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Jeremiah 33:3

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.

As Maggie opened the door to the refractory Ennlin could see a single large rectangular table. On each side of the table were long and narrow benches. Eight nuns, including the two saved spots for her and Maggie, were sitting on each bench chatting or eating. The benches were fixed to the ground slightly too close to the table, obviously, if promoting good posture was important here as well, her breasts were supposed to be resting on top of it. The nuns had certainly done so as a with piercings decorated alley of breasts framed the benched sides of the table, some even plugged, like Bernadette and three others.

The nuns were chatting about until Maggie and her had entered. Most of them spared them only a glance and continued their conversations, some of the nuns Ennlin did not know yet regarded the gray aspirant for longer but also returned to their business. As she stepped in, Ennlin recognized the huge plug crudely spreading Charlotta’s butt cheeks apart. To her teacher’s left sat an unknown nun easily holding her posture and shamelessly presenting her surprisingly trim buttocks, even without wearing the harness. Less dressed than the others, she somehow seemed like she wasn’t even exposing more than the one on her teacher’s right. She was more on the plump side, but mostly in the right places. Her behind protruded further off the bench than any other nuns’ who sat there as a comparison. Ennlin realized she gawked again and blushed hard.

They were all nude and behaved just like normal people. It seemed shame wasn’t even a concept to them.

“Get going!” Maggie whispered and pulled on her sleeve.

Ennlin averted her gaze as Maggie ushered her further through the room. She halted at the head of the table and nodded at the aspirant to introduce herself. She almost bumped into her before she realized Maggie’s wordless command, turned to the table and awkwardly announced:

“Hello... I am Ennlin of Prefor and I am to be the newest nun here.”, to concentrate on her introduction she concentrated on what’s on the Table. The food was simple but by no means meager. Tiny loaves of brown bread were strewn about the table with two big pots of molten cheese easily enough to reach for everyone. Each nun had a bowl to ladle the cheese for her own dish standing in front of or between their breasts.

A few nuns gave a curt smile and some others kept their gauging looks lingering on her. Her returning smile was similarly awkward. She saw Frederika, who's pregnant looking belly conveniently fit under the table, granting an approving nod and a joyful smile from Bernadette both sitting on the right in the back together. Ennlin hoped to see Dorothea, but unfortunately she was absent. She did not know any other nuns besides two on the left, Charlotta, her belly equally well hidden, and Agneta. Maggie was still standing next to her until she ushered her on. Ennlin was seated to an untouched bowl at the first spot on the right close to where she stood, now facing Agneta. 

Only now she really felt how close to the table the bench was fixed to the floor and the actual surface to sit on was extremely narrow, not even one hand wide. Ennlin sat down and had to balance her weight on the back of her thighs as most of her buttocks hung over the back.  As she balanced with surprisingly much stability resulting from her breasts on the table she felt how the harness harshly forced her into a position that would have proudly presented her butt to anyone walking past, would she have been naked.

Maggie sat down next to her and mostly blocked the view to the right with her breasts, effectively hiding all the nuns on their side of the table. Across from her sat Agneta, now of course with her tunic off. She gave Ennlin a sweet smile, before she continued talking with her gravelly, frequently cracking voice about fighting stances to her immediate neighbor who had amazingly huge breasts and obviously could not apply anything they were talking about due to their size. Ennlin guessed there must be a demon sealed inside mostly because of the blatant nipple plugs.

Just underneath her freckled cheekbones, a pair of sandy blond braids framed her gorgeous, somehow childlike, face. Her wide, round blue eyes were angled just like a cat’s would be and were slightly further apart than her tiny nose would have needed. This only added to her intriguing beauty just like the pronounced cupids bow of her upper lip. She was flushed and breathed way faster than Agneta for comparison. Staring at her directly provoked a reaction:

“Hello Ennlin, I’m Ekatharina. Nice to meet you.”, she cutely proclaimed but did so with a genuine look of interest. She must have been from somewhere else because the accent and the heavily rolled “r” sounds gave that away. Ennlin did not know enough about countries to pinpoint from where though.

