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Between financial pressures & world events, I've been growing more tired & stressed lately. I suspect the same has been happening to a lot of you too, so please take care of yourself.

It's clear that my stress isn't serving me well, and I'm finding myself exhausted after only a few minutes of drawing lately... So I'll have to work around this and be more mindful of my health. I say this every so often, but it's not something that comes easily to me...

Anyway, make sure to check the Dropbox Archive for more artwork.

Concept Art

I introduced the "Concept Art Mini" a few days ago. What's that, you ask? It's nothing special; just a concept art post, but much shorter than the usual essays we have on here.

Although I imagine the longer essays are a lot of fun for people, they do take longer to make and I have to curate them quite a bit too, and I'm sure they're even a slog to read sometimes. The "concept art mini" is much shorter and easier to read, and gives me one less deadline to worry about each month. So you'll probably get a couple instead of just one big post.

We'll still have long essays, they'll just be a bit less frequent.

Closing Thoughts

I don't have too much to say today.

My house is slowly falling apart, and a lot of cardboard boxes & garbage has been piling up. I cleaned for the first time since my grandfather's death (late February), and got a bunch of crap out of his room. Maybe that's extra space I can use in a couple months from now, if I'm even still in this house by then.

I've been thinking that it might be cool to make my Patreon a more organic experience. I'd like to create a better community for you. 

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


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