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-``Mechanical Bottle Opener´´-Zira say as the sexy anthro lioness wearing a Napoleonic hat reads a sign with a bored voice and looks at a machine at display

-``Automatic Bundle Wrapper´´- Zira reads another sign but doesn’t bother to look at the machine this time as she raises her head before she groans

-UUGH! This is so boring! Of all the places to hide, I had to run into a museum! - Zira complains after she groans

-Why not a bar at least I could drink something, hell even a strip club would be a great idea so I could give the perverts the pleasure of seeing my gorgeous body in the nude.- Zira continues to complain as she keeps walking, ignoring the machines in display

-But no, it had to be a museum. What I’m going to do in this empty old museum?!- Zira continues to complain but suddenly she stops when realization hits her

-Wait. Empty old museum?- Zira asks herself before the lioness starts to look around to confirm two things. First, there isn’t one single soul on the museum and second as she looks up, she sees that the museum doesn’t have any security cameras on the walls

-Yes. There is no one around and without security cameras there is no danger of getting caught in the surveillance system. Which means this dump is the perfect opportunity for a robbery.- Zira says before she puts a hand on her chin and starts to cook up a plan to a robbery

-Huum, let's see. The machines are too big to be stolen by hand but I’m bet they are not worth something since they are old, which leaves only one option, a safe!- Zira says with a triumphed smile as she raises a finger

-I’m sure there is a safe here on this museum, full of money or something valuable, now the question is, where do I find a safe in this museum.- Zira says before she starts to think

-Huum, if this dump follows standard museum protocols the safe must be in a back room along with decommissioned machines or machines that are yet to be set up.- Zira continues to think as she scratches her chin

-Now where to find the back room.- Zira continues to pound until she looks up and sees a bunch of signs with directions on them. One pointing at a Robot Nurse Maid, the other pointing at a Mechanical Barber Chair but the direction that gets her attention is the one pointing at the Back Room

-Hehe once again my luck hits the jackpot. Safe full of loot, here I come.- Zira says before she walks in the direction of the Back Room

The walk to the Back Room doesn’t take long and before she knows it, Zira is already on her destination, the lioness is right at the entrance of the Back Room as she looks around

-Bingo! Now to find my safe.- Zira says before she walks in and starts to look around

Zira keeps looking around seeing some abandoned machines along with machines still wrapped in plastic bubble wraps and some big boxes with machines inside but that doesn’t interest Zira, the sexy lioness is looking only for her safe full of loot. Suddenly she finds a blanket covering something big and square, following her instincts Zira walks to the blanket before she pulls it and to her surprise and delight, it was a safe!

-AHA! Jackpot! Old Zira’s luck strike again haha!- Zira shouts in happiness before she goes to analyze the safe

-Ohh look at the size of this baby! Must be full of money and valuable stuff and would you look at that, it’s an old school safe.- Zira says as she notices that the safe had an old fashioned dial, the ones where you have to turn it to put the code.

-Hehe this will be a piece of cake. I used to crack safes like these when I was a young cub.- Zira says as she kneels down and rubs her hands in anticipation, time to crack this safe in the old fashioned way

Zira gets ready as she tilts her hat before she puts an ear close to the safe and grabs the dial before she starts to turn it slowly ready to crack this old safe

-WOOEEOOH!  WOOEEOOH!- But suddenly a loud blaring siren starts to sound! This startles Zira as she quickly gets up and steps away from the safe as she desperately looks around in fear, with the loud sound, the police will find her for sure!

Sadly the police is gonna be the least of her problems as suddenly the floor opens up to reveal a treadmill who activates and starts to pushes backward to a hole that opens up in the end of the treadmill

-Oh hell no!- Zira says in fright, sensing that hole is trouble for sure, she gets gets up quickly and clumsy back to her feet and tries to make a run for it

Sadly the treadmill is moving too fast as Zira is almost close to the hole but she continues to run trying to avoid the hole as she keeps looking at it, no way she is gonna get caught without a fight!

But sadly with her focus on the hole she fails to notice a mechanical arm with a boxing glove until it’s too late, when the glove hits her square on her stomach!