“I hear you’ve met Dorothea. You want to be a nun because of her?”

“Yes. She showed me what nuns can do and I felt how she exorc-... sealed a demon away.”

“Nice, that’s a good sign, you know. Well, it doesn’t make you special since there aren’t many people who lack empathy enough not to feel it. But you can’t become a nun if you can’t feel it.”, Ekatharina’s wide open eyes seemed excited as she seemingly over-explained. Ennlin decided she might as well take a bite, have a look around and nod every once in a while, as the nun rambled on.

“So still, most people can become nuns…”, Ennlin barely listened as her other senses where occupied as well. 

The cheese was pristinely white, creamy, only lightly salted and tasted kind of tart. Ennlin did not know anything to compare it to, but she liked the taste when she dipped the bread in and ate the soaked piece. As she chewed she looked around, while still kind of listening to Ekatarina:

“... even though Mother Superior vets everybody thoroughly.”

On the busty blond's left was the nun who did not turn, nude but for her straps and just as beautiful, yet different. Her brunette bangs reached down almost to her perfectly groomed eyebrows. She had clear bronze skin deep brown eyes and a pretty long nose. Her pronounced cheekbones and concave cheeks led one’s view naturally down to her breasts. They were equally pierced with four red metal balls around her areola and two on her nipple. Ennlin could actually compare their size to that of her own, but still, like Ennlin, she would have been envied by any woman outside the convent for their size.

She just finished her bowl and got up without so much as a look in Ennlin’s general direction. Ennlin realized the table was just about hip height as she got up and her relaxed arm holding the bowl incidentally hid her groin. Next to her now empty spot was her prayer teacher, still sternly looking. Their views connected and she just pulled one eyebrow up as if to mention that time for eating is running out.

Ekatharina finished her rambling with: “So, has anyone shown you around yet?”

Ennlin wordlessly pointed at Maggie, who held a bowl and a loaf of bread in one hand each and tried to bite off a piece of cheesed bread. It rather tore off and all the cheese ran down her chin. Before she could set everything down and finally bite off the piece, the white creamy fluid dripped onto her breasts and ran down like warm icing on a fresh cake.

Ennlin realized all eyes from the opposing side were staring at the neighboring pair of breasts. As she looked there herself and saw the mess, Maggie was wiping her chin with her finger and sucking up all the cheese. She was just as irritated as when she had to tour the newcomer around.

Ennlin looked for something to wipe up the cheese from her breasts with, but there was nothing appropriate on the table.

“Would you help me instead of just looking around.”, Maggie certainly sounded peeved.

“Using what?”, that risked offending her guide further, but at least it was short and precise.

Maggie just rolled her eyes and lifted her right breast to lick what she could get at.

Ennlin’s eyes, in search for an easy answer, fell on Agneta who pointed at her own tongue and mimed licking something with a head nod toward Maggie. 

The aspirant’s jaw dropped as she realized what Agneta’s advice meant.

“Seriously?”, even for such an intimate community, this felt odd.

“Get to helping her already!”, Agneta looked serious.

She took a breather and leaned in to tentatively lick Maggie's left breast clean. It felt wrong to do this, invading her personal space, but touching her with anything else would have probably done so as well. Her tongue carefully touched Maggie's skin as she collected some of the spilled cheese. Her skin felt so soft and warm. After the third stroke Maggie reacted. 


“What the Hell are you doing?”, Maggie was furious. She turned red-faced towards Ennin, who tensed and sat up straight as if caught stealing and got equally red-faced for different reasons.

The Mother Superior got up: “Maggie, language!”

Ekatharina then giggled and Agneta drowned her out with her bellowing and slightly cracking laughter.

“Use your fingers.”, Maggie added quietly.

Ennlin smiled bashfully and helped clean her guide.

