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7. The Day After

Soon as both obese young confused neighbors abandoned the Double Darling, a sudden silence stung their ears, a remnant of the recent cacophony of sounds.

"How, I can't hear a thing!" Charlie said. Jasmine walked a few steps backward in order to have a good glimpse of his enlarged body.  Clearly in the range of the three hundred pounds, Charlie's body was extremely appetizing in Jasmine's eyes. "Don't you find me ridiculous?" he asked her.

"Are you kidding? I've always have a thing for you and - ..." She knew she had gone too far. The silence again. Jasmine was suddenly uncomfortable with the situation.  

"I've always have a thing for you, too," Charlie said, smashing the silence in pieces. "But I was in love with the idea of seeing you getting fat one day... and..."  She suddenly stopped walking.  "Sorry, am I upsetting you?"  

"Oh, my God..." Jasmine said in a low whisper. "Charlie... I used to imagine that you were fat! That was my secret... wish." Their eyes became the perfect mirrors for each other souls. The street was empty. The moment was unique... Okay, I let them alone for a while... I supposed the lovebirds needed it.

(Chapter SEVEN will continue next Monday ...)

By Jay Tee (and the little big help from Wilson Barbers, style corrector of the piece)

Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 2004/2021
Artist Age: 31/48
