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Hellllllllo Patrons! Happy Tuesday! My apologies for not posting yesterday! I'm at an airbnb with deer constantly walking all around like a god damn Disney film and it's lovely and distracting and time slipped away! I've also been trying to limit my computer/phone time when I can - after watching the Social Dilemma my brain is tweaked on the power/unconscious obsession I have with that slippery tech temptress. But don't worry, every now and then I make sure I do a quick check-in on Martha Stewart's IG and if she's good, then I'm good. Have any of you watched that doc yet? Thoughts? It's a wild one!

Anyway! How the hell are ya?? I hope you all had at least one decent moment(s) over the weekend! I can say I've successfully accomplished my goals - I got older and acquired copious amounts of chilling. Boxes have been checked! I also got to see Mamrie in the physical form on Saturday and record this week's episode in that good ol' deer-wallpapered back house. Lots of deer in my world lately! I also forgot just how dumb our conversations can get when we're in the same space together. Prepare yourselves for an unexpected and downright excessive amount of Vin Diesel talk on this week's episode! 

But, back to you! What'd you get into this weekend? How'd any goals/stuff/things pan out? I'm all ears! Speaking of ears, do you know who's got bigger ears than I thought? DEER. The deer in this place have ears like two old-timey hearing aids popping out of their skulls. As you can see, these are the kind of thoughts that kept me very busy yesterday and unable to post. 🙃Well, I gotta get back to these extremely important nature observations - if I don't make them, who will??? Hope you're all having a decent day! Happy Tuesday! ❤️G 



I'm glad that you've had a lovely weekend 💖 When I was 7 or 8 I got bitten by a deer while feeding it at a petting zoo in Tasmania, I still have the staircase/tooth shaped scar on my finger 😂 I developed a major fear of deer that I'm only really getting over now at 23 hahah My goals for the weekend were: 1. Watch a movie I haven't seen before. - Done! I watched Enola Holmes on Netflix, I liked it but the pace that they were breaking the 4th wall was a bit annoying. Millie Bobby Brown is brilliant in it though and this movie is her first time producing which is fun! 2. Eat some yummy food - My housemate made a very delicious dinner on friday night (pumpkin savory tart, focaccia and a fennel and rocket salad with blood orange segments) it's my turn to cook next weekend so I need to come up with a dish 🙈 Also I made myself pancakes for dinner on Sunday with oats, bananas and chia seeds it was surprisingly good for not having any added sugar! 3. Maybe do some uni work. - I did work on an assignment for a little part of the weekend but not much 😊 I hope you all have a great week 💕


Oooh, I was thinking about watching Enola Holmes since it's #2 on netflix after I binged Ratched, but I'm still on the fence! Omg, breakfast for dinner ALWAYS slaps especially when there's no added sugar :)


One goal I had, and I have had for a while, was to go hiking in the mountains alone. I’ve been scared of going on my own considering if something happens, I’ll be solo..I told a friend where I was, when to expect a check in from me, and went hiking solo! It was amaaaazing. I feel so good about myself, even if it only was a 90 min hike 💪🏼