-OWW!- Zira says in pain, sadly the punch makes her trip and the fast treadmill quickly pushes her into the hole!

-AHHH! UGH!- Zira shouts as she falls down before she lands roughly on a chair in a seated position as her arms land on the armrests and her feet land on a foot rest, her Napoleonic hat lands on her head soon after she falls down at the chair

Suddenly before Zira can process what’s going on she feels her wrists and heels get squeezed tightly, the lioness looks down and see that her wrists and heels are clamped by silver clamps, trapping her in the chair

-HEY! What the hell is th-ARGH!- Zira tries to shout but suddenly her neck is clamped by a silver clamp too before her head is pulled back

Suddenly an mechanical contraption comes down before a mechanical arm goes and grabs Zira’s Napoleonic hat off her head

-HEY! My hat!- Zira tries to protest as she tries to look up but sadly the neck clamp makes hard

With the hat off, a mechanical arm holding a brush comes down and starts to dust her head off, this makes Zira growl in anger as she doesn’t know what’s coming next.

Her answer comes soon as the mechanical contraption goes up and another contraption comes down, this one being a mechanical tube full of rolling pins.

Suddenly the rolling pins start to hit Zira on her head hard. For some weird reason, the rolling pins seem to follow a musical segment, as Zira’s head is hitted in a rhythm. Zira can only grit her teeth as she growls in pain while holding her hands closed into fists

When she thought it couldn’t get worse, the rolling pins retreated and the chair was lifted a little off the floor as she felt her butt sink on the chair as a whole opened in the middle of the seat. And before she can process why, another mechanical tube shows up behind her but this one is full of boots and it doesn’t take long before they start to kick Zira by her butt!

-OW! OH! OW! OW! OH!- Zira can only scream in pain as the boots kick her ass with gusto, just like the rolling pins, the boots also seem to follow a musical rhythm

-OW! AH! OUCH! OH!- Zira continues to shout in pain as the boots roll to another musical pass

Suddenly one boot goes back a little distance and the clamps holding Zira are opened but before the lioness can think of escaping the chair…

-AAHH!- Zira is kicked hard on her ass, the kick is so strong she flies away from the chair!

Zira flies quickly in the air before she falls down on the floor, sadly the trajectory puts her in a predicament worse than the chair. As her F cup breasts by some miracle went down a hole and Zira is putted into a very uncomfortable position where her face is down on the hard floor, her ass is raised high and finally her breasts hang down by the hole

Zira tries to get up but her breasts are really stuck into the hole and as if things couldn’t get worse, two gloving boxes show up down by her breasts and start to punch them real quick like punching bags.

-OW OW OW OW! H-HEY! OWW! STO-OP OWW!- Zira can only mumble and shout in pain as her boobs are getting punched real good

And to make matters even more worse, a wheel full of boots shows up from behind Zira, right by her ass. The wheel starts to spin before it moves closer to Zira’s butt and starts to kick her real hard on her behind!

-AHHH! OUCH! OWW! OWW! AHHH! OUCH! AAHOUCH!- Zira can do nothing except scream in pain, by now she was regretting trying to steal that safe

It goes like this for a few minutes as Zira is literally getting her ass kicked while her breasts are being used like punching bags. Soon the pain becomes so much to a point Zira gets exhausted from screaming and when the gloves and wheel are finally done, she can do nothing but pant as she sticks her tongue out like a tired dog but for her comfort it is finally over.

Or so she thought as another mechanical contraption comes down and grabs her by the scruff of her neck and the rim of her pants with its mechanical hands before she is lifted off the floor, she gets stuck for a while thanks to her breasts but with a strong pull, her boobs leave the hole with a loud POP!

-AHHH! What now?! Let me go! Put me down!- Zira shouts in anger as she thought it was over

Suddenly a bag shows up under her and as Zira looks into the big bag with a confused look, the hands start to shake her hard! This makes all her stolen loot drop into the bag! From golden watches, phones, expensive jewelry and most important, the big fat wallet, they all fall down into the bag as the machine collect them

-HEY! My loot! NOO!- Zira complains as she sees her stolen goods being taken away but she’s ignored as she is taken forward by the mechanical contraption before they stop right by a barrel full of tar!

