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Don't forget to check out the Monthly Dropbox Archive from time to time. It is completely up to date with everything I have drawn so far this month.

Here's a preview of the next upcoming illustration. 

I am drawing the White Coat Hunter designed by Satellite 09, who's definitely pretty stylish. Definitely one of my favourite Beaumont-verse designs.

That said, I feel like the composition just isn't dynamic enough, and I have some issues with the head. If I can convince myself to do so, I may start this over from scratch during my next attempt, unless I'm able to comfortably fix my concerns within the current framework. This sketch just doesn't feel particularly exciting to me in retrospect. 

But it's okay, these things happen. This is one of the reasons why we are slowing down now -- so I can produce better work instead of rushing work that I'm not confident in. That said, I do want to get this particular piece done soon, so this might be my focus for a few days.

Dreams (PS4)

I've gone back to messing around with Dreams on PS4 (basically an engine for creation, be it music, art, film, games, etc. Made by the developers of LittleBigPlanet). 

Old | New

I haven't touched Dreams in a while, so I'm starting from scratch. Perhaps I can use what I've learned to make a better system this time. I've started with the health system. I know it isn't the most exciting development, but you gotta start somewhere.

You can see that I've allowed for a greater amount of hearts. The visuals are different too. Before, I used a circle to indicate an empty heart, but I've gone to using darker hearts. This is easier to understand, and what Zelda does too. My new logic makes it easier to do this.

It is not yet fully functional, but the elements are in place. In addition to working health, I do need to program a system for upgrading the total amount of heart containers, like in Zelda. The previous logic was more modular, and probably better, but this new one is cleaner.

I might try to resize the hearts and recolour them to look more like my old system though.


Although no one is here for my writing specifically, I have to make time for it if I expect to create comics and the like. So I've been working on that a bit more as of lately. It's the kind of thing that isn't as easy to share as my sketches are, unfortunately.

I don't have a big picture in mind for the entirety of Elayne Beaumont's series, so I have to figure out what exactly some of those stories might look like. 

Diagram made with Campfire 

I've also spent time analyzing the Beaumont Protoype comic made in October. My favourite thing about this comic was the pacing, which I thought was very comfortable. However, the development process has been deleted, so I've no way to reference how I achieved that. So studying my work should help me understand what I was thinking at the time.

There were noticeably shifts in the narrative every 5 pages, and major story beats would occur, changing the story direction every 10 pages or so. This is something I remember keeping in mind when first writing the script.

Then there's big picture stuff, like: history, lore, world-building, etc.

One of the items on my agenda is to put together a "series bible" of sorts, so that there's a quick one-stop location to getting the most pertinent information about the world. This is especially useful if I ever bring another writer on board.

Monster Hunter Iceborne: Update 2/6/20

Having said all that, I expect the next few days will be slow. Monster Hunter is getting a new update tomorrow on PC, and in the interests of transparency, that will take up some time.

You can see what the update should consist of HERE. I am excited for Layered Armor.

Don't forget to eat & sleep!



Nice. If you stream I may poke in and watch a bit if I can.


It's interesting that Elayne being cursed by VQ is "Minor" compared to the events afterwards...


Yes but also I was too lazy to switch things from Minor to Major and Onscreen to Offscreen.