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Disclaimer, character is above 18 years of age and a teddy bear. I checked the wiki before accepting the commission. Commission for Looner_Oshawott, of Cure Mofurun captured and hypnotized by the Bubble Klagen. Based on this art by GManGamer25

With the machine squeezing her so maliciously, she could only whimper as the tight creaking squeaky rubber assaulted her ears. But almost instantly, the smothering pressure abruptly disappeared with a soft “pop” as she gasped in surprise, only to lose her footing as she suddenly slipped and fell on her butt. It was like the ground beneath her had suddenly become wet, the friction of wet plastic. It only took a single glance at the blue hue surrounding her to realize what had happened, as she was now sealed in one large blue bubble. UFO had merged them together to trap her inside, with its wands now empty as it simply hovered above her. Before she could attempt to stand back up, the bubble slowly lifted off of the ground, carrying her weight effortlessly as the surface bobbed gently underneath her.

Mofurun didn’t waste any time, giving the surface a swift punch as stretched out significantly, only to rebound her back as she was flung to the other side of the bubble where she harmlessly bounced against the soft membrane as she slid back to the bottom. Unable to stand back up with the slick, she climbed onto her knees and tried to tackle the other side of the bubble pushing out the surface for a brief moment. The teddy bear-turned-magical girl groaned as the rubbery surface stretched against her face and shoulder, feeling as if she was wrestling with the world’s most stubborn balloon as it refused to rip or pop. The surface felt so soft and inflexible, yet it was as tough as vinyl, squeaking softly as the slick surface stretched and squeezed against her cheek. And with a soft “boing” she once again bounced away as she landed in the center of her soft prison, the buoyant bobbing surface breaking her fall as she looked up at the saucer above.

Before she could attempt a third time, her eyes went wide as her shoulders suddenly went limp, noticing a strange swirly pattern emanating from the center of the machine’s underside. A flurry of bright colors was flashing above her, presented in a loop of expanding Multi-colored circles. Before she knew it, her body began to relax, her panic suddenly fading from her mind as she stared at the swirling patterns above. Focusing on the bright colors, she simply leaned back against the bubble as she began to relax, completely forgetting why she was struggling in the first place. The circular patterns appeared to grow larger and larger above her, filling her vision completely until the colors began to reflect in her eyes.

A soft giggle escaped her lips as a wide goofy smile spread across her face, chuckling at colorful circles while her thoughts soon drifted away. In the span of a few seconds, the resilient and powerful magical girl was left completely docile, just an empty-headed woman trapped in a bouncy blue bubble. With its target now captured, the UFO re-enabled its tractor beam, taking hold of the bubble while shrinking its surface significantly, enough that it was easier to carry while still allowing her enough space to be comfortable. With that, it made sure the coast was clear before flying away with its prisoner. All the while, Mofurun would be none the wiser, her eyes entranced by the colorful circles as the bubble bobbled and jiggled around her, making her giggles all the more blissful as she was carried away.
