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Twenty minutes later, a city taxi driver was amused at the sight of the couple. They were young and attractive but fat – and they didn't fill the usual cliché of the oversized people he knew. They were acting like college youngsters, telling each other secret things and exchanging quick laughs.

"...I started with the seeds a few weeks ago. I still wonder who or what put them in my mailbox. That's a mystery I suppose I can live with," Charlie said, leaning over her body to reach the proximity of the girl's right ear.

"Yeah, that's creepy, don't you think? It makes me think on the Twilight Zone or something..." Jasmine retorted in the same tone, her stocky hand covering her mouth.

"Exactly!" he said. "But it seems like there's no malice in the entire situation. I went psycho the first few days... but, later on, I realized nobody gave a shit, and nobody was lurking in the dark."

The cab stopped in front of the building. It was quarter past four, but the night was giving them the benefit of the concealment. Charlie paid the fare and off they went. The couple stopped in building's doorway; the soft light of the street lamp made them two yellow icons of plumpness.

They looked at each other again and they moved inside.

(Chapter SEVEN will continue next Monday ...)


By Jay Tee (and the little big help from Wilson Barbers, style corrector of the piece)


Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 2004/2021
Artist Age: 31/48
