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Questions: Character Suggestions vs Voting Polls

  • I prefer suggesting characters I'm interested in, allowing brellom to pick at their own discretion. 25
  • I prefer themed voting polls, allowing the community to decide what character is drawn. 12
  • I am NOT going to be angry if my character suggestions are never picked. 46
  • 2023-12-18
  • 83 votes
{'title': 'Questions: Character Suggestions vs Voting Polls', 'choices': [{'text': "I prefer suggesting characters I'm interested in, allowing brellom to pick at their own discretion.", 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'I prefer themed voting polls, allowing the community to decide what character is drawn.', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'I am NOT going to be angry if my character suggestions are never picked.', 'votes': 46}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 18, 7, 45, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 83}


Still collecting more information so that I can make better decisions moving forward.


A long time ago, I used to allow patrons to suggest characters they'd like to see drawn. Although I have not done so in long time; as they were since replaced by the occasional voting poll.

Sketch Suggestions were a fun way to encourage community input, but I stopped doing it since it was stressful. I could not draw everyone's suggestion because there were simply too many, and I did not like making people feel ignored if I did not pick their ideas. I am not at fault for any of that, but it's still a sucky feeling. I also didn't like feeling as if I HAD to do as many as possible each time, otherwise I'd be failing you. I don't know how to properly communicate just how terrible it makes me feel to not give you an enjoyable experience. That's partially why I pulled the scope back to focus on voting polls - its simply easier to curb your expectations that way

That said, I see that a large number of patrons don't seem to enjoy voting polls as a primary feature - but a large number of you DO seem to enjoy suggesting characters.


Assuming I tried to focus more on quality over quantity, keeping in mind that I could only draw an incredibly small handful each month, and I'd pick purely based on my interests at the time... Does that kind of experience line up better with your interests?

I don't know if this is necessarily a perk I'd make available to every single patron if I were to do something like that, however... But It could be a good way of providing value to the pogchamps specifically, who've been rather underrepresented the last year or so.
