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Though he was tempted to ask how the Red Orb got where he had been forced to retrieve it, Leon wisely decided against it as he sat on the edge of the pool, his feet soaking in the water as he made casual conversation with Kyogre, who, after her 'ordeal,' became noticeably more timid. 

"So you and Groudon don't hate each other...?" asked Leon.

'We're siblings,' revealed Kyogre. 'We may fight sometimes, but it's usually at the behest of others, never out of enmity...'

"Mmm...any chance your sibling will hand over the Blue Orb when I show them the Red...?" asked Leon.

'If you appeared with the Red Orb on your own, she would likely attack, assuming you took it from me,' responded Kyogre. Meanwhile, Leon was just surprised she had referred to Groudon as a 'she.'

'I will meet with her and explain the situation on your behalf,' said Kyogre. 'But I am weary and require a respite. Return with the promised offering in seven days' time, and we will discuss the matter further...'

Without waiting for Leon to respond, Kyogre sank into her pool, blowing a few bubbles as she departed. The former got the impression she was still a little sheepish about what happened previously, so while he would have preferred to collect the Blue Orb as soon as possible, he chose to respect Kyogre's wishes, spending a few minutes cleaning up before departing for the surface, impervious to the pressure thanks to his lack of a body...




With thirteen Gardevoirs, fifty-three Kirlia, and forty-seven Ralts assisting around the manor, Leon felt that things were getting a little crowded in his manor. He enjoyed being greeted and greeting others in turn, but after the 'lessons' from a few days prior, the corridor leading to his room tended to get crowded around the time he was expected to return.

'Welcome home, Master.'

'Greetings, Master.'

'You're looking very handsome today, Master.'

'Shall we attend you, Master?'

Seeing a total of eighteen Pokemon loitering in the corridor outside his room, several of whom approached to hug and nuzzle their faces against him, Leon adopted a wry but affectionate smile as he gently tousled their silky hair and replied, "Not today, girls. But, since you all waited up for me, accept this as compensation..."

Though there was a non-negligible chance it was a boy, as even the male Gardevoir preferred wearing Maid outfits, Leon raised the face of the one hugging and nestling his peck, rewarding it with a kiss before smacking its butt and telling it to go and get some rest. He gave each of the Gardevoirs a fairly deep kiss, but when it came to the eleven Kirlia and three Ralts, he pecked the former group on the lips and gently caressed the faces of the latter...




Opening the door to his room, Leon was unsurprised to find Sylvia sitting right in front of it with a red leash in her mouth, connected to the harness around her body.

"Ah, ah...first things first..." said Leon, kneeling down to massage Sylvia's cheeks as he looked to Ember and Luna, asking, "Has Sylvia been a good girl today...?"

Nodding in affirmation, Luna replied, "Big Sis was very good today," while Ember simply answered, "Good..." as she still struggled with speaking full sentences, making her very selective with her words.

"And she didn't bribe or convince you to say that...?" asked Leon, smiling affectionately as Sylvia began to sulk, asking, "Why is Leon being mean? Sylvia is a good girl..."

"You're my good girl..." mused Leon, giving the sulky Pokemon a peck on the lips and briefly kneading her cheeks with his thumbs before accepting her leash, rising to his feet, and stating, "We'll be back within an hour. Will you three be okay on your own...?"

Materializing behind Leon, Latia hugged his body and touched her face to his cheek as she asked, "Can I come with you...?"

Shaking his head, Leon replied, "We got to play all this afternoon. Now is Sylvia's time."

"Sylvia's time~!" repeated Sylvia, barely able to contain herself as she stamped her feet excitedly.

"Okay..." muttered Latia, kissing Leon on the cheek before slipping around him to float over and cuddle with Ember and Luna on the bed. Leon found the scene indescribably precious, but since he had already teased Sylvia plentily, he didn't admire it for too long before departing with the pink and white Pokemon prancing excitedly beside him...




Since he had stopped taking her into the Tower to focus on exploration and unlocking the Sixth Floor, Leon developed the habit of taking Sylvia on long walks, touring the town to greet people and do a bit of shopping before taking a detour through the rapidly expanding countryside, full of farmland. Cynthia was the one to recommend the leash and harness, but Sylvia didn't mind them. Rather, she seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, asking him to tighten it for her when it got loose and wagging her fluffy pink tail excitedly when he picked her up and carried her like a briefcase.

Noticing that Sylvia was beginning to get a little tired but not complaining even after two hours, Leon triple-checked his map to ensure there was no one even remotely close by before saying, "This is far enough for today..."

As if a switch had been flipped inside of her brain, Sylvia's baby blue eyes promptly began to shimmer as she opened her mouth, panting heavily as she bent her forepaws to present her visibly twitching, pale pink ass and pussy. It was difficult to call it a tantalizing sight, but Leon didn't hesitate to drop to his knees, freeing his cock from his pants and placing his glans at Sylvia's entrance as she used the tips of two of her ribbon-like feelers to spread herself wide.

Squeezing Sylvia's remarkably human-like buttcheeks, Leon unhurriedly guided her to sit against his cock, causing her to tremble violently as she extended her tongue and issued a lengthy, mewling moan. Her body was only around 124cm long, but even though he hadn't adjusted the size of his dick, Sylvia had no trouble accepting his default of 20cm until her ass and pussy were flush against him.

As she wasn't allowed to move on her own without permission, Sylvia did her best to remain patient as Leon slowly loosened her up by guiding her up and down on his cock, preparing her for the far more intense fucking to come. 

