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        It was already past noon, the longer she walked the more lost she became. With nothing but her cumbersome basket, and small but powerful magic staff, the young woman had to rely on her wits to get back home. Our unlucky heroine in question is Mezi, a confident but struggling cat girl mage who makes ends meet by taking on simple hunting jobs. The mage carried a simple but beautifully crafted Maple wood staff for her spells, allowing her to use her magic since she is unable to channel spells through her hands. Being refined in the art of magic, she hadn't the need for protective gear, only wearing a strapless light blue dress, complementing the enchanted purple ribbon that she had wrapped around her left ear. The young woman had been slaying slimes to collect their cores till a couple of hours ago before she got completely lost, now left to wonder the unknown woods without a map. Though not in any danger, being more than capable of fighting monsters by herself, she was eager to head back home before it could get dark. Being a catgirl, she took pride in her appearance, wanting nothing more than to get back home to get cleaned up.

        Mezi’s right arm was sore from carrying the basket of cores for so long, switching it over to her left but still having to switch her staff as well, which of course didn't really help much. Letting out a deep sigh, she looked up at the sky, begging god to show her the way home. But when she looked up at the trees surrounding her, she noticed that they were growing pink flowers that she wasn't familiar with. Mezi growled under her breath, nearly dropping her basket in disappointment. “This definitely isn't the right way, I've never seen these trees before.” Walking over to one of the trees, she took a closer look at the foliage growing on them. Each flower was vertically oval in shape with curved petals surrounding the peach-colored orifice in the center. Breathing in, Mezi could smell the sweet sugary aroma, even from just a couple feet away, but suddenly began feeling dizzy. Stumbling back, the mage placed her hand over her mouth as she dropped her basket of cores, struggling to remain standing before regaining her composure. “W-what just happened?” she thought. In those brief moments, it felt like her head was spinning, her thoughts drifting from her as if she was about to fall asleep. But it wasn't just that, she also felt a strange fluttering feeling in her belly. Whatever these flowers were, all it took was one oblivious breath to disorient her.

        "This isn't natural for flowers this small.” Mezi thought to herself. "Someone planted these with magic.” Hastily picking up the cores she had dropped, she started walking back the way she came, as not to risk passing out in the middle the forest. But then, she saw something shiny floating by a few trees ahead, something pink and spherical. Mezi gasped under her breath, keeping her palm firmly over mouth she quietly hid behind one of the trees. It was a bright magenta colored bubble, and a big one at that. Mezi didn't dare take a second look at the risk of being noticed,  waiting for it to pass by until she was sure it was no longer in her proximity. Bubbles were a common type of magic life form, most were just mindless globs of air that floated around in floral areas. Being harmless, the worst that could happen upon approaching a bubble is getting stuck inside one, even so, escape was easy with enough effort. But sometimes these orbs are taken as familiars or pets by those who were fond of them, and among these admirers were the Sucubi, whose magic would always turn them pink. Considering the strange flowers yet just come by which could only mean one thing… 

        "I'm in succubus territory…” Mezi though. "I was so stupid not to bring a map! They even have a bubble patrolling this place.” Leaning over to look past the tree, the stones in her basket clattered against each other, spooking the catgirl as she froze in place. “Eep.” Afraid that she may have alerted the bubble to her presence, she remained completely still, praying that she didn't get its attention. After a few silent agonizing moments, she peeked behind the tree only to see nothing. Relieved, Mezi let out a long loud sigh as she looked up at the sky. “That must've been a succu-bubble. That was my first time seeing one.” she chuckled nervously. "I hope that's the last one I see.” With that, she turned around to head back the way she came, but stopped dead in her tracks as a look of dread washed over her face… 

        Slowly floating towards her was the pink magenta bubble, it's incredibly glossy surface wobbling in the wind like a giant ball of gum. Completely shocked, she dropped her basket and stepped back, the core stones clattering on the ground as she waved her staff out in front of her. “Get BACK!" she shouted. Charging up a spell, she swung her staff at the bubble, but rather than popping it, it just sunk into its wobbly surface. The membrane then tugged on the staff nearly pulling it out of her hands as it quickly sank into its pliable exterior. “HEY!” she shouted pulling back. Mezi desperately hung onto her staff as if her life depended on it, but the bubble effortlessly swallowed up what was left of it, forcing her to let go before the pink surface reached her hands. Quickly stepping way, the helpless cat girl was forced to watch her only means of magic slip into the bubble as it disappeared within its gummy folds, haunting her ears with loud rubbery squeaks. Dumbfounded, she just stood there as the bubble jiggle around tauntingly. 

