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The last few days have been incredibly rough, and it's demoralizing. I hope you're all doing well. I've been incredibly tired, and it seems like my two-week break has done little. There's a lot of crap going on in the world right now, and I'm losing confidence. It's gotten to a point where I find posting my art on social media really tiring... I'm worried I won't see the growth necessary to succeed as an artist. It's all bordering on getting sick.


Works in Progress

Here are the rough sketches for this month's set of Dungeon Master Illustrations. These are all rough first drafts, so the finished products won't necessarily resemble them 1:1. Two out of three have been completed so far, with the middle image being all that remains. It'll take a few days, so I'd like to have it done by the end of the week.

Concept Art

This month's concept art post was posted early in the month; I actually began working on it during the final week of May. It relates to the next Beaumont comic, which I expect to be 2-3 times as long as the prototype -- at least. This story could actually serve as the first proper comic in the series, and I want it to be a better product. Instead of rushing its development within a single month, it could conceivably take several months to create. With that in mind, I don't know if this comic should just be sold on Gumroad once completed, or turned into a public web-comic at that point. Anyway, it's still in pre-development.

Also, [Patron-Only Feed] posts will now link to the Concept Art posts. Check the line of links at the top of the post. It should offer greater ease of access.

Voting Gauntlet

I've wanted to spend more of my energy on ambitious illustrations, so I expect to produce less sketch suggestions than usual. However, I don't want to deprive you of value, so I am considering a new addition to the Patreon experience for $10 patrons.

I'm calling it the Voting Gauntlet (stolen from FEH, probably not the final name).

This reward is a compromise between our understanding of Patron Sketch Suggestions & the Dungeon Master tier, in that it's a bit more collaborative than tossing out random ideas. It begins with a short comic prompting patrons to suggest ideas to finish the concept, then I will select a few of those ideas for a poll, which will result in a finished illustration.

The current prompt is: The brellomascot really needs to nail that job interview, but only has one outfit left in her closet... What outfit will she wear?  

These ideas can get as lewd as they want, since they're primarily driven by Patrons. It might not always be the Brellomascot; it might be another one of my characters you enjoy. Maybe the scenario & prompt itself could be based on your suggestions in the future, even.

We could even branch out for more variety, with characters from other properties.

The Patron Sketch Suggestions could, at times, feel like it was purely up to luck, so a good chunk of patrons might never see a return on their investment. This way, every patron can participate and get something for their participation. Every vote will actively determine the results, so every contribution matters. 

We don't have to do it all the time, but it should offer some variety. I came up with the idea without consulting any of you, so it might not go well with you. Consider this a trial period, and let's see how it goes.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



I kinda like the idea of the suggestion gauntlet, it helps funnel the idea towards what you're in the mood for as well. And yeah, a lot of stuff happening in the world right now is disheartening. Best we can do is just keep trudging forward, doing what we can to survive.


The Voting Gauntlet is an awesome addition.


Voting gauntlet is a cool idea. I hope you and yours get through rough stuff safely.


I wish there was something more we could do to help you, Brell. You're a fabulous artist and we all want to see you succeed.