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Here's another Dungeon Master Illustration! This one's simple, a life-sized brellomascot with a wind-up key. Though in retrospect, having something to compare it against for scale would've helped, and that's the kind of thing I'll have to try planning for in future works.

It's simpler on the rendering style, given the time I have to work on stuff. I'm probably gonna have to re-address how I spend my time on works like this, and if I am going to have to pull back the level of rendering, then I'll want to be able to add more value with other elements in the piece, whether that's in pose complexity or added detail, etc. 

We'll figure it out. Thank you for your patience, it's been a bit of a rough month.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.




What a nice butt.


I like it! Even though it's a simpler rendering style, I still think it looks great. A good in-between from your usual high-quality one and your usual one you do for sketches and commissions. Hopefully it didn't take you as long as usual.

Tony Veron

It's super cute! I love the eyes