        “G-g-give it back!” Mezi shouted, too upset to consider that she was yelling at a bubble. The orb just wobbled in place, before spitting the staff out with a soft pop. The catgirl just stood there in shock as her wand clattered to the ground, broken in two useless pieces. “My magic…" she shuttered. Then a smaller more transparent bubble began growing from the orb, stretching out from its membrane-like a bulbous spore. With her only means of defense gone, she ran the other way as fast as she could, not caring what direction she was headed in. Finally, the small bulb separated from the rest of the bubble, wasting no time as it gave chase to the catgirl mage. Mezi didn't dare look behind her, but she could hear the wobbling creaking membrane of the orb gaining on her. Now with nothing but her blue dress, she had nothing weighing her down, but she felt so naked without her magic. “If I had just kept my distance, I could've cast at least one spell.” she wined. Just then, she felt the bubble pressing against her back, nearly causing her to trip. Determined not to let the bubble catch her, Mezi desperately tried to run faster, but she was too late. 

        With a soft squeak, the bubble’s membrane gave way around her body, trapping the poor cat with only her head and arms sticking out. “Whaaaaaah!?” she yelped. A cold shiver washed over her as she was quickly lifted off the ground, the bubble creaking loudly as she kicked her legs against the jiggly inside of her new prison. Unfortunately, all it did was stretch and wobble around Mezi as it kept her suspended off the ground. "L-let me go!” she demanded, pressing her arms against the top of the bubble as hard as she could. The catgirl desperately attempted to push herself out, but her arms only sprung back against the bubbles' jelly-like surface. Again and again, she struggled to free herself, until she finally put her energy into one last desperate push. Miraculously, she was rewarded with a soft pop, as she abruptly fell to the soft grassy ground beneath her. A bit dazed, she suddenly felt a cold breeze on her entire body. Sitting back up, Mezi looked confused as she saw her dress floating on the inside the bubble she had just escaped. Looking down at her body, she was horrified to see herself completely naked! She couldn't believe it, the bubble had somehow stolen the dress right off her back without so much as ripping it. 

        "Nooooo! My dress!” Jumping back on her feet, she put her left hand between her legs, and her right arm over her breasts as she ran after the orb. "Give it back!” she demanded. The bubble slowly floated higher with every second, nearly out of her reach. Mezi had no choice, reaching up with her right arm and leaving her breasts exposed, as she tried to grab the thieving orb. Miraculously, she managed to touch the soapy surface, poking at it frantically in hopes of popping it. Almost immediately, the bubble burst in a shower of pink mist as it disappeared, along with her blue dress. Confused, Mezi stopped in her tracks as the pink haze washed over her naked body, her skin now coated in its moist pink residue. For a moment, she just stood there, her eyes wide shock. Looking to her left and right, she started to wonder if her dress had somehow floated away in the split second that she popped the bubble. “Did… I just pop my dress?” she thought to herself. The catgirl was completely dumbfounded, she couldn't believe that her dress could just fizzle out of existence like that. It was her favorite outfit, and now it was gone. 

        Suddenly, she felt the succu-bubble pressing against her back, snapping Mezi out of her shock as she looked behind her. Taken off guard, the bubble folded around her limbs and scooped her feet off the ground, wasting no time as it began putting pressure on her body. Mezi gasped, as she was pulled up into the air with the bubble now touching her naked skin from every direction with. "N-noooo!” she shouted, desperately attempting to pull herself out. But her arms and legs were quickly forced to her sides as the gummy walls of the bubble began folding around her, making it nearly impossible and move. The surface squeaked against her wet skin, creaking as if it was made of rubber. The membrane was squeezing around her so tight, it began wedging into the small gaps between her arms and legs, made easier with her slender lubricated skin. “Ohh!” she moaned, feeling the bubble’s gummy surface sneaking into some pretty intimate places. Mezi's butt was slowly squeezed, the membrane began pushing its way between her legs, and she could even feel the bubble pressing against the sides of her breasts. The mage desperately continued to pull her arms and legs away from the gummy bubble, but its hold on her was so firm, all she did was wobble around at the walls continue to inflate around her. 

