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So yesterday, I quickly sketched this - a wet, Dark Link. It's a neat idea I've given thought to before. I'd like to bring something new, perhaps with more depth, to the idea of a Dark Link. I briefly entertained the notion during a commission, with Link's counterpart being a reflection in a dirty pool of water - which I think offers a lot of neat themes. Ocarina of Time featured Dark Link as the mini boss in the Water Temple, so there's certainly that connection there.

I don't quite know that it's necessarily entirely water, and not a literal shadow. Perhaps it's both, or neither. Maybe the ambiguity makes it a bit eldritch in nature.

Water is often used as a symbol for change in a story, within a character, with the world, etc. Link's battle with Dark Link is often a battle with himself, which works well with the theme of reflection and change.



Antonio B.

I always liked the dark side of characters that are done well , the pent up inhibition , a mixture of pride, hate, love, doubt and more, All emotions a Hero would need to cast aside to be 'Good', but the reflection of all that a character in itself. One would see the water creating all that you are not, yet its your true inner self staring back at you. Perhaps thinking with a different motivation, influenced or not. Perhaps with your reflection 'Good and Evil' have lost their meaning.