-No! Wait…-Zira tries to say but she is ignored again before being pushed inside the barrel full of the thick black liquid!

The hands push the lioness into the barrel four times before she is raised out of the barrel. By now, Zira was completely covered by the black liquid, as the mechanical contraption moves forward Zira has only time to clear the tar out of her eyes as she looks up to see a big brown bag. Zira doesn’t have to wonder what’s inside of it as the two mechanical hands holding the bag start to shake it, making lots of feathers fall down from it.

Of course thanks to the tar, most of the feathers stick into her body just like a good old tar and feathering. Zira can look in shock to her body, the feathers had stocked in a way that made her look like a giant big chicken. But sadly this was far from over as the contraption once again moves forward before the hands throw her down.

Zira lands inside a big cannon, her body goes inside but her head stays outside as the feather covered lioness looks confused. Suddenly a hand appears holding her Napoleonic hat before it puts the hat back in her head and before she can react, two hands holding a plunger push Zira’s head down inside the cannon.

With the lioness inside the cannon it was time to fire, as the cannon remained aiming to the top as down there, a hand holding a match, lights the stick before it lights the fuse of the cannon with the flame. The short fuse burns quickly as by some weird reason, Zira could hear the sound of drums.

It doesn’t take long before the flame reaches the end of the fuse and with a loud BOOM! Zira flies to the top screaming loudly as she flies to the top very fast. Even with the quick winds on her face, she manages to open an eye and see she’s about to hit the ceiling! Zira closes her eyes and grits her teeth ready for the pain. But to her luck, a hole opens up before Zira flies through it

Feeling no pain, Zira dare to open her eyes in time that she stops mid air and she sees that she’s back to the museum but sadly as she looks down, she sees that she still on air before gravity takes control and she falls down like a rock while her hat stay on air

-AAAAHH! UGH!- Zira screams before she lands roughly on the ground. It was a rough landing as she falls down on her stomach and her ass is raised once again up

As Zira groans in pain from her rough landing, her Napoleonic hat hovers gently on air before it lands right on top of her butt

-Oww! Shit!- Zira curses in pain as she gets up into an all four position, not noticing the hat on her butt

-Well at least it can’t get worse.- Zira says the famous cursed words

-Your hat ma’am.- And as usual the curse works as something worse happens as the Robot Butler, sneaks behind Zira and takes her hat off her butt

-HEY! GRRRR!- Zira looks behind in time to see her hat getting taken by the cyclop robot off her ass!

-I had to say it! I had to fucking say it!- Zira finally gets up from the floor, of course it doesn’t take long for her to look down and see her predicament

While the cannon shot took most of the tar and feathers away, Zira’s clothes were all dirty now, with some spots still with bits of tar and feathers

-Ah great. Not only did I lost my loot but my clothes are all dirty now.- Zira says in annoyance as she tries to dust herself, sadly the tar and feather don’t come out

-Damn! It won’t come off! I need to clean these clothes, I can’t leave this place like this, I’ll stood out like a sore thumb.- Zira says to herself

-But where I'm gonna find a place to…OH?- Zira starts to ask herself as she looks around before her eyes land on another bunch of signs. This had more directions to the machines on display, but one machine caught her attention as the letters said ``Washing Machine´´ while an arrow pointed at a direction.

-Oh lucky me. This museum have a washing machine.- Zira says a little happy as she found a way to clean her clothes

Following the direction of the arrow, Zira walks for a short while before she finally reaches the Washing Machine. The machine was a complete washing machine and it was huge like the washing machines used in hotels.

-Ohhh look at that. It’s the size of a washing machine used in a hotel.- Zira comments as she gets close to the panel to see the washing options

-Oh good, they have dry cleaning. My leather clothes can only be cleaned like this.- Zira comments

-Well time to wash my clothes and since they is no one in this dump, i don’t need to worry about peeping toms.- Zira says as she was about to undress herself naked but sadly she hits one problem, her jacket zipper was stuck

-UGH! What the?! UUGH!- Zira says before she tries to push the zipper down hard, it seems the tar glued the two ends of the jacket and now it was hard to get the zipper down

-UUUGH! Come on you stupid! Go down! UUUGH!- But Zira is not going to let that stop her as she continues to try to push the zipper down

As the lioness tries to undress herself she ends up walking backwards until her butt accidentally pushes a button down. The button had the words ``Normal Washing ́ ́ on top of it. When her ass pushes the button down, a loud buzz is sounded, this makes Zira stop struggling with the zipper as she looks back in confusion.

