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Ima spend more time editing as I write so I can find all those pesky spelling errors.


        It was an important Monday morning. Jax was walking down one of the many hallways in the GLC “Goo life containment facility” labs. An organization that was created in recent years as a way to contain strange jelly monsters. Strange sentient gelatinous life forms that have been appearing around the world and praying on innocent humans and other mammals. Due to his experience and expertise in the field of genetic engineering, Jax was the head of this facility. He was a wolf-kin standing a few inches above most humans. He had short green fur covering his arms and legs with black stripes, and fluffy light brown for a covering his torso, face, and ankles. He was looking at the details of today’s maintenance test on his tablet as he walked down the to one of the mainframe rooms. 

        "Hey Jax!” a voice called from behind. It was Crypto, his assistant and friend who would always come up with new gadgets and equipment for their company. Crypto was a changeling, so his arms and legs were strangely jagged with dark skin all over his body. Two white fangs protruded from his front teeth, and his green eyes lit up his cheerful face with his blood red hair covering his horn in pointy ears. Crypto also had a fluffy red tail contrasting the two green insectoid wings on his back. Looking excited, Crypto ran up to Jax with a black metal case. "I'm sorry I'm late, I recently finished an amazing product I would like you to see!” he said with enthusiasm. "That's good.” Jax smiled eyes with his eye still glued to his tablet. “You can show me when we finish the system reboot." Puzzled, Crypto looked at Jax tilting his head. "I thought we are going to test the “Memory Rubber" specimen, today. The shape shifting one that the curly haired lady helped work on.”

        “She's been fired.” Jax answered. Shocked, crypto became silent, he almost couldn't believe his ears. “What again?” He asked eyes wider than usual. “Yep, we hired her to help develop our latex capture technology, but turns out she had other interests. A couple days ago she was using her inventions to trap and sexually harass her coworkers. She was using our research for bondage rather than containment.” Jack sighed. “No way!” Crypto replied. “Yep, she trapped two of her male coworkers in deflating rubber bubbles, so she could watch them struggle for dear life as they got smaller and tighter. Of course those bubbles were harmless but they didn't know that.” Crypto was speechless, granted he was busy with his own projects for the past week, but this was the first he had heard of this. “I can't believe this. I mean, she took her work so seriously.” he sighed. “Well she was motivated... by her fetish. And while there's nothing wrong with that, we can't overlook employees sexually harassing their coworkers.” 

        “It's a shame.” said crypto as he stared at the ceiling. “She was such a brilliant scientist. And she had a lot of good connections for us too.” Then, a drop of sweat ran down his forehead, remembering that she had some rich and powerful friends. The woman could potentially sue should she get the right people. “Ahem… Are you sure she won’t come back to bite us in the butt?” Crypto asked swallowing nervously. “Oh don’t worry, it’s gonna be fine.” he said casually. “Besides, if she didn't want to get fired, she shouldn't used our equipment as toys. I’ve already transferred control of the project to a Fennec-kin who works upstairs.” Jax then folded his tablet up and placed it in his lab coat. “What was her name again?” Crypto asked as he scratched his chin. “Eh, it doesn't matter, we'll never see her again.” Jax chuckled.

        Finally, they entered the maintenance room where seven of their employees were waiting for them. A human and dog-kin were connecting their laptops with the main-frame which resembled a large pillar that connected to the floor and ceiling. A shark woman was carefully placing disks and extra hard drives into the side of the mainframe, with a cat-kin girl handing her the necessary drives and equipment. Another human male and female wolf-kin were setting up a few small backup generators, and two bunny-kin girls were connecting them to the mainframe. "G-Morning everyone!” Jax shouted startling the Employees. Everyone faced Jax and Crypto, greeting them by standing up straight, even the bunny-kin girls who clumsily dropped the cables on the floor. With the exception of the human and dog-kin who were laser focused on their laptops.

        "How goes the upgrade?” asked Jax holding his tablet under his arm. “Were pretty much ready.” said the wolf-man, not even looking up from his screen. “However there is something strange in the new code.” added his human coworker. “What do you mean strange?” Crypto asked walking over to look at the computer screens. “There's a script in here that we don't recognize, we tried taking a closer look but we can't access it.” answered the Wolf-man. Puzzled, Crypto stroked his chin trying make sense of it, but jax remained optimistic. “It's probably just a special algorithm from the folks upstairs. That would explain why we aren't authorized to change or access it."