A little later lunchtime was almost over and more nuns had left, including Ekatarina and Agneta. Ennlin discovered the third to last nun on the other end was ragingly flushed, sweated profusely, had her eyebrows pulled together and her lower lip was pressed flat trembling. The only thing in her face that did not clench in exertion were her well pronounced cheekbones and her sloped yet almost perfect nose. Her breasts with pierced but not plugged nipples rested calmly on the table as she seemingly just moved her beautifully squared jaw slowly to chew.

“Hey, what's wrong with her?” Ennlin whispered to Maggie while nodding to the other side of the table. Her guide sat her bowl down on the table with an unnecessarily loud knock. She answered dutifully but clicked her tongue: “That's Rosemary. She had a run in with a demon lord called Moesh, who transformed her tongue’s skin to that kind you have on your clit, with way higher sensitivity. She's basically trying not to cum while eating.”

“Really?” Ennlin was perplexed. Demons could permanently alter their bodies? Nevertheless, she braced for trouble as she prodded Maggie for more: “Is it important not to come?” 

She clicked her tongue again before answering. “Of course. Giving your body up to bliss basically offers any demon in the vicinity to possess you, especially sealed ones already inside.”

“That’s terrible. Is everyone in danger of being possessed like this?”, fear crept into Ennlin’s thoughts.

“Yes, except us. We practice and pray to lower our vulnerability.”, Maggie’s chest puffed up and with her chin lowered she showed a bold expression.

The gong of the belltower announced the end of lunchtime.

“Where do I go now?”, Ennlin asked unsurely.

Maggie got up and took her bowl to the kitchen, so Ennlin simply copied her while listening to her answer, which was still in her somewhat prideful mindset: “It’s still working hours, so I’ll go back to my workshop. Your working hours are split into training and work, so now you’ll have to pull your weight here. Go to the chapel and find Theodora. She’ll show you what to do.”

In the chapel, just past the heavy gates to either side, Ennlin expected to find Charlotta, but it was empty.

“Hello?”, her echo bounced through the vast hall and returned like a choir. Ennlin flinched and bashfully tuned to look for anyone.

One of the gates of the entrance hall opened with a deep creak and a nun with deep brown doe eyes and platinum blonde hair sticking out of her coif peeked out her head.

“E-Ennlin? Please, come in here.”

Her voice was velvety and quiet, almost a whisper, not completely fitting her pouty lips pulled to a shy smile.

Ennlin slipped through the door held open by the nun. Barely wide enough to fit past, Ennlin found herself face to face, or rather breast to breast, with the nun in the almost pitch black room. The aspirant stayed put waiting for instructions as the mysterious nun retreated towards the candelabra at the hinge of the door she just opened. Ennlin looked down to find out that they both stood on the only two light gray tiles in the room. Had she done them already?  Granted, the tiles were big enough to kneel down on in the middle and not touch any others. Seeing the nun retreat Ennlin could not help but feel like a predator as her shadow was cast against her prey’s bulging abdomen. Was she pregnant as well? Ennlin could not see exactly. Actually, the candles did a poor job of illuminating anything else than the ceiling and the nuns upper body. As she gazed upon her firm and swollen breasts capped with pierced and plugged nipples the aspirant realized she didn't even know her name yet. 

Ennlin could not help but ask: “Who are you and what room is this?”, 

She winced first and looked to the ground as she answered, carefully picking her words. “My name is Theodora and this is the Inquisitorium.”

“So… what kind of work are we doing here?”

“We clean.”, she just kept staring at the ground and held her hands stiffly by her side. She sweated and even though it was not easy to discern by the orange candle light, must have been ragingly flushed.

Ennlin looked around and found a bucket full of water with two scrubbing brushes behind the nun right in front of her sides candelabra, but if there was anything else she couldn’t tell, the room was too dark to see any further.

“I can't see anything, how am I supposed to clean?” Ennlin huffed.

