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Heya! Yesterday we pushed the Studio V0.9.1 update through Itch.io, and it's a big one!

We're adding this last update to Experimental because we weren't comfortable with the level of instability/playability with V0.9. The good news is that we have fixed a lot of the jank in the control system, and you should find the locomotion experience much more enjoyable.

If you encounter any bugs, feel free to submit them to the Discord Bug Channel, or to our bug list --> BUG SUBMISSION FORM

The official Studio release is right around the corner, but in the mean time, enjoy the newly added Studio scans and animations! We are continuing to work on UI updates, a Cinema refresh, and new content for you all to enjoy.

Major Features Added:

  • Static Scans cleaned and added to Studio
  • Additional Euphoria sex anim
  • Updated control schemes (see attached controller schematics)

Note: Mouse wheel on PC now changes height


  • Updated Euphoria skeleton so that it is symmetrical
  • New Euphoria animation
  • Updated Hair Bun art
  • New Marley expressions
  • Partner System update
  • 'Press M for Menu' in Customizer
  • upped movement speed slightly for 2d
  • fixed ui appearing at centre of radial selection wheel in 2d
  • fixed Marley's Zipper Corset
  • dozens of bugs fixed for EP1/EP2




This isn't working for me..


Hi guys, the link to the download on itch.io doesn't work. Please fix it.