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So I tried  making a short story one day and I finished it rather quickly! I love making long stories but it's fun to make short and sweet ones as well. And as a gift to my loyal patrons, I will be making them available to you whenever I find the time to make one. Enjoy!


        One day, you were working on a special hazmat suit made of special rubber that you stole from a nanotechnology facility. You wanted to make a suit that not only fit your voluptuous curves, but one that could supply you with oxygen without the need for an external tank. You remained in your basement for hours until it was finally complete, it looked like a dark rubber zentai costume. The outfit was almost featureless except for the face, which had 2 rounded goggles and a small circler filter on the mouth. You let out a long sigh, dripping with sweat as you hadn’t taken a break since you last went to the bathroom. Laying out your perfect new costume on the workbench, you walk over to the couch as you strip down to your underwear. Moments later you're laying down, staring at the basement ceiling reflecting on all your hard work. As you lay on the comfy couch and close your eye’s your woken up by a soft hissing noise coming. 

        You sit up and look over at your workbench, shocked to find your rubber suit inflating like a balloon. The head took an astounding lifelike shape, the arms and legs stretched out as they took a slender form, and the body slowly inflated a slim physique with two beautifully rounded breasts. Within moments, it ceased inflating as it now resembled a beautiful rubber doll. Rather than being bloated and bulgy, the suit remained sleek and alluring. Curious, you sat up and cautiously walked towards the inflated suit. As you approached you noticed subtle puffs of pink mist emanating from the mask filter, almost as if it was breathing. Its curves bore a striking resemblance to the woman it was made to fit… YOU! Mesmerized, you stared at the beautifully crafted suit, admiring its charming form and perfect shape. There was no doubt that it would fit you perfectly, though you had no idea why it suddenly inflated, and why it was puffing pink mist. It was probably the nano rubber that caused it, but wanting to take a closer look you leaned over the suit to examine the filter.

        Suddenly the suit paced its rubbery hands on your face, gripping your soft cheeks as it pulled you closer. Turning his head towards you, the goggles began to glow bright pink as if looking you straight in the eyes. It was like someone was inside. You were so close to its face you got a small whiff of the pink gas, it smelled like fresh sweet flowers. Unexpectedly, the smell was pleasant and rather calming, but you were practically frozen with shock. "Hello my sweet…” the suit playfully said   with a grainy robotic voice as it began rubbing your cheeks. Shocked, you lunged backward tripping over your feet as you fell to the floor. The rubber suit sat up stepped off the workbench, stretching its shiny new legs with a giggle. “Awww did I scare you?” it asked tauntingly, kneeling down as it looked upon you. Its voice sounded like a radio, muffled and robotic as if through a filter. The mist became denser as it began moving, you didn't even need to be close to smell the fragrance. Feeling dizzy from its flowery sent, you began to back away on all fours.

        "Oh how cruel…” the suit whined sarcastically. "I thought you wanted to wear me…” Just then five tentacles protruded from its back, wiggling around like dancing snakes. More of the pink mist accompanied them, drafting from behind the suit as if leaking from its back. “Perhaps, if I give you a taste you’ll change your mind?” Before you could crawl away, one of the tentacles grabbed onto your foot. The suit squatted down, placing its hands on its cheeks with a cute feminine giggle. You begged the suit to let you go, pleading helplessly as you stared into its glowing pink eyes. Then one of its tentacles approached your head, parting and morphing at the end into what looked like a suction cup big enough to cover half your face. And just before it lunged at your head, you could see its pink mist emanating from the small hole in the center. Giving you no time to react, the tentacle stuck itself onto the lower half of your face, covering your mouth and nose like a mask. The latex clung to your skin like a vacuum, causing you to panic as you grabbed the clingy tendril in an attempt to pull it of. 

        Your struggles proved fruitless, pulling and stretching the rubber tendril with a loud squeak. Your screams only came out as muffled moans thought the thick latex until the suits flowery fragrance suddenly invaded your mouth and nostrils. Your eyes widened as you tried to hold your breath, but it was too late. You began to feel woozy, your struggles slowed to a crawl, and he found yourself entranced by the glowing eyes of the feminine rubber suit. “That’s it… Breeeeeathe…” the suit cooed gently placing its hands on your cheeks once again. “Relaaaaax…” Unable to remove the mask your hands went limp, and the suit slowly stroked your face as if to reward you. Despite how drowsy were you didn't fall asleep, you felt calm and safe, the smell of sweet fresh flowers keeping you in a state of bliss. “You'll catch a cold if you stay your underwear like that. How about you get dressed?” the suit said with a soft calming tone. Just then another tentacle subtlety grabbed your other foot, along with two others that coiled onto your wrists. 

        The rubber suit slowly turned around revealing that the tendrils were coming from the zipper on its back, which opened up for you as more of its calming pink mist washed over you. You were slowly pulled inside, first your legs, then your arms, followed by your head as the suit sealed behind you. Everything took on a pink tint, as you were now wearing the home-made nano rubber suit. Looking down at yourself, there were no wrinkles or folds in your costume, very inch your body fit perfectly like a glove. The surrounding rubber gently squeezed your body as if it was giving you a big hug. You ran your latex-clad fingers from your voluptuous chest down to your shapely thighs. It felt amazing, as if it was your own skin, or like it was part of you. “See? We were practically made for each other…” The suit's voice whispered into your ears. 


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