Theodora cringed and withdrew a little further from Ennlin. She looked like she wanted to give an answer but couldn’t find the word or maybe didn’t dare to say them. 

Ennlin immediately regretted asking so directly and corrected: “Oh, I didn't mean to startle you. What do we clean?”

“The floor, that box, and the chair.”, she said pointing in seemingly arbitrary directions. Ennlin was puzzled. Did the nun see more than her?

“Can't we make more light? I can't see anything you pointed at.”

“No, we can't. It would only make it harder for us to clean. I’ll continue now.”, Theodora said, pulled the bucket between the two, picked up a scrubbing brush dipped it into the bucket and started scrubbing the floor right in front of her feet with her succulent butt towards the door. A soft clink- followed by a squelch-sound accompanied every forward stroke Theodora did. What was that?

To not arouse suspicion, as with the other activities involving a teacher showing her, she mostly copied the nun. How hard could scrubbing the floor actually be? 

The tar-like sludge on the ground was hard to get rid of, even with the cleaning fluid that suspiciously did not feel like water. It might have been oil, but she wasn't sure due to the lack of light. Ennlin had to put a lot of effort into it and brush over the same section multiple times until the light gray tile shone through the dark substance. She heard the squelch on every second stroke of the nun, not loud but still audible. It was a neat rhythm to scrub to until Ennlin had to take a break.

“What is this stuff? It's really hard to get off.”

“It’s slag...”, she said quietly. To the raven haired aspirant it seemed like cleaning this sooty tar was a punishment. She did not want to press her for the answer.

Theodora's technique was more refined and she was way faster than Ennlin. Both were on all fours with both hands on the scrubber, but Ennlin tired fast. As she rested she observed how the nun did it. 

Theodora kneeled on her shins as her toes touched and her knees were far apart. Her whole upper body surged forward as she used her weight and the muscles in her thighs and butt to push her upper body and therefore the scrub forward which somehow invisibly clicked, then squelched. Was it her breasts that touched the floor as her butt was the highest point of her? They must have at least made the metallic clicking sound as the red metal jewelry touched the floor. It looked powerful but also strangely erotic like she was posing for a painter, as she almost rested solely on her breasts with her buttocks raised high. She pulled up again using the muscles in her stomach and her thighs

Ennlin copied the technique with the funny ‘click-squelch’ as a set rhythm. She had trouble applying it effectively due to her already exhausted arms, but the aspirant powered through, not wanting to give up.

As she finished her first tile and rested again Theodora started her third still pointing her behind to the door but now perfectly for Ennlin to see. 

On her forward stroke, the engraved circular base of a huge buttplug easily caught her eye as it left Theodora’s buttcheeks extensively pushed aside. Her sex was partially hidden by a strap of her harness holding the pug in place, but still visible due to her incredibly stretched butthole and the resulting transferred gape to her sex. Like the other nuns’, her nethers were also beautifully adorned by the red metal piercings. Just below dangled the red metal cross from her ‘clit’, as Maggie would put it. The harness’ strap would have gone squarely over her pleasure nub if it was not made with a strategically placed ring to spare it from unnecessary pressure but still softly push it outwards.

As Theodora pulled back the visible part of her plug shrunk slightly as her cheeks folded over it and her pelvis tilted forward, but also the tension in her harness relaxed and the plug looked like it slipped. It pushed past her buttcheeks on her highest point and stopped when the created slack in her harness was used up. With her next stroke forward the plug was pushed inwards again from almost its widest point to the neck and she gripped it with her anus. The bulging ring visibly tightened and caused the squelching sound just after her breasts touched the floor. 

Click-Squelch. Ennlin was frozen in realization. 

After a few seconds of gawking she concentrated on applying what she had seen. She could not get the terrifyingly huge plug out of her head, though. If she wanted to bring joy to people's lives she would have to put up with this kind of sacrifice.

She began scrubbing again with newfound vigor. The technique helped her to go longer distances without pausing. If she did not wear the gray habit she might have felt embarrassed showing her naked butt, even to an empty room. She could not stand imagining someone coming in then. Ennlin would probably die of shame. 

