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Patron Feed time, which means it is time to reflect on the week, as the brellos of old have. 

In the latest Concept Art post, I talk a bit about Beaumont's background lore and I take you through a short session of character design for Amaranth -- I think we've reached a point that I'm feeling comfortable with. The next step, I think, is to breathe a bit more life into the world so that there are stories to tell.

With recent events being what they've been, I expect things will only get tougher from here on out. I will need to move out of my childhood home sometime this year (I expect). That might happen several months from now, or it might even be a few weeks from now. I don't know, but I hope it won't be a downgrade. So it's extremely important that I acquire a greater sense of financial security.

I appreciate your patience & understanding during this transition.

What next?

I still have one more illustration to complete for the Dungeon Master reward. It will feature some Nier: Automata-ness, which I remember a handful of people wanting to see last month. Maybe I'll produce another NSFW Sketch or two, but it's really hard to say right now.


If there's to be any hope of doubling my income, I'll have to start taking commissions on a regular basis. It would be wise to create a rough schedule of what that might look like, since I only take commissions during live streams. Here are two potential directions:

Slow & Steady

A simple approach; a single commission every day of the week (or most of it), spreading the work across a wider period of time & allowing more breathing room between commissions. But that means it will take more sessions to complete a single batch of work.

Scheduled Streams

Another approach; two days scheduled for commissioned work. This allows for a greater amount of time between our obligatory streams, but it also means that I'll have to power through a handful of commissions in each instance before I'm allowed to stop.

Both are good for different reasons, but Slow & Steady seems more forgiving.

Yume Brellki

This was originally planned to be shown off in a potential Concept Art post, but I decided to just toss it into the Monthly Dropbox Archive. I thought that it might be pretty interesting if I were to create something rather surreal in Dreams (PS4). There's a bit more in the archive, so be sure to check it out when you've got the time.


Dreams (PS4) officially released earlier this month, and I've returned to work on my Elayne Beaumont in Dreams. I have reached a slow period of development, however, so maybe I should take a break. It's cool to see Elayne come alive, and I'd love to see it go even further. 

If this becomes an ongoing project, it creates an opportunity for regularly occurring Concept Art material. Although I am apprehensive about spending so much time on it, allowing it to be funded by Patreon, because not everyone HAS a PS4. So that limits the level of interaction they can have with the product.

You can see videos showcasing some of my work via the Dropbox Archive, and Twitter too.
[01] [02] [03] 

Anyway that's enough for now. I should get back to work. Thank you for your support.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



What about making a Patreon tier for being higher commission priority? Like the $7 tier (or greater, depending) means you get first dibs on commission slots.


I tend to make the decision based on which idea interests me most at the time. It's a way of giving me a sense of control. It's not a particularly bad idea though, but I don't know if it's really a worthwhile reward for people.


But it could be worth adding a few more passive rewards to each tier.

Calsetes (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-26 21:27:38 I think Slow & Steady may be a good option for streaming as well - it leaves you with the ability to potentially "miss" a day for whatever reason and isn't as punitive if you need to extend the next stream to make up for it. Plus, couldn't see if you had times listed on that or not since it was tiny on my phone, but it could let you do some daytime streams and some evening streams so you can get a varied pool of commissioners. I know I'd love to put in for one, but if I never make it to a stream, then no way to do that. Something else you can try that I saw some other artists set up, a Google form document that lets people submit ideas for commissions, and you can look at them and pick and choose which you want to work on. This could also help people who can't make streams, and you could do... I don't know, have submissions at the start of the month, and one day a week be pulled from these if you like any ideas or something. End of the month, clear them out, have people submit new ideas. Just trying to think of ways you can have a bit more choice in what you work on, as well as increase who can commission you.
2020-02-24 12:45:04 I think Slow & Steady may be a good option for streaming as well - it leaves you with the ability to potentially "miss" a day for whatever reason and isn't as punitive if you need to extend the next stream to make up for it. Plus, couldn't see if you had times listed on that or not since it was tiny on my phone, but it could let you do some daytime streams and some evening streams so you can get a varied pool of commissioners. I know I'd love to put in for one, but if I never make it to a stream, then no way to do that. Something else you can try that I saw some other artists set up, a Google form document that lets people submit ideas for commissions, and you can look at them and pick and choose which you want to work on. This could also help people who can't make streams, and you could do... I don't know, have submissions at the start of the month, and one day a week be pulled from these if you like any ideas or something. End of the month, clear them out, have people submit new ideas. Just trying to think of ways you can have a bit more choice in what you work on, as well as increase who can commission you.

I think Slow & Steady may be a good option for streaming as well - it leaves you with the ability to potentially "miss" a day for whatever reason and isn't as punitive if you need to extend the next stream to make up for it. Plus, couldn't see if you had times listed on that or not since it was tiny on my phone, but it could let you do some daytime streams and some evening streams so you can get a varied pool of commissioners. I know I'd love to put in for one, but if I never make it to a stream, then no way to do that. Something else you can try that I saw some other artists set up, a Google form document that lets people submit ideas for commissions, and you can look at them and pick and choose which you want to work on. This could also help people who can't make streams, and you could do... I don't know, have submissions at the start of the month, and one day a week be pulled from these if you like any ideas or something. End of the month, clear them out, have people submit new ideas. Just trying to think of ways you can have a bit more choice in what you work on, as well as increase who can commission you.