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The Plush Games - But then Sweet Bun pressed her plushy lips up against his ear, and whispered in a soft voice. "I love you Tuka.” Tuka’s heart skipped a beat, letting out nervous but happy chuckled as Sweet Bun gave him a playfull kiss on the ear. "I… Love you… too.” he said, stuttering but smiled back. Suddeny, using his big plushy lips, Cloudy gave the two of them big surprise kiss from the side, quickly smooching their cheeks before pulling back with a slithering laugh. “Cloudy!” Sweet Bun scolded as they all began giggling in unison. 

The Balloon Shark Girl - $5 Patreon Exclusive - It had long but powerful looking legs, with wide inflated thighs and shapely hips. Puffy arms with large mitten-like hands, but with an index finger next to each thumb, and with white coloring on its palms. It had a slightly plump air-filled belly, but still managing to have an hourglass shape thanks to its womanly shape, and large absurdly busty snow-white chest. Each breast was strangely crafted, instead of just being simple and spherical, both had a cartoonish but almost realistic shape, making his heart skip a beat as he ogled them. That's when he noticed that the pool toy didn’t have a single seam on it, just smooth shiny latex from front to back, with the exception of the nozzle below its shoulders.

Book Chapter 1 - Pilot -  "Is she going to be alright? How long has she been in that balloon?” she asked, her voice still sounding slightly more robotic than her partner. "Long enough…" the other machine answered, patting her counterpart on the back. “It's enough oxygen deprivation to keep her subdued, but not enough to harm her brain. We could even leave her in there for a little while longer before she actually begins to suffocate.” she boasted. The overcharge android sighed with relief, placing her tail against the balloon as she rubbed the surface playfully. “As much as I'd like to keep watching her like this, I think we should store her away for safety. Better safe than sorry.” 


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