The rest of her two work hours went by in a flash, and as Theodora declared their work over for the day the aspirant was genuinely surprised. Together they had cleaned about 15 tiles but did not even get to any chair or box as nun with the butt plug had indicated.

Theodora picked up the bucket, which had turned color from clear to terrifyingly matte black in the course of their work. Even though the bucket did not swing much, the liquid sloshed around, almost spilling from it as she walked from the room the way Ennlin initially came.

In the cloister Theodora headed directly for the fountain. It had a bowl for catching the vertical waterspout, from which water ran to a bigger basin and from there to a pool on the floor. The water was almost perfectly clear, but the faded yellow looking tiles in the lowest pool made the water look like it was no water but rather…

Ennlin’s thoughts were interrupted by Theodora dumping the black muck into the pool, which immediately began to steam.

“What’s happening?”

“The demon’s remains are washed in our holy water fountain until the water is clear and it can be drained.”, Theodora shyly explained with a flush and a head bob that looked like a single reverse nod. 

As if to emphasize the end of her explanation the bell rang for 5 p.m.

Ennlin was prepared for the gong and quickly produced her schedule sheet to show it to Theodora.

“Can you tell me where this is?”

“Study. In the Library. But how do you know where to point.”, this was the first time Theodora showed actual interest in her.

“My dad taught me how numbers and a sundial work.”

“Ah. Lucky you. See you at dinner then.” Theodora smiled shyly and walked to the stairs without as much as a wave of the hand.

Ennlin felt cut off but was proud as she was reminded of her dad. He showed her so many things, maybe she could apply some of the carpentry skills or bargaining here in the convent. Come to think of it, she had never seen a nun on the market or anywhere in town for that matter…

The Library was tidied up by now and Bernadette... Detty, the nun with the big, brown eyes sat at a window reading a tiny book. Yellow rays of light shone through the windows and her flushed face was unevenly illuminated as the light broke through the glass. The highlighting rays speckled her cheekbones as if drawn by an artist. A pearl of sweat ran through a single beam momentarily breaking it into a rainbow on her cheek. Her legs were crossed and the upper swung back and forth breaking a ray of light on every turn as her right hand rested in her lap.

Ennlin just observed her concentrated reading in adoration. Study might mean she’d teach her how to read.

She turned a page. Her eyes opened wide and she sheepishly grinned. Whatever she had read left an impression that did not fade fast. Her pouty smile lifted Ennlin’s heart and slowly turned into a lip bite. Her right hand slipped between her crossed legs and her cross started repeatedly bumping against the chair she was sitting on.

The aspirant cleared her throat. 

Within a second Detty turned her head at the noise, sat up straight, pulled her hand from her legs and closed her book only to throw it on the windowsill. 

As she recognized Ennlin the nun got up and naturally displayed herself fully to the continued embarrassment of the grey aspirant: “Hello, Ennlin!”

Again her pierced and incredibly plugged nipples were on display as well as her cross and the slickness around it. With wide arms she invited to hug her, but Ennlin rather leaned in for the hug instead of embracing her.

“Oh My… It’s your study time now, right? I’m sorry, I forgot. You must have so many questions.”, her face did not seem sorry, as far as her wide open eyes and the hearty smile were concerned. Whatever she did just before, maybe just hers to enjoy.

“Yes. I-”, the gray aspirant did not even get to state the first one before Detty interrupted though without a hint of malice.

“First off, we will get you to reading. Then you can study by yourself.”, she turned to a bookcase and pulled a book seemingly without looking.

“Well, I want to kn-”, Detty interrupted her again while walking back to the pale yellow window. Maybe her statement was not meant to be answered.

