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     Entranced by her voice, he closed his eyes allowing the rubber clad woman to toy with him. Luka had never felt anything this wonderful in his life; the woman's undivided attention, her hypnotic touch, he loved every second of it. “That's it… Relax, you're in good HANDS.” she chuckled into his ear.  No longer struggling, he eased himself into her rubber bosom, feeling enveloped in her affection. Luka just wanted to test sink into her rubber embrace, to feel this way forever. It felt like he was descending into her entrancing tenderness, surrounded by smooth slick latex, as if he was being cocooned in her soft rubber… But something was off, because everything around him suddenly got tighter. Shocked, he opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by her inflating rubber! Her large breasts now encompassing his head as his face was tightly squished between them. Everything went dark as the ballooning latex became tighter and tighter, squeezing him like a peeled orange. All he could do was moan for help as the rubber covered his face. “Shhh… just sleep…” said a soft voice as he lost consciousness.


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