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This week I've continued working on Jasmine and her apartment.

Unlike Elaine, Jasmine doesn't have to organize her days around her job, and thus her daily schedule is a bit more freeform. For now, all of her activities are the same for each and every day up until the evening, at which point she will either stay home or go out somewhere. And whenever Jasmine is out there's a chance that she comes home with a full belly.

As you might've noticed, there isn't anything you can do in Jasmine's apartment right now. The only "Actions" in the video are time skips which I only added to showcase Jasmine's schedule.


It's a Gluttonous Life - Preview 2021-07-17


Rune Petersen

i would love to see the option to perhaps suprise her by making your way inside of her, be it Av, OV or unbirth, my favotite is unbirth tho ;3


I didn't watch much, mostly because I don't wanna spoil tooooo much for myself...but so far, it's looking goooooooooood.


Had an interesting idea for various predators throughout the game. If your relationship is low enough with a predator, or they're drunk, maybe they might try to swallow you in your sleep out of their own bed if they catch you sleeping in it. You wake up to get a view of the inside of their jaws closing up around your face. Think of how it would look getting swallowed legs-first. Maybe an associated struggle minigame to go with it? Like an option to try pulling yourself out or shouting at them before they clamp down and gulp. Unrelated, but the game also really needs a way to recover health more quickly. The hospital already exists as a location, sort of. There just needs to be the ability to visit it as a venue and the option to pay for medical attention.


I wonder what fun stuff could happen when Jasmine comes home with a full belly


Maybe you could add where you rub her belly when it's full (asleep or awake). If she's asleep she could sleep-eat you by mistake, unless that would be too complex with adding a secondary someone in her stomach to become surprise roomies with. On another note, I noticed that massaging/kicking a pred's stomach from inside doesn't affect their relationship towards the player. Would it be possible to maybe sweeten them up a bit if they ate the player to possibly release them?

Rune Petersen

i LOVE that Elaine can give you a full tour and push you out, i love this game, but for some reason any time i come back out of her she hates me after

Tekewen Silverkalak

srsly youtube wants my ID card or bank card to check my age?...wtf


How do you go to Jasmine's apartment? My relationship with her is maxed out. Also she refuses to let you out even though relationship bar is full, is that normal?


You can't currently go to Jasmine's apartment. You can only end up there if you manage to escape Jasmine or she lets you out while she's at home. As for the second thing, that sounds like a bug. I'll look into it.