“This is perfect for you. It’s written, or rather painted, by Mother Jutta for young nuns who come here and can’t read yet. It’s supposed to teach the letters of the alphabet and acquaint you with our practices, lore, and anatomy.”, Detty emphasized the last bit by folding her arms underneath her breasts as she turned around and pressing them together for an exaggerated cleavage while her pierced and plugged nipples pointed directly at Ennlin.

Detty beckoned her to come over and have a seat at the window. Ennin bit back another go at her question and sat down. The librarian handed her the book and opened it on its first page.

There was a big and a somewhat smaller letter written on the left side and on the right a drawn picture of the rear end of a young woman in close up.

“This is an anus, or asshole. It stands for the first letter in the alphabet, the letter ‘A’.”, Bernadette happily announced. Ennlin stiffened and was seriously tempted to let the book slip to the ground and run. She swallowed hard, but she would get through this since her mind was still set hard on becoming a nun and lifting spirits all across the count’s lands.

Detty either put on a brave face or she actually was happy to show Ennlin this absurd book. She turned the pages for her to reveal the next letter: “This is the letter ‘B’! See? There are breasts on the right side.”

The aspirant flushed with embarrassment. If each of the letters had a picture like this, she would die of embarrassment before she was halfway through. The librarian turned to the next. It showed, similarly to the first letter, the nethers of a young woman but this time from the front. Remarkably there were no piercings to be seen. It kind of felt odd, since most female nethers she had seen in her life were pierced. Well, most but her own and she had never seen as many as in this convent anyways. The pleasure nub was weirdly colorful emphasized like it was the most important part of the drawing.

“‘C’, for Clitoris.”, Detty let her eyes linger on the page before she turned to the next.

This time it showed a naked woman with red skin, black eyes, white hair and horns. She looked like the devil Father Markus of her church preached about and before Detty could announce anything Ennlin declared it: “Deee, for Devil.”

“Good!”, Detty jumped up and down on the balls of her feet and clapped her hands. “But try to be sure of the meaning of the pictures. This is not the devil himself. Yet she is one of his most powerful spawn - a demon lord. ‘D’ as in Demon.”

She turned to the next page. The drawing for the letter wasn’t as easy to guess.

It depicted the same demon-lord from before. She rested with her back on a kind of chest with golden metal fittings. Her limbs looked like they were missing and the metal fittings extended over her body with a heavy collar on her neck and a clamp over her waist that further restricted her movements.  Her anus was stretched and held open by a tunnel made from the same metal. A bracket kept her sex similarly spread open and tunneled and something like a stopper stuck in the middle as her whole sex bulged out. As Ennlin saw her peehole corked in the same way she immediately squeezed shut her own. Finally the most agonizing about this contraption for the demon must have been the vice that extended from the waist clamp. Her pleasure nub, the clitoris, was wedged between the two pointed cones that could be screwed towards each other to squeeze into the sensitive organ without give. Ennlin cringed and held her hand protectively over her nethers as she realized one of the nuns praying and holding a cross over the demon was also pushing the vice together.

Detty hushed and waited for a reaction until the lavender eyed aspirant took in the whole picture. Her protective hand movement was the cue: 

“‘E’ for Exorcism.”

“What is that supposed to be?”, Ennlin pointed to her eyes and her anus, “It looks like she is crying black tears and her butt is leaking the same stuff.”

“The black sludge is slag, a demon's most basic building block, so to speak. I believe you have helped Theo clean up some of the remnants of the last demon we exorcized.”, Detty reflected with a finger tapping on her lower lip.

“That was demon goo?”, she cautiously checked if she still had any on her hands.

“Yes, but don’t worry. If it is diluted in holy water it’s practically harmless.”

“Good.”, Ennlin settled down and pondered about the letter. “But Maggie said, nuns exorcize demons within their bodies.”

“That is only true for any demon possessing a human. We can extract it in its tentacle form and vanquish it inside our breasts, for example. In corporeal form they can only be exorcized with the ark of conviction.”, she pointed at the blueish chest with the golden fittings and then up to the female demon lord. “But sadly this hasn’t happened yet. This is a dream of Mother Jutta to finally capture Anna and exorcize her just like this.”

