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As the breach they would be entering was nearly a month old, Izuku wasn't surprised to find a military and Hero presence around the area.

Fortunately, they had a penultimate trump card of sorts in the form of Toshinori, stepping off the heliplane ahead of them to announce, "I AM HERE...!" with his fist raised into the air.

Though many of the soldiers present were in their twenties, if not older, the arrival of Toshinori was met with considerable fanfare. Izuku's group didn't go unnoticed, but as Nemuri had her flasher coat closed and they had permission to be there as students of the Knight Course, they simply needed to sign liability waivers before being allowed to enter the breach, emerging on the opposite side to find themselves in an antiquated castle courtyard.

"I can finally breathe again~!" shouted Nemuri, flinging open her flasher coat and spreading her arms to reveal her off-white, flesh-tone bodysuit. She was still wearing her exceptionally scant debut outfit, but there were now large, silver pistols with heart decals and heart-shaped chambers on each side of her hip, the personalized Artefacts she had received from her first Blessing.


Name: [Nemuri Kayama]

Title: Tempting Teacher(Bond+20, Vit+50, Luck+50)

Quirk: Somnambulist

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 70

Effective Level: 141


Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Vitality: 383

Intelligence: 220

Dexterity: 188

Luck: 428

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Pheromone Control], [Synesthesia], [Mana Detection], [Animal Magnetism]


[Pheromone Bullet], [Heart Shot], [Incite]

[Animal Magnetism]: You have a mesmerizing effect on the opposite sex and easily provoke envy in members of the same sex.

[Pheromone Bullet]: Compress pheromones to create a fast-moving projectile.

[Heart Shot]: Temporarily confuse and charm a target when you land a direct hit over their heart.

[Incite]: Those influenced by your charm and beauty feel a compulsion to obey your commands and attack those they view as competitors.


Following Nemuri's example, Momo, Historia, and Rebecca changed into their respective Artefacts sets while Mei, having brought along her cube-shaped mobile factory, popped open its tank-like hatch, emerging from the top in her usual black tanktop and increasingly advanced goggles to ask, "Should I try setting up flame turrets and electrical pylons or should I focus on making this place more hospitable...?"

"I certainly wouldn't mind having a functional toilet and shower," replied Izuku. Their [Healthy Body] Perks and exceptional metabolisms made it so they rarely needed to poop or relieve themselves, but it was better to have and not need a toilet than to need and not have one.

"You can leave reinforcing the perimeter to me," said Rebecca, adjusting her circular glasses. Flamethrowers and electric pylons were two of the more effective 'modern' weapons within the breaches, but her Silver Arms could manufacture Mana-powered Sentry Golems and even Drones. They needed Magic Crystals to work, but Rebecca had a surplus as they were the most common material harvested from the breaches, often dropping directly from monsters.

"Then, as this is a defensible position, I shall establish my demesne..." appended Historia, spreading her hands to produce what looked like a holographic diorama of the courtyard they were in before increasing its scope, generating a perceptible ripple of Mana that spread like a bubble through the area, enveloping the castle and several hundred meters of their surroundings.

"I almost feel bad for the monsters," Izuku mused, causing Historia to smile despite the effort required to extend her demesne and 'authority' into enemy territory. However, now that it was established, she could freely teleport anything that didn't possess some form of resistance to her authority. Izuku, as Telania's Champion, could ordinarily resist this effect, but as they were in the same Party, Historia could move him around like a pawn or teleport him from his bedroom to hers if she felt so inclined...




As the first and successive waves wouldn't begin until someone tolled the bell housed within a tower attached to the castle's keep, Izuku and the girls elected to spend the first day reinforcing their position and scouting the area. The castle was little more than a stone rampart surrounding a central keep, with a small lake and stockade on the eastern side, but the walls were magically reinforced and resistant to Magic. Beyond them was a 300m grass clearing, a verdant forest covered in a perpetual haze, and a forested plateau roughly a kilometer tall on the far western side of the breach. Unfortunately, when Izuku tried venturing outside, he quickly learned there was an invisible, seemingly indestructible barrier preventing exploration, the borders of which were defined by the spread of Historia's demesne...




"Is it strange that I feel more comfortable within the breaches than when outside...?" asked Izuku, wearing a half-lidded smile as Nemuri shook her hips atop him, cowgirl style.

Returning a smile, Nemuri began to bounce, making use of the mattress's springiness as she replied, "It's understandable. Within the breaches, the enemy is clearly defined, and there's no one to judge you...even if you run around buck naked and behave like a wild animal..."

"Yeah...it kind of makes me want to settle within one once we've saved the world and things have started to cool down..." muttered Izuku, closing his eyes as Nemuri began rolling and swaying her hips with the finesse of a belly dancer, her aromatic pheromones filling the room and making him feel warm and slightly drunk.

Breathing a little heavily, Nemuri combed aside her bangs, beads of sweat materializing and cascading across her body as she asserted, "It's not the worst idea. It would make protecting Eri easier, and it just so happens that the women you've chosen for your harem possess Quirks that would make establishing a permanant settlement within a breach effortless."

Leaning forward, prompting Izuku to grab her ass, Nemuri engaged him in a lengthy, protracted kiss before pulling away, licking her lips and gazing at him with narrowed, seductive eyes as she whispered, "You could be the King of an entirely new society, unburdened by the failings and unrealistic expectations of the outside world..."