        Within moments the bubble started wrapping over the remainder of her body, pushing against both sides of her body as she carefully squeezed. The gummy membrane pressed against both of her cheeks, sandwiching her face with its surface. Her breasts were tightly pressed against each other, prompting another moan from her puckered lips as the bubble's surface wrapped over her sensitive nipples. She winced when she felt the bulging film wedging against her womanhood, putting indescribable pressure in all the right places as she tightly closed her eyes. The sudden stimulation distracted her long enough for the bubble to finish its job, completely enveloping her as she disappeared into its gummy surface. And with a soft fwoop, the orifice had disappeared, the folds merging to form a seamless seal along the spherical outer surface.  

        Mezi's world had become cramped, tight, and completely pink. Every movement she made resulted in a loud reverberating squeak against her still wet body, and every tiny shift only helped the bubble find new places wedge itself into, much to the catgirls' discomfort. With the bubble so tightly wrapped around her body, Mezi thought she was going to be smothered, but found that she could still breathe within her enclosure. It was like the surface was still permeable to air, probably due to whatever magic enchanted it. “Mmph… I can’t move.” she groaned, her voice muffled by the tight membrane squishing her face. Unable to move, she took a few moments to process her situation. “I can’t believe I let myself get caught, and naked no less.” she thought. “If I had just been more careful  I wouldn’t be in this ridiculous position.” Mezi tried shifting around a bit to get into a more comfortable position, causing her to blush as the stretchy gum rubbed against her with a wet squeak. “Mmmph… Ugh… This thing is holding me for whatever succubus it belongs to. If I can’t get out of here, my virginity is toast.”

        With that, she began pushing against the sides of her prison, hoping to stretch out the bubble gum to make more room for herself. Fortunately, she managed to make a tiny bit of room to move, but the bubble still tightly pressed against her. The walls were so puffy and squishy, it felt like she was trapped in a balloon rather then a bubble. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t keep the walls back, quickly squishing her back into place, as if the bubble had pushed her back. "Mmmmhp…” she groaned. Feeling a bit frustrated she tried shifting around a bit to get some more leverage, but she only stimulated herself further. Feeling the almost rubbery gum slightly against her skin was an undeniably intimate sensation, made only stronger by the wet substance between her and the bubble. It almost felt as if the substance had increased her sensitivity to the bubbles’ touch. "What did that stupid bubble coat me with, starting to feel a bit… slimy?” As she wiggled around, she realized that the liquid had become thicker, and more viscous. The liquid was quickly taking on the consistency of slime as if she was slathered in lotion. It didn't feel disgusting like slime usually does, but it made her skin more susceptible to the bubbles touch. 

        Mezi blushed, shivering as even the slightest movement would stimulate her, and with her body so tightly wrapped up, there was really no escaping it. Reluctantly, Mezi ceased her movements, though unable to fully ignore the pleasurable tightness of her surroundings. “Ugh… If I could only use my magic, I’d be able to at least change the consistency of this gum so I could rip through it.” she thought. “There’s just got to be some way I can bust out of this thing, succubus magic or not it's just a bubble right?” Just then, she felt her gummy surroundings shifting around here, lightly rubbing against her skin before becoming still. Though brief, the catgirl found herself wincing with a light whimper, the sudden shift taking her by surprise. It was as if the bubble was reminding her of its presence, like a predator teasing its prey. “That was… weird…” she thought, slightly aroused by the surprise massage. But then an uncomfortable thought entered her mind, her thoughts drifting towards a worst-case scenario. “What if this weird gummy interior is its belly? And his bubble actually ate me?” Mezi thought with a shudder, thinking that perhaps the gel coating her body was some kind of enzyme.  

(don’t worry readers, she’s not gonna get vored :3)



😁 Keep going with this!!! This is the most excited I been in while for a squishing and smothering bubble stories. Are there going be two bubbles the will enter the double layer bubble and make it more squishy? Will We heard muffle talk a lot with her? When she talks about how it squeezing and squishing her especially pushing on her womanhood I just lost it! Also, it might push in her buttock too making her finally climax.