But before Zira can process that the machine is on. Suddenly two mechanical arms show up from each side of the Washing Machine as they go in the direction of Zira!

-Oh no! Not again!- Zira of course tries to make a run for it but sadly she is quickly caught by the hands as she pulled back

The door of the Washing Machine opens and before Zira can protest, she is thrown inside by the hands before they close the door, trapping Zira inside the Washing Machine!

-HEY! Let me out! I’m not a piece of cloth! Open this door!- Zira shouts as she keeps banging the door from inside trying to get it open. Unfortunately the machine doesn’t listen and with the door locked from outside, Zira can’t escape.

Suddenly she stops banging the door when she feels something wet on her knees and as she looks back, she sees in horror that the washing machine was filling up in soapy water and fast!

-Oh no no no!- Zira says in despair as she tries to keep her head off the water, sadly with the fast filling it doesn’t take long before the water is right by her neck!

Zira can only take some quick breaths as the water quickly passes her neck and it doesn’t take long before the whole machine is filled with water and Zira is under it, holding her breath. The machine starts to work right away as Zira starts to spin around fast to the right side, the lioness can only close her eyes as she spins around, the last thing she needs is to get dizzy right now.

The machine spins to the right some more before it quickly changes directions to the left as it spins around on the opposite side. It doesn’t take long before the machine starts to spin right and left a few times to wash the ``clothes´´ inside. Meanwhile Zira tries her best to keep her eyes closed as she prays that the washing ends quickly

Luckily her prayers are answered with some final spins, the washing is stopped and the water starts to drain, when water goes down her neck, Zira takes some deep breaths trying to get precious oxygen into her lungs. But as the water is drained, it starts to fill again as it was time to rinse!

-Oh crap! Here i go again!- Zira complains as once again she takes another deep breath as the water quickly fill the washing machine and once again it doesn’t take long before she is under water again

The rinse works just like the wash circle as the machine spins right for a while before it goes left for another while before it ends with the machine spinning right and left until the water is drained again and Zira can take some deep breaths of air.

But sadly there was one last stage to go, the dry circle! Suddenly hot air fills the center before Zira starts to spin around very fast. It felt like training for astronauts! As Zira tries her best to keep her lunch inside her stomach as she closes her eyes!

Luckily for her, the dry circle is quickly finished and the door is finally open but the hands return and grabs Zira before they move her to a clothesline, putting the rim of her pants on the line, one hand holds her while the other goes to fetch a clothes pin and put on the rim, this leave Zira suspended on the line like drying clothes!

After getting her head in place Zira looks up and sees where she is. Suddenly she starts to hiccup but each time she hiccups, bubbles of soap escape her mouth!

-Well hic! At least hic! The tar and hic! feathers are gone hic!- Zira says between hiccups

But out of nowhere, Zira’s clothes start to feel tight like they are shrinking. Suddenly to Zira’s horror, realization hits her!

-Oh crap! My clothes are dry cleaning! With the normal washing, they are shrinking!- Zira says in horror

And shrinking they are, as Zira’s white shirt get tighter and tighter until it finally snaps, revealing the bra holding her big F cup breasts, sadly the bra is not fair behind as they squeeze her breasts before they finally snaps it open leaving her nipples free but the leather jacket is still on but like the rest, the jacket shrinks to a point it wraps tightly on her before ripping sounds are heard as the back starts to rip it open, the jacket then rips off completely leaving Zira half naked as her torso is exposed!

