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Pikachu Vs The Red Balloons - From the outside, Uki was no longer even visible, as the balloon triumphantly jiggled and wobbled place. With nothing else to do, the other balloon floated towards the first sphere that went after Uki, which was still wedged underneath the rocky arch, bobbing around as it attempted to escape on its own. With the balloon completely enfolded around Uki's body, it began squishing her from all sides. “Ohhh…” Uki moaned, quickly rendered nearly motionless within her new Rubber prison.

The Plush Games - Then, Tuka felt the soft surface of the plush sinking beneath him, or rather…. pulling him in. Tuka quickly tried to sit up, but the surface began wrapping around his legs as if grabbing onto him. The mochi plush was engulfing him, sucking him in as his legs quickly disappeared underneath the marshmallowy surface. It was like the jellyfish plush had taken on the consistency of actual jelly while maintaining its pillowy texture. "Wa-wait!” Tuka pleaded, pushing his hands against the soft sinking surface. The jellyfish continued to ignoring him, allowing the young human to defend into its soft umbrella.

The Tickle Belly Dancers - Dogs hated having their bellies exposed, as it was a position that made them feel vulnerable, and the dancers knew this all to well as Luo whined in shame. “Ohhh… think the puppy wants us to rub his belly.” the Kangaroo cooed. “What a naughty puppy…" the lioness snickered, who especially enjoyed their captives embarrassment. "Well, don’t mind if I do.” the snake said, slithering her tail atop his stomach. Luo shivered as the snake woman slowly slipped her tail around his midsection, struggling to hold back his muffled laughed as her tail rubbed around the sensitive skin of his belly. Her scales were so smooth, and her motions gentle and tender, as if teasing him while she wrapped up his belly in two layers of her coils.

Squeezed In A Bubble - $5 Patreon Exclusive - Mezi's world had become cramped, tight, and completely pink. Every movement she made resulted in a loud reverberating squeak against her still wet body, and every tiny shift only helped the bubble find new places wedge itself into, much to the catgirls' discomfort. With the bubble so tightly wrapped around her body, Mezi thought she was going to be smothered, but found that she could still breathe within her enclosure. It was like the surface was still permeable to air, probably due to whatever magic enchanted it. “Mmph… I can’t move.” 


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