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Instead of removing his hands from Millie's ass like a hot stove, Leon smiled and remarked, "Muscle memory is a hell of a thing, isn't it? Nice butt, by the way. It's very perky."

Punctuating his words with a playful squeeze, Leon expected Millie to freak out and possibly even slap him, but she remained frozen like a deer in headlights, staring up at him with her hands clasped and wide-eyed as her face became increasingly red.

"Should I let go...?" asked Leon, taking advantage of the situation to draw Millie even closer, causing her tail to straighten out and bristle audibly as his bulge pressed against a particularly sensitive part of her body.

Averting her eyes and looking down and to the left, her face nearly as pink as her hair, Millie surprised Leon by responding, "I am a member of the Crimson Valkyries...the Captain makes us pledge our allegiance and swear to serve you however we can each morning...so..."

Seeing Millie's tail began to wag up and down rather than side to side, Leon remained completely silent, closely observing her as he slipped his hands directly into the leg holes of her panties, touching her ass directly. The way her tail tensed and curled was indescribably adorable, but as he felt like she might be forcing herself, emphasized by her unwillingness to meet his gaze, he adopted a smile, pecked her forehead, and said, "Your loyalty is commendable and greatly appreciated, but don't force yourself. Sometimes, true loyalty is putting your foot down and calling someone out when they're doing something you don't approve of..."

Giving Millie's perky and soft cheeks one final caress, Leon removed his hands from her panties and promptly turned to the exit, stating, "Take a few minutes and then meet me at the Summoning Chamber. Then, if you still want to continue this, you're more than welcome to drop by my room or send one of the patrolling Pokemon to inform me you'd like to speak in private. I'll come running..."

Staring back at Millie over his shoulder, Leon punctuated his words with a wink before turning away and beating a hasty retreat. He heard the sound of something falling the moment he was out in the hallway, but since that was most likely Millie plopping to her butt in relief, he let her be and made his way toward the Summoning Chamber...




Arriving much sooner than Leon anticipated, carrying a leather pouch full of glowing yellow crystals and sporting a faint blush, Millie preempted his greeting by saying, "Lord Leon...about before..."

"In my defense, it really was muscle memory," said Leon, quickly adding, "Not that I wouldn't want to grab your butt. In fact, I've wanted to do so since the moment you first appeared..."

With a red face, wide eyes, and a frown that was more from nervousness than fury or disgust, Millie's response to Leon was unexpected, to say the least. After all, instead of using words, she grabbed and lifted the hem of her skirt to reveal the fact she wasn't wearing panties. That, and she was a little wet.

"Come here..." said Leon, his expression relaxing into a smoldering look as he made a come-hither gesture. Millie did as she was instructed, keeping the hem of her skirt raised, but as she drew nearer, she once again looked away.

Once she was in range, Leon reached up to caress the left side of Millie's face, tracing her cheek with his thumb as he whispered, "Look me in the eye and tell me what you want..."

Swallowing audibly, Millie raised her face, her pink eyes glistening and her voice trembling as she replied, "I...I don't really understand it...but when you—when Lord Leon pressed his thing against me and...I got tingles all over my body and started feeling...lonely..."

Clarifying what she was talking about, Millie placed both of her hands on her lower abdomen, inadvertently making a heart shape with the negative space between them as she appended, "Particularly around here..."


Tracing his thumb along Millie's bottom lip, Leon couldn't help thinking he was being lured into a trap by the true Administrators of the Tower, but he had already done something as nonsensical as fucking a Pokemon. There was no way he could say no to a cute pseudo-cat-girl practically begging for his dick...

"Turn around..." said Leon. "I want to see your cute butt and tail wag as I fuck you..."

Swallowing a second time, Millie meekly replied, "R-Right..." before she stepped away from him, turned around, and bent over, her skirt blocking the view of her ass but doing nothing to prevent the audible trembling of her tail as her bristling fur produced a sound similar to a breeze blowing through the leaves of a tree.

Undoing the clasps that kept Millie's skirt from slipping, Leon allowed the garment to fall to the ground as he admired her small but round butt and the tail trembling above it. He also noticed that she was wetter now than she was before, a thin, glistening thread of viscous fluid leaking from her pussy and falling to the ground as her vulva parted and became slightly ruddy in anticipation.

"Be honest..." said Leon, extending his right hand to caress Millie's bottom as he asked, "Is this some kind of 'initiation' rite to become a fully-fledged member of the Crimson Valkyries...?"

Telling Leon all he needed to know, Millie's tail straightened out, her body briefly becoming stark still, borderline statuesque.

"Don't worry..." said Leon, using both hands and thumbs to spread Millie's surprisingly pink asshole and visibly steaming pussy as he teased, "This is very clearly something you want, so I'm more than happy to play my part. If anything, I wish you had come to me sooner..."

"Sorry..." muttered Millie, her fluffy pink tail and even her pointed, elf-like ears drooping slightly.

"No worries..." replied Leon, having already lowered his pants, allowing him to coat his glans with Millie's juices as he assured, "We'll have ample opportunities to make up for lost time..."

