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-Just some pocket change and old credit cards?!- Said a female voice, this voice belonged to an anthro lioness. The lioness was checking a wallet that she had just stolen from a poor old fool who didn't notice the theft. Sadly from the lioness, the victim only had a few dollars and his credit cards were old, since they didn't have the tap to pay system.

-BAH! Nice going Zira! Of all the animals to steal and you get one who's still living in the past!- The lioness now named Zira said as she threw the wallet away, frustrated by her failed theft

Zira was a lioness around her 40s with a grayish tan fur and cream color muzzle that went to her underbelly which was mostly hidden by her clothes along with beautiful red eyes black eyebrows, dark brown upper eye patches, eyelids and white under patches, white fur on her fingers and an one notched ear.

Even with being around her 40s, Zira was still a bombshell of a lioness, with the main points being her F cup breasts and big round toned muscular butt, all this hidden in an white shirt under a black leather jacket and loose black jeans pants, all those clothes that really hugged her body and showed the right curves and a black leather baker boy hat on her head. An appearance worthy of the leader of the Outsiders MC gang.

-Well can't let one small problem stop me, now to wait for the next loser.- Zira said as she lean on the wall of a street corner and started to wait for a loser to pickpocket again

She looked around as anthro animals went on with their lives, from business animals that were running late to their jobs, to mothers looking after their child and young generations just going with their young lives. As Zira looked around, she landed on a lion with a red mane using an expensive black tuxedo and carrying a metallic briefcase that had a nice shine on the sun. By the looks of it, the lion might be a big shot in a big company, a CEO or a boss perhaps.

-Jackpot!- Zira said in a whisper, now it was time to move to her plan with a classic move.

Zira started walking in the lion's direction in a straight line and when she got close, she bumped hard into him.

-HEY! Watch it lady!- The lion said in an annoyed voice to Zira

-Open your eyes, loser. I'm walking here!- Zira said in annoyance as she holds her arms up before she continues to walk forward, the lion also continues his way on the opposite direction

Little did the lion know that Zira's plan was successful. The lioness walks a little far away before she brings up a wallet that she managed to snatch from the lion's pocket when she bumped into him. By the looks of it, the wallet looked stuffed, so Zira zips the wallet open and it seemed she hitted the jackpot, the wallet was full of dollar bills of 50s and 100s and credit cards of the expensive kind!

-Oh hoho! Payday! Zira scored big!- Zira says in excitement from her successful theft before she zips the wallet closed and puts the wallet inside her pants pocket

Sadly Zira's victory was about to be short-lived. The lion that she stole the wallet had just put a hand on the front of his pants pocket and noticed the lack of his wallet. He looked behind and started to look for Zira, it didn't take long for him to find her, after all, her peculiar outfit was hard to miss among the crowd.

-THIEF! SHE STOLE MY WALLET!- The lion shouts loudly, this gets Zira's attention

-SHE'S A THIEF! SOMEONE STOP HER!- The lion shouts again as he points at Zira, this time his scream gets the attention of a pair of police dogs, a german shepherd and a golden retriever in blue uniforms. They move into action

-STOP RIGHT THERE!- The german shepherd orders loudly as he runs to Zira, his partner was right behind him

-Shit!- Zira curses loudly before she turns around and starts to run away from the cops

-HALT!- The golden retriever shouts from behind his partner

And so the chase was on. The lioness was running fast ahead with the cops hot on her tail and avoiding the crowd trying to lose the law. The cops were fast but sadly they were useless compared to a lioness's speed as Zira was very far ahead.

-HEY STOP!- The german shepherd shouts from the distance

-FAT CHANCE COP!-Zira replies to him as she starts to run even faster, an amazing accomplishment considering the clothes she was wearing.

The boost of speed was enough to leave the cops behind but sadly Zira was not safe yet, she knew it was a matter of time before the cops showed up again.

-I gotta hide until the heat goes down but where?!- Zira asked herself as she continued to run and started to look for a place to hide.

Sadly she couldn't find any alleys but it seemed her luck returned when she noticed some stairs leading to a building. Without thinking twice she goes up the stairs and goes to run inside, as she runs the lioness sees an turnstile in the distance but she's well prepared as she reaches her pockets and brings out a coin from the pocket change she stole from earlier. In an amazing feat, she puts the coin on the slot and runs past the turnstile getting inside the building.

