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That last week was really busy, wasn’t it? It’s easy to feel incredibly drained after that, so I’m glad that the bulk of this month’s work between the concept art & major illustrations were done by now. There’s a lot of art here, so make sure to check the Dropbox Archive if you have access to it.

I talked a bit about Dragon Breast in this month’s Concept Art post. You can see that HERE.

Worried & Tired

I am feeling particularly worried about the state of things right now.

I expect my income to take a massive drop in July when Patreon begins applying sales tax. Even if I can minimize – or remove – the sales tax for you, patrons may still be forced to choose between me and other creators they’re supporting. 

This is an uncomfortable position to be in.

With my grandfather’s recent death, the pressure to find new residence, the pandemic, and Patreon’s sales tax, I find myself feeling nervous & disheartened. What changes will I have to make to make ends meet? Do I even have a chance? How much longer do I have until all of this has to end?

To top it off, I’m even worried about overworking & burning out… Not what I need during a time that is demanding even more success than before…

What next?

The next two weeks will probably be quiet, but I still have more work to do.

The primary goal for the rest of the month is to begin work on a pornographic image set. I do not know how much I’ll be able to reasonably do this month, but I’d like to thumbnail the entire set and draw 4-5 of the images (just line work). Also, Sketch Suggestions. I need to get more of those done this month too.


Unrelated to everything else: I began working in dreams (PS4) this weekend again. Some progress has been made with Beaumont, and you can see some of that in action HERE.

One of my favourite additions is a quick HUD that feels like it belongs in a PS2 action game. It’s tricky to make it look cool without being bulky… but, I am rather fond of its current state.

The interface feels cold, like a harsh metal surface. Warmth radiates from the red of the health, and it almost reminds me of a syringe or blood vial. I could believe this HUD being in a game about vampires. Something feels slightly gothic, but sci-fi too.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



I hope you don't overwork yourself. I know you're worried about all the pressure, and it's completely understandable. If you ever need to vent, rant, or anything like that, I'm always here if you need me. Here's hoping that getting some of these CG sets out means you can work on some steady, passive income through them.


It'll probably be a year or two before we have enough CG sets out for it to be steady.


I get being worried and exhausted by things. It's crazy enough without the personal changes you mentioned. I'll keep doing whatever I can from over here to help. Take care of yourself and stay safe!

Adam P

Take care of yourself. ❤️