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There are only 3 available slots remaining for the Dungeon Master reward tier.

Plan: What's next?

My primary focus for the remaining half of the month will be drawing our Patron Sketch Requests for the Dungeon Masters and sketching some concept art.


I haven't produced much for the patron sketch requests yet, but I'm feeling okay about them currently. I've noticed a few benefits from their inclusion. It's reasonable to suggest that I've felt a bit less pressured this month due to the extra income via the Dungeon Masters. Evident by:

- I've streamed art a few times simply to chill & hang out.
- I've drawn a handful of sketches purely for fun.
- I've created 4 comic pages during the last week.

So I've got a bit more opportunity to just do what I want, as long as I eventually draw those requests during the month. They're quite a bit of content, but don't feel too stressful since they don't need to be super high quality. Though I do still need to improve my general work balance...

Still Not Enough:

That said, I'm still not earning enough money to be financially stable. I suspect I may have until June 2024 before my savings are gone, which means I must do more - like commissions. But there are issues with that and exhaustion is still a very serious risk for me. 

Publishing games & image sets will likely help earn some extra money, but both take quite a bit of time to produce and I've struggled to consistently put out image sets in the past. Even if I were to try producing smaller games, my lack of musical skill would still slow me down.

There IS an upcoming Black Friday Sale on itch.io in 9 Days... It'd be nice if I could make something worth selling in that time, though I don't know if I can manage that. In which case, it might not be worth doing, but I don't think I could really participate in the sale without any new content.

Anyway, that's it for now. Just sharing my thoughts and stuff.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



Glad to hear it's less stressful, but hopefully more patrons in general sign up to help extend that timeframe.


Well I'll probably only be able to gain about $100 more from the tier; so as helpful as that will be, I'll still need to do more than that for the time frame to get any meaningful improvement.

Shawn Heatherly

I'm glad to hear the changes are helping. As for things to sell, I know plenty of artists who have bundled their work, be it by year or theme, on Gumroad. Maybe that could work for Itchio?


I've done that in the past with my sketches, though I don't know if my current body of work lends itself well to that...