        The human and wolf looked at each-other feeling skeptical. “Shall we begin the reboot?” the wolf-kin asked nervously. “It’s fine.” said Jax nonchalantly. “The sooner we restart the computer, the sooner we can start maintenance.” Though hesitantly, the human and wolf made the finishing touches setting up the upgrade while the other employees finished their tasks as well. “Beginning reboot... now!” Announced the wolf as the mainframe went dark. After a few moments, the computer lit up again slowly booting back to life. The wolf however looked worried, trouble by what he saw on his laptop. “Well that was quick." smiled Jax. “In that case, begin the maintenance.” ordered Crypto. The human and wolf-kin wasted no time following instructions, but they seemed to be having trouble. Furiously typing at their laptops like an author on a deadline, they began looking alarmed. “What’s the hold up?” Jax asked. “The… update was a success, but I'm locked out.” stuttered the human as a drop of sweat trickled down his forehead. “Locked out?” Jax asked baffled. “But what does that mean?” Following up his question, a neon green light filled the room as the door behind them locked with an electronic click.

        Meanwhile, a couple of floors up, a team of three analysts were studying a new specimen they had recently acquired. The lead was a well endowed but slightly chubby orca woman, along with a shorter fennec-kin girl, and a human woman with short hair and cute glasses. Unable to contain her excitement, the orca woman was practically pressed against the glass containing the specimen with her large breasts and rounded face probably against the window. The slime was orange, rounded, and extremely jiggly like a ball of jelly. “Can you girls BELIEVE it? they finally gave us a “Wobble Jelly!” the orca giggled like a kid at the zoo. “A "Wobble Jelly?” asked the fennec girl. “I thought these slimes were categorized by numbers.” added the short-haired woman. The orca pulled her self away from the glass, her large breasts barely contained in her lab coat and dress shirt. “That's the name I gave it, isn't it cute? ❤️” she giggled. “It’s because it's so round and jiggly like a water balloon! Ohhhhhhh how I wish we could keep slimes as pets!”

        The human woman sighed adjusting her glasses. “If you actually kept it as a pet, it would snatch you up and trap you for at least a few hours every day.” she said. The orca then grabbed her tablet jotting down a few notes. "Yeah, but if we can use our tools to TRAIN it, we could potentially find a way to domesticate these creatures.” she smiled. “Domesticating slimes?” Asked the fennec girl. “Even for colony minded creatures that's wishful thinking.” The orca woman showed them her tablet with an email attached. “Normally yes, but I have permission from the CEO to go through with the project!” she giggled with eyes gleaming brighter than her dark shiny skin. Suddenly the glass holding the specimen began retracting into the ceiling. “Ohhhh! I can't wait to test our traps on this thing!"

        The human and fennec watched in shock and disbelief as the jelly pounced into the air above the orca woman. “Look out!” They both shouted in unison. Just as the oracle woman looked up to see the descending slime, it was too late. The slime had spread its body out like a giant orange wave, ready to envelop it new voluptuous prey. With a soft “florp,” she was enclosed in the slime as it bobbed and bounced a couple of times before returning to its bubbly round shape. Swirling around in its thick jelly, it felt like she was trapped in a washing machine. Everything had taken on an orange tint, and she couldn't tell up from down, it was like learning how to swim over again. Once she stopped spinning, the orca woman now found herself floating in the center of the slime. Though panicked, she realized that she could still breathe through her blowhole, as if the gel had oxygenated her lungs. The jelly wasn't all that unpleasant either, it felt cool and soft like jello, and cradled her like a bubble. Curious, she attempted the stretch her limbs, but she couldn't reach the edge. Instead, the slime stretched with her, moving in unison with her limbs and keeping her trapped in the center. She couldn't even touch the floor as the gel was far too thick.

        Terrified, the human and fennec ran over to her pulling in grabbing at the stretchy slime, but with no luck. “Miss! Are you okay? Say something!” shouted the human. Looking calm, the orca woman voiced some clicks and wails in her native language, audible but muffled through the thick slime. “She says it she's fine, but she can't get out.” said the fennec letting go of the slime. The human looked relieved, turning towards her coworker.“Thank goodness you know orca speak.” she sighed, taking out her communication tablet. "These things are made to imprison their prey. We need to get some extraction tools or else she will be stuck in here all day!” As the human attempted to call security for help, the fennec looked around the room scratching her chin. "Why didn't the security system activate before slime got her?” she pondered.


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