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        Placing his suitcase down, Coca took a moment to appreciate the house he had just arrived in. It looked completely brand-new, a spacious living room, a large TV, a soft fluffy rug, and a shiny white paint job on the walls and ceilings. It looked exactly like those houses you'd see vlogger's recording in, places that looked so expensive and fancy. It was even better than he could imagine. But of course, he hadn't come for the big screen TV, or the massive king sized bed. Placing his suitcase and phone next to the couch, he stripped down to his swim trunks. Showing off his light brownish skin, and stroking back his short black hair, he made his way to the back door and into the backyard. After his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, he was met with an unexpected site unexpected site. 

        The pool was much bigger than he initially thought, and was almost as big as an actual public pool. The water was clear, and everything was clean and tidy, but what Coca found strange was the plethora of pool toys spread throughout the area. Beach balls, floaty’s, inflatable animals, rafts, and other things, it looked like a large family had left them there. In fact, there was more than enough toys to have a massive party if he wanted. As he looked around some more, he saw that there were other deflated pool toys stuffed away in open plastic bins placed against the house, folded up neatly for future use. While he was distracted, one of the beach balls rolled up to his feet, pushing against his leg as he kneeled down to pick it up. It didn't feel like a plastic or vinyl as he rubbed the material between his hands, rather if felt more like soft rubber, as if he had just picked up a balloon. When Coco took a second look at the other inflatables around the pool, he realized that they were a lot more glossy and reflected then normal pool toys, probably because they were made of rubber as well. “Huh…” Coco was puzzled, but didn't think much of it.

        Throwing it back into the pool, he walked around some more to check out his fancy new vacation home. The backyard was surrounded by cement walls with porcelain tiles, giving the backyard bit of privacy and seclusion. There were a few comfy looking inflatable chairs beside the house, and even a small jacuzzi on the far side of the pool. But what caught his interest was what's small but cozy looking shed to the left of the backyard next to the house. Pushing aside some of the pool toys on the way, he curiously walked over to the small shack and opened the doors. Inside of the shed was another box of pool toys, a rumpled pile of vinyl tarps, and two racks of women's swimwear. There were at least three bikinis hanging on it, but most of them were one-piece sets. Coco honestly couldn't help but blush, seeing all the different styles of swimsuits. Some more modest and fashionable, and some looked surprisingly sexy, from turtlenecks to strapless designs. 

         "Are these here for guests?” he asked himself, hesitantly reaching out has he placed hand on a purple one-piece, tugging it out to get a better look. “There are so many. But why only women's swimwear?" feeling the fabric in his hands, it felt incredibly elastic and silky, a lot more than regular Lycra or spandex. But then, he noticed a more shiny looking piece of swimwear right next to the one he was holding, almost glistening in the light like it was wet. Sliding the purple swimwear aside, he was surprised to see a black rubber one-piece, one with a neck high design and a vertical slit on the bust-line. But before he can make anything of it, he heard the doorbell ringing. Coming to his senses, he immediately walked out of the shed awkwardly as he blessed with embarrassment. Though all he did was look, he almost felt guilty for ogling the swimwear, feeling as if he had seen something he wasn't supposed to.

        “Those swimsuits must be super expensive. But, was that a latex one in there too?” he asked himself, letting out a nervous sigh as he slipped his shirt back on. “There must have been a party here before I rented this house.” Making his way through the house, he opened the front door only to find a large package on the front steps, addressed with his name on it. With a curious look on his face, he looked around but couldn't even see a mail truck driving away. “Huh…” puzzled, he looked back down at the package, confirming that his name was indeed written on the front, but also addressed to the house he was standing in. Picking it up and bringing it into the house, Coco just stared the package, triple checking in to make sure it really his name on the front.

        "I told my friends I'd be going away for a couple of days, but I never told them where I'd be. Who sent this?” Coco thought to himself. Placing the package down onto the floor of the living room, he was about to take his shirt off and return to the pool, but his curiosity wouldn't let him. The package was pretty big, and he could only imagine what was inside of it. It was pretty exciting, like finding a present under the tree on Christmas morning. But what intrigued him most was where it had come from, wanting to know who had sent him such a large package. Not even bothering to get scissors, the young man ripped the cardboard off with his bare hands, pulling at tape and tearing it open to find a translucent plastic sack inside. Turning the package upside down, the sack plopped onto the floor in front of the couch.