Adjusting the size of his penis to make it a little more accommodating, at least until she loosened up, Leon punctuated his words by slowly sinking his dick into Millie's hot, untouched pussy. There was a bit of resistance a few centimeters in, followed by a slightly abrasive feeling as it gave away, but Leon wasn't deterred and completed his task dutifully, even as Millie's entire body tensed and a suppressed, high-pitched squeal emanated from her throat as she held her breath. Her tail also straightened and produced a sound comparable to a rattlesnake, so Leon yielded to his instincts and grabbed it with his left hand, placing it into his mouth and biting it with his lips instead of his teeth.

"Not my tail~!" exclaimed Millie, her tail jerking several times but failing to escape Leon's mouth and hand as he skillfully massaged and caressed it. Now that Millie had carelessly placed herself within his grasp, there were many things he could only imagine previously but now had free rein to do to her...

Noticing the interior of Millie's pussy gradually loosen and twitch as he had his way with her tail, Leon redoubled his efforts, trusting her to keep herself from falling over as he used both hands to comb and caress the tiny and flexible bones serving as its core. She had to brace herself with her hands on her knees, but that actually made Leon's job easier while also putting her in a premium position for fucking once he was confident she was good to go.

"Lord Leooooooon~" mewled Millie, her eyes slightly teary and expression increasingly slovenly as her tail was her weak spot, nearly as sensitive as her clit. Having it stimulated so thoroughly was driving her crazy, the pain from the loss of virginity already becoming a distant memory as the blood leaking from her pussy diluted and gradually became crystal clear.

Feeling Millie's pussy trembling and convulsing along with her body, Leon released her tail from his mouth, asking, "Did you just cum...?" with a smug grin on his face.

Gasping for air as her body continued trembling, Millie swallowed several times in an effort to prevent herself from drooling before replying, "Yes..." in a faint but heated tone, making her voice sound huskier than it normally did.

"You should announce it next time..." stated Leon, releasing his hold on Millie's tail and grabbing her hips as he explained, "When girls shout out while they orgasm, it feels even better..."

"O...Okay..." replied Millie, panting as she tried to adjust her posture to make it easier for Leon to move. She was surprised when a meter-sized stone cube appeared in front of her, but as it gave her something to use as support, she promptly did so.

"I'll be gentle at first..." whispered Leon, slowly and tentatively moving his hips, gingerly plunging Millie's tight, virginal pussy and massaging her ass as he added, "It'll be up to you to tell me when it's okay to move faster or fuck harder..."

Though her cheeks reddened at the thought, Millie responded with a faint, passion-tinged, "I...I understand...". Then, as the pain from the loss of her virginity had already faded, she pursed her lips for a moment, brow trembling as she muttered, "You can move a little faster..."

"Gladly..." replied Leon, slowly picking up the pace of his shallow, probing thrusts as he added, "But there's no need to use so many words. A simple 'faster' or 'harder' will suffice..."

Imagining herself saying or shouting out such a thing, the tips of Millie's elf-like ears turned red as her pussy involuntarily clenched. Leon noticed this, but while he was tempted to teach her more, he felt lucky just being able to fuck her. Thus, while his left hand remained on her hip, he used the thumb of his right hand to massage around the base of her tail, where the nerves were most densely packed.

As the muscles in her lower body tensed uncontrollably at having her tail stimulated, Millie wanted to beg Leon to stop touching it, but as he hadn't heeded her the first time, she doubted he would the second. That left her only option being to endure, even as the pleasure and tingling sensation enveloping her brain like countless insects reached the extent she felt like she was going to lose her mind or pee herself...

Hearing Millie sniffle, Leon immediately slowed and then stopped moving completely when he heard her silently sobbing.

"Hey, hey, hey...it's okay..." said Leon, unhesitantly removing his dick from Millie's pussy and standing her upright so that he could reassure her with a comforting hug while caressing her head. She started crying even more, muttering a sobbing, "I'm sorry..." but Leon quickly assured her she hadn't done anything wrong, stating, "No, no, no...it's me who should apologize. I got carried away...I'm sorry if I scared or hurt you, Millie..." in the gentlest tone he could manage.

Though she wanted to tell Leon he had done nothing wrong, Millie spent a minute or two sobbing into his chest, not because she was in any pain but because she felt ashamed. She didn't know that pleasure could be such a scary and intense thing, but since that's ultimately all it was, pleasure, she felt like she had wronged Leon by compelling him to stop and comfort her when the only thing he did was make her feel good...

"It's going to be okay..." whispered Leon, gently caressing the back of Millie's head, running his hand along her ponytail as he added, "I won't hurt you anymore...I promise..."

Furrowing her brows, Millie squeezed Leon tightly as she weakly replied, "I wasn't crying because it hurt..." Then, raising her tear-stained face, she revealed a pouty, resolute look as she clarified, "The pleasure was just too intense...I felt like I was losing myself..."

Punctuating her words, Millie grabbed Leon's cock, adjusting it so that it was nestled between her thighs and against her pussy as she asserted, "I want to continue...but this time, could you please not focus on my tai so much? A little is fine, but I felt I was going crazy..."

"Sure..." replied Leon, his expression relaxing into an affectionate smile as he lifted Millie by her perky butt, prompting her to wrap her arms and legs around with an embarrassed look as the position was much more intimate than the previous one. When Leon carefully lowered her onto his cock and leaned in for their first kiss, however, she didn't hesitate to close her eyes and reciprocate, finding the resultant slow and incomparably gentle sex a lot more preferable than the 'animalistic' fucking they were doing before...




(A/N: Not all girls like it rough.)



Thx for the chapter