Detty sighed as she turned the page: “What’s this letter?” she waited until Ennlin had a good look at the picture.

“Feee, because it’s a face.”

“Splendid! But it’s pronounced ‘F’”, a wide grin spread over Detty’s face and her eyes sparkled in contentment. “The nun's face exhibits absolute serenity. She is in complete control of all her feelings, even though she might be in sexual ecstasy. Imagine she has demons in her tits and ass...”, Detty’s choice of words seemed harsh but maybe it was just due to the sexual nature of her trade.

”There is no denying that we have to keep up appearances, but a peasant she passes in town on her way back to the convent could get the wrong idea and fall victim to sin. Demons will do everything in their power to escape their confinement. Most likely they will use brute force or wicked pleasure. If they break out or bring the nun to orgasm the nun will probably be possessed, or worse.”

“Oh.”, Ennlin remembered her father and realized that she could have been possessed herself.

As another letter and corresponding drawing was revealed, Ennlin was confused. “This is a cross and this is a nun. What does that mean?”

“Right.”, Detty admitted, “Jutta tried to convey God. ‘G’. The cross is a symbol for your faith in the Lord and the nun represents humankind for He created us in His image.”

“God is a woman?”

“Maybe.”, Detty chuckled as she skipped to the next page.

“‘H’ stands for humility.”, Detty did not let Ennlin guess by now, maybe to save time. The picture showed a nun with her hands held up gesturing that she would not accept the small pouch offered to her. 

The librarian continued: “She is wearing the habit of a nun in perpetual vows. These means of clothing outwardly symbolize modesty and poverty, since we each don’t own anything. Within the convent there are no tunics to be worn as the waiver of clothes shows a nun’s sincerity and fortitude.” Ennlin realized Detty wore exactly the same clothes as the nun in the picture, only she left off her tunic. She proudly displayed her decorated clitoris and plugged nipples for everyone to see. She had nothing to hide and practically sought and cherished every time Ennlin unconsciously surveyed her God-pleasing body.

Now Ennlin understood what it meant to be naked within the convent. They had no means or intentions to conceal anything from another and literally nothing could come in between the nuns. She remembered how close she sat to Maggie at lunch and if she did not wear her gray tunic their thighs would have touched while eating. 

She thought about the prank from earlier and noted that if she wasn't an outsider Maggie might have actually approved of her licking her breasts clean. The aspirant felt all wrong now. She stuck out like a sore thumb wearing the gray tunic as everyone else in the congregation was mostly presenting their perfect skin, pierced nipples and dangling crosses as if they did not feel shame in the beautiful bodies the Lord had intended them to have. 

They knew no shame. They loved each other. They loved God.

As Ennlin froze in realisation, Detty turned pages again and waited for her to catch herself. The following picture showed the same voluptuous red female demon lord from before on her knees begging a nun to spare her, who was pointing at her with cross in hand.

“This looks like the demon is accused of something.”, Ennlin was still puzzled though. ‘Accusation’ sounded like it starts with a letter they already had.

“‘I’ is for inquisition. You understand the picture but you don’t know the word. An In-qui-sition

is meant to reveal a demon wherever she is hiding and bring her to justice in order to exorcize her.”, she paused momentarily and looked out to the cloister, “This is enough for today. Try to remember the letters. They are essential to learning how to read. If you want, I can lend you the book and you can try to figure out the others by yourself. Find me tomorrow here in your study time and we’ll talk about them.”

The bell marked the end of her sentence and startled Ennlin. How did Detty know when to end her sentence to have a dramatic effect like that?

Ennlin got up and took the book with her. She thanked Detty, who smiled kindly and wanted to bid her farewell, but the librarian stopped her:

“If you wait for a second we can go have dinner together.”, Detty hurried to pick up her tiny book from the windowsill and vanished around a bookcase for a second, came back and took Ennlins hand on their way to the refractory.


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