of two). The reason why is because the area I live in is experiencing a heat wave, which have 1)prevented me from rendering images overnight (my computer generates a lot of heat when it's rendering), and 2)made it more difficult for me to focus, especially when it comes to writing. :/


January 27, 2300

We’re slowly being picked off one by one. Over the course of the last three days, we’ve lost eight staff members, and these disappearances have been followed by an increase in Xenomorph activity throughout the station. Up until now, Dr. Yamamoto has refused to acknowledge that we’re dealing with multiple Xenomorphs, to the point where Magnusson, the Chief of Security, decided to take my advice over hers. She was finally convinced otherwise when one of the security cameras caught sight of two Xenomorph hybrids… toying with a janitor and then carrying her off.

In light of this, I’ve advised Magnusson to initiate the self-destruct and call for a total evacuation. Unfortunately, my idea was turned down because Weyland-Yutani cares more about their little science experiment than they do about us… Instead, security is currently trying to locate Eve’s nest, but they’ve yet to successfully capture or kill a single Xenomorph.

That said, I get the impression that Magnusson might come around and decide to ignore company orders if things get much worse.



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