Adopting a wolfish grin, Izuku began to piston Nemuri from below as he responded, "It's a tempting offer, and I'm certain others will do the same. I looked into how things were developing in Korea, and there are already a handful of groups called Guilds expanding into breaches, treating them as privately owned land and developing rather than closing them."

"There have been instances of cults and subsets of religious communities doing the same thing..." revealed Nemuri, punctuating her statement with another deep, impassioned kiss. The interior of breaches were effectively lawless zones, and if they spawned somewhere isolated, like the depths of a cave or within a private basement, there was little anyone could do if an opportunistic criminal or serial killer decided to abduct and detain their victims in a place conventional methods couldn't reach. It was one of the many justifications people gave for why the breaches should be closed as soon as possible, but others viewed things more positively. After all, even the smallest breaches comprised an area of 78.54 square kilometers. So long as the host country or the individual who purchased them managed them properly, they were effectively free real estate.

Feeling Izuku's cock begin to twitch and swell, Nemuri waited for him to blow his load before clenching her quivering pussy as tightly as she could while continuing their kiss. A fluttery, tingling warmth spread through her, causing her closed eyelids to tremble, but when she sat up a few minutes later, panting heavily, there was a calculative glimmer within the depths of her subtly glowing blue eyes as she sensually inquired, "Shall we continue this conversation, or should I skedaddle and tag out with one of the other girls? One of your fiancees, perhaps~?"


Reaching out to fondle Nemuri's sizeable breasts and trace her nipples with his thumbs, Izuku calmly responded, "Historia and Rebecca need a day or two to recover, and I've already given Momo more than her daily dose of Luck. Her new outfit makes it very easy..."

"I imagine~" mused Nemuri, reading between the lines by proceeding to shake her hips, this time from side to side as she smoothly appended, "As for settling within a breach, it's really an idea worth contemplating. People can be exceptionally grateful as individuals, but once they become part of a collective, they only care about what makes their communal lives easier. They could erect statues and laud you as a Hero one day, but the moment you stop pandering to them and meeting their ever-growing demands, the dynamic shifts, and you're either labeled selfish or a tyrant. And the tragic reality is that if you were a genuine tyrant, they wouldn't dare to speak out against you. Not openly, at least..."

"Yeah..." replied Izuku, recalling a scene from the original Boku no Hero Academia where All Might's statue was profaned and graffitied less than a few months after he risked his life to protect others and defeat All-for-One. Most people only needed the excuse that 'other people were doing it' to toss aside the pretense of civility and become anarchists, especially if they possessed a powerful Quirk, so he could easily imagine the people he saved turning against him the moment relative peace was restored and they could afford to laze about and criticize others.

Leaning back and placing her hands on the bed, causing Izuku's glans to scrape against her G-spot, Nemuri trembled with pleasure as she panted, "If you truly wish to protect Eri from human greed and keep your children safe from those who would target you through them...stepping away from the limelight...and allowing society to rebuild on its own...may be the best course of action..."

"Will you be there...?" asked Izuku, causing the smile on Nemuri's face to broaden as she leaned forward to stare at him with an expression akin to a Succubus, musing, "I recognized your 'potential' the moment I first set eyes on you. Even if things hadn't developed as they have...I would have pounced on you eventually...consequences be damned..."

Recalling his very first Modern Art History lesson with Nemuri, where she would occasionally meet his gaze and periodically walk past his desk with her ass swaying almost deliberately, Izuku realized she had, in fact, been planting the seeds for future temptations. He didn't know it, but the same scent that attracted girls like Luna was easily picked up by Nemuri's nose, causing her to take an immediate interest in him.

Holding out her hands, Nemuri waited for Izuku to link his fingers through hers before bringing her knees together, clenching her pussy, and rolling her hips from front to back as she explained, "Now...I feel it's my duty to ensure that you...and everyone in your harem...can be happy...and coexist with as little conflict as possible..."

"In other words, you're not going anywhere..." mused Izuku, bucking his hips in a manner that caused Nemuri's jaw to tremble as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She wasn't lacking in experience before meeting Izuku, but every time she had sex with him, it somehow felt even better than the last. She felt it was a shame she couldn't have him entirely to herself, but if she had, Nemuri didn't need an overactive imagination to know she would 'break' and become a veritable slave to his cock...

"That's...where you're wrong..." replied Nemuri, panting heavily as she stared at the ceiling with illusory hearts in her eyes, adding, "Even if you travel to the ends of the Earth...hide away in a breach...or journey to the farthest reaches of the universe...I will follow and ride you to the highest Heavens..."

"And I will fuck you even further beyond..." expressed Izuku, grinning as his words caused a sensual chuckle to emanate from Nemuri's throat. He was clearly making a play on their school's motto, Plus Ultra, but since UA was fast becoming Izuku's castle, to the point Nezu had floated the idea of adding as many members of the student body as possible to his Party, Nemuri found it rather fitting...




(A/N: People really can be tremendous dicks when they have the guise of the 'masses' and 'anonymity' to hide behind.)



If a sex chapter is a lemon, then what's a plot chapter? An orange? So what is this? A yellorange? Orellow? I'm confused


I've already given you your daily Moe reminder for my time zone, but since I don't know what yours is, here is is. Moe (second) best girl.


Gotta love midnight!! She needs more loving for everything she does for him and the girls


I hope he gets nejire hado in his harem