Before Zira can process her half nudity, suddenly her legs feel tight as both her panties and pants are shiriking too, inside her pants, the panties are ripped clean leaving Zira naked on the inside of her pants and it doesn’t take long before the pants starts to rip as they hugged Zira’s legs real tight. But when the pants rip completely, the rim of her pants makes the clothespin also snap and Zira falls down to the ground. Lucky for her, there was a big basket of clothes under her so she falls down inside as she lands comfortably on the clean clothes.

Things are quiet for a while before suddenly a completely naked Zira comes out from the big basket and she is pissed! As the naked lioness looks at the Washing Machine with an angry look!

-Yof sof of bift! whef I gef my hanfs on yof I goffa!- Zira says between angry mumbles and muffled sounds as she so angry she failed to notice the big red sock covered her muzzle

Of course it doesn’t take long before she notices the sock on her muzzle and with an angry look she pulls the sock off her muzzle. And once again it doesn’t take long before she looks down and sees the big elephant in the room, her nudity!

-GAH! I’m naked!- Zira quickly covers her naked F cup breasts with an arm and her private parts with a hand. Zira tries to find her clothes and it doesn’t take long before she finds them, or at least, what was left of them

-Ahh great! My clothes shrunk down to the point they ripped. Perfect! Now what?!- Zira says in anger, as if losing her loots wasn’t bad enough, now she didn’t even had her clothes anymore, this was worse than tar and feathers, of course a naked lioness is going to stand out in the crowd

But as Zira thinks she doesn’t have hope, she looks down and finally notices the clothes.

-Huh what do you know? Finally a silver lining after all that crap. Ok Zira let’s get you dressed.- Zira says to herself as she gets off the basket before she starts to search for clothes


-Unbelievable! Of all those clothes, this is the only piece of cloth that was my size?!- Zira says as she walks grumbling in anger

Not that anyone could blame her, while she was searching for clothes Zira found out all the clothes were small for her, well except for one piece of clothes.

-Geez I have never felt more ridiculous in my entire life. I look like a cartoon character.- Zira says as she looks down, where we finally see that she was wearing a blue sailor uniform with four white buttons, a light blue cloth on the back of the neck and a black bowtie and to boost the humiliation even more, Zira was also wearing a white sailor hat and she was also wearing no pants, since she couldn’t find pants or shorts big enough to fit her thick thighs and big butt

-What am I going to do? I can’t go out like this. God if only I could find some pants i could…- Zira starts to complain when suddenly

-TICK TICK TICK!- Familiar ticking sounds are heard as Zira follows the sound to reveal no other than the Robot Butler itself.

The cyclop seemed to be walking the museum checking everything up while waiting for clients to come so it could greet them. Seeing the cyclop robot, Zira gets angry since it was thanks to her that she lost her hats until now.

-Hey snake eye! How do you like my new outfit huh?!- Zira says as she puts her arms behind her head in a sexy pose, hoping to tease the robot

The Robot Butler heard her loud and clear and quickly turned around to see what Zira wanted. Sadly instead of her sexy pose or even her down the belt nudity, the cyclop has its eye only on one thing only, the sailor hat on top of Zira’s head.

The Robot Butler makes a buzzing sound as its eye flashes bright red a few times before the robot quickly turns around and runs at Zira’s direction, ready to take away her sailor hat

-Uh Oh! Bad idea! Bad idea!- Zira says as she regrets teasing the robot as she quickly turns around and runs for her life, while she hates the sailor suit she’s not going to let the cyclop take her hat away. She’s not going to let that stupid tin can robot have another victory over her!

Zira runs as fast as she can, ignoring all the signs and running into random directions, eager to lose the Robot Butler. She quickly turns around a corner, she has given the cyclop the slip but fearing the robot might be right behind her, she needs to find a place to hide and fast!

Zira sees a machine in front of her and judging by a quick look it seemed big enough to hide. So without thinking twice she jumps inside the machine. Her dive had put her under some soft pink blankets that were big enough to hide, feeling safe Zira stayed still hoping she managed to lose the Robot Butler.

Little that she knew, her sudden movement made the machine activate as the machine hummed to life. As the motor  whirred, we finally see a sign showing where Zira has hid from the cyclop.

The sign had written on it, ``Robot Nurse Maid-Patent 99/66 1/2´´




Such a fun read!