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What an absolutely ridiculous and wonderful idea?! 

How the hell are you guys? This week has been another exhausting news circus so I hope you're taking naps and staying hydrated (*highdrated*) as best you can. At this point should Mamrie and I just make political bingo cards??? Could be fun...except, the fact that completely-fabricated-beyond-rational-comprehension-shenanigans could ACTUALLY happen at any moment in this administration might be too much to handle. We'll see! 

I'm gonna keep it short this week, but I promise to have a longer post for you guys next week! I'm waiting for my brain cells to run back to me like those dogs to their spy holes. I will say, Elliott and I ordered Taco Bell at like 10pm after the VP debate and then I ate the leftovers cold for breakfast the next morning immediately. IMMEDIATELY. I ate them straight out of the fridge at 8am while Elliott was still sleeping, like a human raccoon. I shoved a sloppy crunchwrap supreme down my throat with the fridge door open like I had just been dumped via text message. But I wasn't. I was just letting my inner trash queen out. And an hour later my stomach let her inner trash queen out. The cycle of life. But that moment illuminates the kind of week I'm having - one of those weeks where a little rascal behavior is a-okay!  Encouraged, even! We're all doing the best we can! That said, my plans are minimal this weekend ... mostly more reading and cleaning. A RAGER OF A WEEKEND AWAITS! We'll see what other nonsense I get in to. I still have an ice cream cake from my birthday in the freezer. How long do ice cream cakes last? 11 years, right? Perfect. 

Well, what are you getting into this weekend? What are you trying to get done? What are we avoiding? Spill your guts! Stay hydrated! ❤️G


Excited Dogs Poke Their Face Through Hole In Fence

ID: 3397533 These two dogs were so excited to peek on their owner coming home from work, they peered at her through some peep holes in the fence. Erin Joyce from Victoria, Australia, has two dogs named Billie and Seymour and every day, they would try and smell her through the fence as they knew she arrived home. So, in September this year, her partner Dean cut some dog face shaped holes in the fence so the two could poke their noses through. Erin is now greeted by their snouts each day she comes home. **Please contact licensing@catersnews.com for media / licensing / broadcast usage** SUBMIT A VIDEO: https://www.catersnews.com/submit-content/ Connect with Caters: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Caters_News Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatersTV Website: https://www.catersnews.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caters_news/ Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners.



Had a relaxing day without school work for once. CANADIAN THANKSGIVING 🇨🇦


I didn't realize until the last couple weeks how little I had kept up with keeping my email inbox 'clean' since March. In the last week and a half I've deleted around 600 emails (quick things like notifications of shows that are irrelevant now, Patreon stuff, notices about manga I won't buy, etc). I am keeping it going today while I'm at work, let's see those numbers drop!