        Inside of the bag was some kind of blue and white material, but it was hard to tell through the glossy plastic surface. Untying the bag, he dumped the contents onto the floor, revealing a pile of shiny latex. Spreading the material out on the floor, it appeared to be another pool toy, made out of rubber just like the rest. “Well, and here I was afraid I wouldn't have enough inflatable toys…" he said to himself jokingly. But then, right as he was about to toss the sack, he noticed something else that was folded inside. Taking it out, he found that that it was a card with the words “puff me gently” written on it. "Hmm…” Coco placed his hand on his chin in thought, the note now peeking his curiosity. “Gently huh? Does that mean I can't use an electric pump?” he thought picking up the note. “Well there's no way I'm going to use my mouth, this thing looks massive!”

        Flicking the note aside, he walked over to the garage and came back with a bicycle pump that he is retrieved from his car. “I’d get exhausted if I used my mouth. So why not use the little elbow grease instead.” he said to himself with a confident smile. Setting the pump down, he picked up the mess of shiny rubber and began feeling around for an air nozzle. It took him a bit, but once he was able to find it, he spread out the rubber as best he could, and attached the bicycle pump's hose to the nozzle. Even with the toy spread out, he couldn't make out its shape, feeding his curiosity even more. Placing his feet on the sides of the pump, he grabbed the handles and looked at the deflated mass with anticipation. “Alright, let’s see what you look like.” That said, he began pumping with vigorous enthusiasm, eager to see what kind of toy he had received.

        He pumped, and pumped, but the inflation was slow, the rubber only slightly rising from the comfy rug underneath. This only encouraged Coco to double his efforts, putting all his muscle into each pump. However, in doing so, neglecting the message of the note he had tossed aside earlier. Time went on, making progress little by little as the rubber began forming an almost comprehensible shape. Wanting to be surprised, he looked down and focused only on his pumping, deciding only to look up at the inflatable once it had finally taken shape. So he kept pumping away, looking down at his feet and focusing at the task at hand. Even as he grew weary, he continued working hard to fill the inflatable with air, knowing that his efforts would soon payoff. But soon, his excitement got the best of him looked up at the pool toy before it was finished, losing his breath as he gasped in surprise.

        The toy he was inflating wasn't an ordinary pool toy, it had a figure. He couldn't get a good look since it was facing down, but from its shape, it looked voluptuous and anthropomorphic, though it was hard to tell as it looked like the inflatable was facing down. Coco was so surprised he stopped pumping, feeling as if his imagination was playing tricks on him, he was expecting something much different. But after a couple moments, the pool toy began to deflate, slowly losing air though the bicycle pump as he remained dumbstruck. Reacting quickly, Coco continued pumping, intently watching the pool toy as it slowly took shape. He was so tantalizingly close to seeing what it was, now more curious than ever as he got a glimpse at what it might become. Sure enough, the toy finally began to take shape, filling out every rubbery inch as all the wrinkles slowly disappeared. Once the toy look completely inflated, he quickly took out the hose and plugged in the nozzle. Pushing the pump aside, he flipped over the inflatable, heart throbbing as he got a clear look at it. 

        It had long but powerful looking legs, with wide inflated thighs and shapely hips. Puffy arms with large mitten-like hands, but with an index finger next to each thumb, and with white coloring on its palms. It had a slightly plump air-filled belly, but still managing to have an hourglass shape thanks to its womanly shape, and large absurdly busty snow-white chest. Each breast was strangely crafted, instead of just being simple and spherical, both had a cartoonish but almost realistic shape, making his heart skip a beat as he ogled them. That's when he noticed that the pool toy didn’t have a single seam on it, just smooth shiny latex from front to back, with the exception of the nozzle below it’s shoulders. Printed onto the latex was a shiny white underbelly, painted from it's lower jaw, to it's curvy chest, down to the underside of it abdomen. The white print also reached all the way down to the bottom of its long puffy fined tail, contrasting beautifully with the rest of the blue rubber covering it’s back. Lastly, there was its face, with piercing blue eyes, short but cute inflatable purple hair, and a slightly elongated snoot with sharp teeth painted on the mouth. Coupled with the curved fin on its back, the inflatable looked like a busty anthropomorphic shark girl.

        But that wasn't even the weirdest part, the pool toy had anatomy, mainly a tight inverted slit between it's legs, and some cute pink coloring on the tips of its large white breasts. Coco just gulped nervously, awkwardly standing above the toy without moving a muscle. He was expecting a large floaty, or maybe even an inflatable boat, not a busty inflatable sex toy. “Who… sent me this?” he asked himself. As he stood there, unsure of what to do next, the inflatable suddenly began to move, firmly placing its hands on the soft rug, and slowly sitting up on its own. Startled, Coco stepped back, nearly tripping on the pump as rubber shark turned its head towards him. Its expression then began to change, it's toothy painted on smile disappearing under its lips while puffing out it’s cheeks with a grumpy look. “Hmph!” the inflatable let out a squeaky huff.


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