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Hello and happy Friday, Patrons! How is everyone doing this week? This morning I learned that "menty B" is a sups cute colloquial way to say "mental breakdown", so today has been preeeeetty good so far! 

We've officially moved into the month of February... how does that feel for you? To me it fells like 2023 is moving pretty swiftly, so best not to fight it and instead jump in and let the current take you. We're smack in the middle of Aquarius season (shout out to all of you unique, fun-loving, adaptable air signs out there!). You know I love me some light astrology so I took a quick look at what Aquarius season means for us (we're in it until around Feb 18th) and here's what I got for you (via the Cut)...

-We just moved out of Capricorn season, which was waaaay more serious, so now it's an "invitation to get weird"! I didn't even write this! The article says it! Looks like we're all in the exact right place for that! 

-Time to look to the future and break/create new rules! Per the article: "time to stop feeling restricted by the opinions and judgments of your neighbors, co-workers, or Instagram followers. You don’t have to care!" Ohhhhhh shit! It's go time my fellow weirdos! This is a non judgement zone!

-But with all that whacky energy there's a gentle reminder to take care of yourself and all the humdrum painfully practical elements of existing (don't forget your laundry/dishes/bathing your person/etc)

-You might get impatient with boring people and simple ideas but try to be open hearted and patient (we're all in this together!)

-Lastly: "With all its sharp, creative, revolutionary energy, Aquarius season may make you feel invigorated and alive. Conversely, it could make you feel a little lost: Traditions can, after all, be stabilizing. Sometimes the rules are necessary, but other times they really aren’t. Aquarius season is as good a time as any to practice breaking some." This is your month to be your own Outback Steakhouse! Bloom, my sweet lil onions! 

As we all know I'm no Astrology Academic, but I've been getting more into looking up the general essence of each season. It's nice to rattle it around in the old brain cage and then let it simmer on the old back burner, reminding me from time to time what sort of energies are floating around in the collective that inform or inspire my everyday experience. That's a long way of saying I like to see what sort of fuckery the universe is up to. 

Speaking of fuckery, that last episode of The Last of Us, AMIRIGHT!?!?!?! GOOD GOD, THAT RIPPED OUT MY GUTS AND THEN MADE ME EAT THEM AGAIN. Wow. What an absolutely incredibly emotionally saturated narrative that made me ugly cry to the point that I needed to leave the room because Goose was concerned for my general well being. For those that watch, thoughts?!! Are you doing okay? I feel like we all need a support group after that painfully gorgeous display of love and loss. Ugh. Oof. Wow. Sheesh. Incredible. 

Speaking of love and loss, who's watching Drag Race this season? Don't blink you might miss it! Spoilers ahead if you're not caught up! 

Last week was a design challenge using (un)conventional interior design items and my biggest take away from the episode is that I don't have the same design taste as the judges. Yes, I thought Amethyst was a sweet mess. And I feel for her. So far its been three straight episodes of specifically breaking her down to the point where she questions her entire ability to drag. Poor thing. I couldn't help but laugh uncomfortably at how long they've kept her in only to continuously beat her down. I also can't stop laughing at this tweet:

On the flip side, I thought Salina EsTitties didn't do terrible. I mean, she took a risk. She made a damn comforter into a damn jacket! I liked it! But as I'm typing this I'm realizing maybe I'm bias because I'm obsessed with my Comfy, which is essentially a blanket turned into a mumu. Hmmm. Yes, perhaps I do have some blanketed bias. PERHAPS! I'm excited for the upcoming episodes because I feel like we've thinned the herd enough to actually start getting to know the queens and hearing possibly more than one taking head from each of them. Do you have any front runners? Obvi Sasha Colby is a fierce queen's queen with a lot of expectations to live up to. And so far she's been great (I mean, those leeeeeeegs in that baaaaathing suit c'moooooon), but I'm curious to see more from her. Same for Mistress and Malaysia, they have that glamorously shady old school pageant vibe, and I dunno why but I feel like they'd be me and Mamrie's aunts favorites of the bunch. Otherwise, I wanna see if Spice finds her solo flavor, if Jax  and Anetra can actually flip or are flops, if Loosey is as great as her ego thinks she is (no fear, I'm a Loosey fan!), and if Aura and Robin Fierce have personalities. Oh, and if Luxx can keep the momentum in areas that aren't fashion. I hope so, because her Marshalls Marshalls Marshalls read kiiiilled me last week! Which reminds me I forgot about Marcia. *insert your own joke version of 'so did everyone else'* I'm also excited for the new ep because I think The Old Gays are going to be the Pit Crew!? Oh man, we're in for a treat! If you're watching let me know your thoughts so far!

Okay, I'm gonna wrap it up for this week! I hope you all have great weekends! Good luck getting weird in this age of Aquarius! Thanks, as always, for being here! 💚G



"Menty B" is the only new terminology I will use until I die of said menty b 🤣


OMG. I looove The Old Gays.


Menty B sounds like a rejected Spice Girl lol January has really flown by so quickly 🙈 Can’t wait to feel even more lost than usual 🙃 But I could definitely some more good(!) weirdness in my life I love The Old Gays 😍 Happy weekend! 💕


Anetra is my fav so far, but I think she has a lot of competition! Her breaking boards in the talent show is something I’m not sure I will ever get over 😂


Phew February just snuck right on up. Menty B sounds ridiculously accurate or a term that Mamrie would make up for period . Lol You described Drag Race perfectly.poor Amethyst. I loved the sleeping bag coat! That JLo bathing suit was amazing and Marshall's Marshall's Marshall's was gut laugh for me. I'm still an ANETRA, Lux and Sasha. Loosy Palm Springs look was so cute. Have a good week y'all 🌸😉


Pumped for drag race tonight! Salina did not deserve to be in the bottom but her lip sync SERVED.

Michael Dunn

Ugh, how is it February already?!?!


My goal for February is to finally read a bar flies book! Can’t wait to chat with y’all about it. Stay weird!


I am looking forward to sunshine and the mid 70s.


Ugh …we’re up here in the Sierra Foothills, you So Cal think you’ve seen rain? 👍🙏💕


I love the astrology/tarot reading. Update us whenever we enter a new sign.