Seeing Sylvia's production of love juices reach the point they dripped to the ground each time he raised her ass, Leon adjusted his position so he was 'standing' straight on his knees. Sylvia's pussy quivered anticipatorily in response, and since she had been on her best behavior, Leon rewarded her by forcefully slamming his hips against her ass, sending visible ripples through her body as he quickly picked up speed.

As Sylvia correlated greater intensity with greater affection, especially after Leon started chastising and disciplining her, she developed a few 'masochistic' tendencies. Leon tried being gentle with her, but she would get teary-eyed and ask if she had done something wrong. Thus, while he was slightly worried about her future development, Leon went to town on Sylvia, fucking her so intensely she couldn't keep stable on her forepaws as her love juices scattered everyone, producing loud, wet sounds.

Though Sylvia had already orgasmed several times, Leon withheld his own until she could no longer support herself, falling face first and letting her cheek drag along the ground with a goofy, fucked senseless smile on her face. From there, he lifted her off the ground, allowing her upper half to dangle and drool to leak from her mouth as he continued fucking her a few minutes longer, the new angle causing her legs to spasm and twitch each time his cock scraped against her insides...




"Looks like I'm the last to arrive again," said Leon, approaching the bar where Wil and Yamato sat with an open stool between them and a glass of beer on the counter, waiting to be consumed. As for the bartender, it was a remarkably dapper, albeit aging gentleman with greying hair and a flawlessly groomed beard and mustache that made Leon want to refer to him as Sebastian despite his name being Anderson. According to Siero, he was a General back in his previous world, but since he had died in the line of duty, he elected to tend the bar and provide security to the Knickknack Shack instead of seriously challenging the Tower.

"Well, you are a busy man," mused Yamato, raising his glass and clinking it to Leon's after the latter had sat down.

"Nah..." replied Leon, taking several large swigs from his glass before commenting, "I don't have much to do as Lord right now, so my day-to-day life has more or less become routine. There are some incidents that shake things up now and then, but things become pretty leisurely when we're exploring Pokemon-themed Floors..."

Exhaling a faint sigh through his nose, though he maintained his usual calm and relaxed smile, Yamato stated, "I wanted to thank you for how you handled the situation with Miyako. Also, if she offended you in any way, please allow me to apologize..."

"What happened with Miyako...?" asked Wil, not trying to be nosy, just curious.

"To summarize, 'nothing' happened," explained Leon, meeting Yamato's gaze as he meaningfully stated, "Something very well could have, but I prefer to avoid making enemies out of capable people, especially those I respect or view as friends..."

Understanding what Leon was trying to convey, Yamato raised his glass again, saying, "To friendship..." before the three clinked glasses together and downed their contents. Anderson then dutifully refilled them, giving the trio a fresh brew to try as they conversed about things happening in town, on the Fourth Floor, and throughout Purgatoria as a whole...




While on his way to Mordred's room to discuss preparations for entering the Sixth Floor, Leon stopped when he heard tell-tale sounds emanating from Presea's room. More specifically, there was a faint creaking, and the sound of her suppressed moans. Leon wouldn't have heard them if not for his [Eavesdropping] Skill, but since he 'had' heard them, he was too much of a busybody not to check and see who she was with.


Seeing Mordred's icon next to Presea's, Leon promptly closed his console and decided to take a leisurely walk around the estate. He was well aware that Mordred periodically fooled around or 'rewarded' the other members of the Crimson Valkyrie Squad, sans Felix, so he decided to give the duo a bit of privacy, lest they convince him to join in.

Before Leon could reach the other end of the hallway, leading to a rather claustrophobic spiral staircase, one of the doors he passed unexpectedly opened, followed by a girl of average height with pink eyes and pink hair fashioned into a high ponytail rushing out.

"And good afternoon to you too, Millie..." said Leon, grabbing the girl's arms and arresting her momentum before she could crash into him. Her eyes became as round as saucers when she saw who she had nearly run into, but instead of getting embarrassed or apologizing, her expression brightened as she said, "Lord Leon! Perfect timing! Here, come inside...!"

Allowing Millie to pull him into her room, Leon couldn't help feeling a little excited even though he knew the possibility of her permitting him fuck her until her cat-like tail bristled with pleasure was slime, at best. She might if he insisted, but since that wasn't his MO, he just smiled and asked, "Were you looking for me...?"

Blinking back to awareness at Leon's question, Millie, who had stalled after realizing how her actions could be misconstrued, lowered her head and blushed faintly as she explained, "I've finally saved up enough for ten yellow-grade summons and to upgrade my potential..."

As Mordred had the requirement that anyone in her Squad needed to upgrade their potential before they could perform any summons, Millie had been stockpiling fragments and crystals for months in the hope of summoning her friends and family. And, since her initial grade at the time of her summoning was yellow, she assumed most of them would be in the same grade.

"Do you want to go now...?" asked Leon, causing Millie's eyes to widen as she had expected to have to wait until the next pseudo-mass summoning.

"Can we...!?" exclaimed Millie, hands together and eyes glistening as she inadvertently invaded Leon's personal space due to her excitement. What neither of them expected was for his body to react on its own, compelled by the muscle memory of his artificial nerves to slip his hands underneath her skirt and squeeze her perky ass as he drew her forward in a way that caused her pussy to press snugly against his bulge, thankfully with several layers of fabric separating them...








Thx for the chapter