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Heya Patrons,

The last bit of our Studio release is now launched! A mobile AR app that allows you to place HDX models in your own space through your mobile phone.

Download Mobile AR on Itch.io HERE


In an effort to keep production focus on EP3, we didn't spend a whole lot of time on Mobile AR, but for what it is, it's pretty fun! Get up close and personal with our models in your own space, and see your favorite adult stars from all new angles.

The AR space is going to get interesting, real soon, and we're glad we took a short amount of time to explore the space. Holodexxx, by it's very nature isn't very accessible, but Mobile AR should be now be accessible to hundreds of millions of users. Feel free to show it to your friends and spread the good word!

Holodexxx Cat Studio location, coming soon! (That's a joke)

Available for Android only, because there is no chance in hell Apple would allow Holodexxx on their perfect, morally pure phones ;) Installation instructions on the Itch.IO page.

Some of you might have met smh0, our newest hire at Holodexxx. snh0 is a talented designer/programmer, and isn't afraid to tackle our hardest features. We are incredibly stoked to have him on the team, and can't wait for you to see what he has been building. Say his if you see him online :D

We'll have an update on EP3 soon, and can't wait to use it ourselves :D

Thanks for all of the support. We know we can't do this without your help.

Mike & the Holodexxx Team


Patreon access for Holodexxx Mobile AR

Do you support Holodexxx Erotic Virtual Humans on Patreon? Patrons can get access to this project by connecting with their Patreon account. A minimum pledge of $2.00 is required to get access to this mobile game.