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EDIT: He did not survive.

This is an update to the previous post, but I've separated it to make it easier to read.

Long story short: Grandfather might die soon (update: no, he died), so I need to increase my monthly earnings to $2000 - $3000 to continue living in my house, as I will likely be the only one working. I have spent the last few days thinking about my job prospects and how to approach this problem.

I can't rely on a single source of income like I have, so here are the current directions I am planning towards: 

  • Patreon
  • Commissions
  • Comics (Gumroad/itch.io)
  • Freelance


We won't have to make any sweeping changes to Patreon, but we will have to make a few adjustments. Though I'm sure you'll only see them as upgrades.

Although I'd prefer to be earning minimum wage from Patreon, this plan operates under the impression that I'm at least maintaining a general income of $1,000 every single month. I'm trying to minimize the amount of freelance jobs I take, so more Patreon money makes it easier to do that.


This type of work can be mentally draining, but I'll need the supplementary income. I've generally priced commissions at $50, but I usually get $48.25 because of the transaction fees. So let's do some math.

(total amount of money desired) ÷ (commission price) = (total commissions)

1000 ÷ 48.25 = 20.7

Based on that math, I'll have to accept a total of 21 commissions every month in order to earn $1000. Which means 5-6 commissions every week. Assuming I can consistently get so many offers every month 

Commissions will also provide additional content to be shared with you via Early Access, so that means you'll be getting more content than you're used to seeing, especially since my recent illustrative works have been slow burners.


While Patreon is for returning super fans, Gumroad is ideal for people who only care about big releases. It might be appropriate to look at this as a secondary means of income, although technically still funded by Patreon. We've already talked about moving in this direction during recent months.

Each comic could take 3-4 months to create, but it really depends on their length, and I don't know if I could give you a definite time frame for each comic just yet, since I haven't actually begun the process. Still, that's where my current expectations lie. 

I don't know all of the publishing logistics yet, but we can think about that later. Point is, this would be our secondary goal from here on out.

And so...

With commissions taking up more of time than before, it would be treated as the most immediate priority, while the time in between commissions would be spent on slow burner activities, such as:

  • Illustrations
  • Comics
  • Concept Art
  • NSFW Sketch Suggestions

Y'know, mostly the same thing as before. I've been spending a lot of time creating in Dreams (PS4) too, so that's definitely something to add to the pile of work. A lot of this won't be implemented right away, but I'm going to try it out within March.

These are the thoughts I've been working through lately, and I might do a freelance job or two. I'm going to try to work a bit harder, but a lot smarter too, so that I don't work too hard. I'm nervous about a shift in priorities, so I hope that I can manage to accomplish what I need to.

At the time of posting, my grandfather has been taken to the hospital by an ambulance. Not yet sure on the status. I expect I will have to stay in the hospital for a period of time, so my activity may be spotty. I'll do a proper Patron Feed in the next day or two.

Thank you for your support and your patience.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



I hope it all works out for you, Brell.

Space Robot

Candidly, and I hate to say this since I'm a likely customer, you can probably raise the price on commissions and not kill yourself while trying to keep your income going. Assuming you're doing color stuff like usual then $60 or even $75 is probably fine, maybe with a sliding scale depending on the particular request. Whether that would depress sales is harder to say but needing to do three or four fewer per month might be worth it.

Space Robot

Try and take care. :(


I'm sorry to hear that he passed, Brell. You definitely have my condolences. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here. I'll also do what I can to help financially. Expect me to be one of the first in line cash in hand to comm you with a nice tip whenever you open.


My condolences Brell


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're doing okay.