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Crypto got back on his feet looking at the disabled turret. “So it's worse than we thought…” he sighed. “Is there a way we can fix this sir?" the lizard-kin asked. “The facility is on lockdown so we can't escape, but if we can get to the reactor and shut it down, we can reboot the network! Come with me!” Crypto said enthusiastically as he warmed up his wings and flew down the hall. Sighing with an unsure look on her face, she ran after him leaving her disoriented coworker trapped in his pink bubble. “But how are you going to get in? Even if there weren't dozens of slimes and traps between us and the core, everything is still under lockdown!” she pointed out "Yes, I left my key in the mainframe room, but I'm a changeling. I can still slip between the cracks!” he boasted. “Sir, the doors to the generator are magnetically sealed, even a slime couldn’t slip in there. And if a slime even attempted it would take days for them to get to the other side!” the lizard woman said. Before they could reach the the next corner of the hallway, Crypto stopped midair turning around as he placed his hand on his chin. “So we’ll need a new plan to get to the reactor…” he sighed. “My thoughts exactly.❤️” said a sinisterly feminine voice from around the corner. 

        Before Crypto could turn around something soft and rubbery made contact with his back causing him to fall to the floor. When he got back, up he realized he couldn't move his wings! They were glued to his back by what looked like some kind of shiny neon green adhesive attached to a thin rubber tendril. Looking back to see who had struck him, he saw a tall glossy rubbery woman standing just by the corner. Standing next her was a frightened red panda-kin with a puffy inflated inner-tube stuck around her neck. Before Crypto could stand back up, the rubber woman yanked on the elastic adhesive tendril stuck to his back, instantly pulling him across the hall. “What do you think you're doing!?” the lizard-kin asked with her baton in hand. The rubber woman held her tendril in hand leaving Crypto dangling by the adhesive on his back. It was like she was showing off her prey like a huntress. “Just catching flies…” the woman giggled.


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