As she entered the museum, the two cops just turned around the corner but they couldn't see in sight. They decided to stop to take a breather

-What?! She's gone?- The german shepherd says in shock as he looks around

-Gone?! But how?!- The golden retriever says in shock too

-Damn lioness! She runned fast for a feline wearing those kind of clothes!- The german shepherd says in anger for losing the thief

-Now what Chase?- The golden retriever asks his partner

-I say we take a look around, maybe she hid somewhere close. Let's go Jack.- Chase say as the police dog runs ahead

-On it!- Jack said as the officer follows his partner

Little did they know, they just passed the building that Zira runned inside. And as we take a close look into the building we see a bright red neon sign on top of it. The sign read ``Museum of Modern Marvels´´, The ``M´´ was big and had all the words connected to it.

Inside the museum Zira was right at an hallway that led to the exhibits with her back on the wall as she took some deep breaths to calm her heart from the running.

-Phew! I think I managed to give those cops the slip.-Zira said after she took a final breath before she took her back off the wall

-But to be safe I better stay inside for a while until i lose the heat for sure.- Zira said to herself.

-Where I am anyway?- Zira asked in confusion since she just ran inside without seeing where she was. But she gets her answer soon enough as she looks up and sees a small sign.

-``Museum of Modern Marvels´´.- Zira reads the sign's big words before she goes to read the small words under the big ones.

-``Come and see the machines of tomorrow´´.- Zira read the small words

-A museum? I ran inside a museum?- Zira says in confusion before she shrugs in indifference

-Oh well might as well and check the museum. It might make time go fast.- Zira said as she walks forward on the hallway

As Zira reaches the end of the hallway she comes to a big hall full of the museum exhibits, you could see all kinds of weird machines on display, from a Automatic Pencil Sharpener to a Fully Self-Operating Chimney Sweeper. But to some weird reason, the machine didn't look that futurist to today's standards since they had some kind of old look

-What the? They call these the machines of the future?- Zira said as she took a look around the maze of metal, plastic, glass and gears. The machines were very old compared to today's technology

-Machine of the future? Yeah right, only if the future was 1937 and...- Zira spoke as she turned around and looked into a machine when suddenly...

-HELLO THERE MA'AM!- A mechanical male voice shouts from behind Zira making the lioness give a small growl of fright before she quickly turned around

-Whoa! And who are you?- Zira asked after a small shout of surprise to the owner of the voice.

And as we take a look at the owner of the voice, it's no surprise why it had a mechanical voice sound. It was a robot,the robot was a giant cyclops with a big green eye metallic body mostly on a copper color, the exception being his arms,waist and legs which had a silver color. Also the robot was making loud ticking noises indicating it was on and operating.

-I'm the Robot Butler ma'am.- The robot answers Zira's question before it bows down in courtesy showing a big red battery connect on it's back

-Oh you're a butler huh? Good for you I guess.- Zira says a little awkward since she doesn't know what to say since she didn't expect the robot's presence.

The Robot Butler gets up from his courtesy bow and starts to walk in Zira's direction, the ticking sound makes Zira a little nervous as the robot gets closer and closer making her take some steps back since up close the robot was a giant, her size only reached the robot's chin.

-Alright buster, that’s close enough. You want something?- Zira asks as she holds a hand up. The two stay silent for a few seconds as they look at each other until the Robot Butler makes his move.

-Your hat ma'am.- The Robot Butler says before it takes Zira's baker boy hat off her head.

-HEY! Give back my hat!- Of course Zira was not amused with the robot taking her favorite hat, as she grabs her hat and tries to place back in her head

-YOUR HAT MA'AM!- Of course the butler was not happy with the lioness trying to interfere with its job as it lifts her off the ground holding her hat before it shoves Zira's down on the floor as she lands hard on her butt.

-UMPH! WHY YOU LITTLE!- Zira says in anger after she grunts in pain from the rough landing

-Thank you ma'am.- The Robot Butler bows down in courtesy again acting normal as if it shoved down the lioness hard on the floor

The robot gets up from it's bow before it starts to walk away from Zira, holding her hat up

-Who do you think you are? Treating visitors like that?! No wonder this dump is empty!- Zira says in anger to the robot but the robot only ignores her and continues to walk away until it's out of sight

-BAH! There goes my favorite hat, now what?!- Zira says in anger about losing her favorite hat as she rubs her butt to soothe the pain before she takes a look around until her eyes land on a machine on the display.

It was a self playing poker table. The machine had a poker table 4 four robots stationed on a position by the table. There was an open spot for the player on the table. The robots had a shining metallic silver appearance, they had only their torso with mechanical arms and round heads and in place of their legs they had a spring holding them in their positions.

But it's not the table or the robots that caught Zira's attention, it was the robot that was mostly the dealer of the game, different from the other robot that had nothing on them, the dealer was wearing a shining black top hat. Zira walks to the robot with the hat and checks the hat.

-Huumm.- Zira checks the robot as she holds a hand on her chin before she decides to snatch the top hat off the robot and puts on her head before she walks to a glass display where she can see her reflection.

-Huum nice, at least it's classy hehe.- Zira says as she admires her new hat

-Joke's on you cyclops! I have a new hat now!- Zira shouts at the direction that the Robot Butler went

The annoyed lioness wants to leave the museum but sadly it has been only a few minutes since she got inside so it was not safe to leave the museum yet. With a an annoyed expression she continues to walk on the museum trying to distract herself

-Geez what a bunch of junk! How does a museum like that it's still open?- Zira questions as she continues to walk passing a Old Razor Blade Mangler machine

-It has nothing new on it, no way someone would be interested in these machine and...Huh?- Zira continues to walk until her eyes land on a brown briefcase

Her thief instincts kicking in since briefcase means expensive stuff so she walks closer to the briefcase. But to her disappointment, the briefcase was a machine in display since it had words written on it.

-Ah damn it! It's not a briefcase, it's a machine, nuts!- Zira says in annoyance as she checks the briefcase

-``Hitch-Hiker's Aid- It works while you sleep´´- Zira reads the words on the briefcase

-Geez talking about old, this takes me back when the girls and I used to hitchhiking when we were young.- Zira remembers the glory days of her youth

-That's actually nice, takes me back to my youth days hehe.- Zira says as she gives a small smile

Suddenly her smile turns into a mischief one as she has an idea. She's gonna prank the machine to see how it works. She flats the top hat on her head before she takes it off and holds on one hand. She then starts to make a sound similar to a car starting it's engine until she holds the top hat like a steering wheel

-VRRR! VRRRR! VRRRRR!- Zira does her best impression of a passing car as she starts to walk in front of the briefcase

And sure enough her trick works as a green robot springs out of the briefcase, the robot had white eyes with black dots and his mouth was flashing bright red as the words ``STOP´´ flashed in red, the silly contraption was holding a thumb up as it whistled making smoke come out from the top of it's head

-HAHAHA! Oh man, I can't believe you fell for this trick!- Zira starts to laugh at the bouncing robot on it's springy feet, holding her sides as she had a good laugh at the robot's expense

Sadly Zira was so lost in laughter that she failed to notice the robot got close to her. The robot had an annoyed look since it didn't like the laughing lioness prank. So it decides to get back at her, the robot makes a ``V´´ sign with its metallic fingers

-HAHAHA-OWW!-Zira laughs until she makes the mistake of opening her eyes, giving the robot a chance to poke them!

-OWW MY EYES! What's the big idea?!- Zira shouts in pain as she holds her eyes with her hands, meanwhile the Hiker Robot takes this as a chance to retreat back to it's briefcase with a triumphant smile on its face

-Hey come out now and face me like a male!- Zira shouts as she looks at the briefcase and demands that the robot comes out

Sadly the robot doesn't come out and to make it worse the Robot Butler had heard the screams and it was now right behind her.

-Your hat ma'am.- The Robot Butler says as it snatches the top hat from Zira's head

-NO! Not you again, give my hat back!- Zira shouts in anger but once again the robot ignores her and turns around with her top hat in hands before it walks away.

-AAHH! To hell with you!- Zira says in anger before she goes to walk away, mad that she lost another hat.

The lioness was growling and puffing in anger as she walked past some inventions, ignoring them as she was still angry.

-GRRR! Stupid robot! I was starting to like that top hat!- Zira says in anger as she finally decides to take a look around and she sees she enters a part of the museum made to honor great historical figures, just like before the robots in display were the silver ones with round heads and springs on the place of its feet. There were many tributes to historical figures but right now Zira was in front of a robot that was made to honor Napoleon Bonaparte's army.

-Psst! That was supposed to be Napoleon Bonaparte's soldier, it looks ridiculous and...OH!- Zira starts to rant but suddenly her eyes fall on the head of the robot, more precisely it's hat.

The hat was a Napoleonic officer hat and for some weird reason Zira was attracted by the hat. Which makes the next step not a surprise as she reaches and grabs the hat off the robot's hat

-Hehe what a nice hat.- Zira says as she checks the old hat in her hands

So then decides to test it as she puts on her head and after adjusting the hat, she decides to make a pose similar to Napoleon as she shoves a hand inside her jacket. Zira takes a look at her reflection on a glass display and likes what she sees, so she's keeping the hat.

-How's that for you, tin can?!- Of course Zira doesn't waste the chance to shout her victory at the Robot Butler's direction before she walks away from the briefcase.

Zira has a lot of ground to cover in the museum but luckily she doesn't have nowhere to go since the cops might still be looking for her. Might as well kill some time on the museum until it's safe to come out.



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